Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(32)

“Please. Benz, please.” I needed release.

“Like this?” he said and it wasn’t really a question.

He slid in and nearly out and what he’d set on fire was unleashed. I came apart with him and this time did wonder if the other hotel tenants would be calling the front desk, concerned.

It was the best time, maybe the last time, the sweetest time with Benz.

“How is it that each time is totally new?” I asked him.

“I just love watching you and knowing I made you feel that way.” He squeezed me tight.

We laid in each other’s arms for a while. I knew it was getting close to the time he’d have to go.

“Look, this is all going to be over soon.”

“I know. Just be careful. Tell them what you have to tell them to come back here to me.”

“I will.” We kissed again.

“Stay right here, just like this. It will be much less work for me to undress you when I get back.”

“Right.” I laughed, but I was worried.

“One more thing. Don’t leave here until then. I told you. It’s not safe until the word gets out again from The Saints that you’re not to be touched.”

“Got it.” He kissed me again and I watched as he got dressed. Jeans, t-shirt, leather, and boots.

He looked more like a cowboy from the Old West sometimes than a biker from an MC.

Part of me wanted to go with him. But he told me only members of the MC were allowed in Church. He said even Mama Bear wasn’t allowed – and she went everywhere.

“I love you, Jen,” he said as he kissed me goodbye.

“I love you, Benz.” He smiled. The man didn’t smile much, but when he did it was fucking spectacular. I wondered what else made him smile. I wondered if I’d ever know.

He left my room and I waited. I heard him fire up his bike. As the sound faded into the distance, I stayed in bed for a while. His smell was on the pillow now. I inhaled.

I hoped we’d have time to figure all of that out when he got back. I didn’t know what it meant, being with him. But I did know I wanted to try and find out.

I didn’t have to turn into Charlene, that tough old broad who’d greeted us at the house, to be an old lady to Benz. Did I?

I wondered about that Mama Bear who he had talked about. Was she someone who could show me what it was like to be in love with a Dark Saint?

The idea that I’d even consider this would tear my Grandmother apart. But she was dead and gone.

As far as she knew, I hated The Saints. She went to her grave believing that. And in some ways, I still did. But I knew them better now… some of them anyway.

The other part, my Daddy. Maybe he wasn’t killed by The Dark Saints after all.

Benz’s Daddy was still the man who did it though. I didn’t know how to reconcile what I knew from the past with what I had discovered with Benz. Was I betraying Daddy and the Texas Rangers by wanting to be with him?

I had a lot to sort out.

One of those things was at the Port Azrael Police station.

I knew Benz wanted me to stay in the bed where he left me. I knew he wanted me to hide.

But I was done hiding. Plus, where I wanted to go was safe as it could get.

I showered and got dressed. It was time to talk to Detective Art Jennings and find out if everything I’d learned about The Dark Saints and their role in Port Az was true.

It was time to find out if I’d helped stop a drug deal and what role the police had played in it.

It was time to get the real story from Art Jennings. He might want to kill me too, but he wasn’t going to do it in the middle of the Port Az Police station.



Church. I’d been to these votes too many times to count. It was how we kept The Dark Saints running.

We all had tempers. We all had opinions. We all had blood, sweat, and tears in this MC. And we all wanted it to go on.

We all put the club before ourselves.

So this was going to be an uphill battle for me. They were going to think that I was thinking with my cock. E.Z. had said as much. They were going to believe that a narc had head fucked me.

I knew it. But Jen Guffy’s connection with the cops was hopefully what would save her.

I walked into the club and there were the family faces. Axle, Zig, Shep; they were my crew. I headed toward the board room and they followed me. I was one-hundred percent certain that The Saints I came up with would be in my camp. Kade had let me know who stood where and I was feeling okay about that. But it was Bear and E.Z. They could fuck up a man’s life with the pound of a gavel.

I had a seat at the table as the Sergeant at Arms. Kade was already in there. His lower lip was cut from where I’d hit him. He nodded to me, but didn’t greet me with the chest bump of brothers. Kade had helped me get Jen out, and if I could help it, no one would know that.

If they thought I was a traitor that was one thing. I didn’t want to bring anyone else down with me.

Finally Bear walked in. He was named right. The word burley was invented to describe him. He was never a warm fuzzy type, but he protected me. He took me in when my fuck up father tried to destroy the club. He never held it against me that Kenny Bass had acted in the name of The Saints even though he never had the patch.

“Alright. We all here?” he said. And we were all present and accounted for, enough for a vote anyway. We were crowded in, but we fit.

Jayne Blue's Books