Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(28)

It was what I was afraid of. Bear was persuasive, gruff, and hot tempered.

I loved him, but I also knew he made rash decisions. He did what he did to protect the club, but also his ego and his authority.

All this I knew, but I also saw now, that sometimes, rash decisions could lead to trouble in the bigger picture.

“And Bo?”

Bear had ordered Bo to disappear for a while. It was right. The cops had seen Bo and while we had an agreement with them, having Bo walk around Port Az right now was stupid.


“Kade, I need a vote.”

“Man, you know that to bring something to a vote, you need Bear, and if Bear doesn’t, then two members need to bring it to Church. You know this shit.”

“I can’t come back unless I’m going to come in for a vote.”

“Look, you got me. I saw. I don’t want you to kill that girl.”

“Girl? She’s a cop, sort of. Who in their fucking right mind thinks that killing her would be good for The Saints?”

“Well, maybe you won’t be a Saint if you don’t.”

That was a truth that punched me in the gut.

“Look. Let me work on it. Stay out of Bear’s way if you can. And sorry about the punch to the face.”

“Ah, it’s nothing. You’re getting soft.”

“Fuck off,” I said.

Kade was on my side. He was almost in it as deep as me, but thanks to the punch he at least had a cover story with Bear.

Fucking Bear. He was on a rampage against me. I had seen it before. Bear was ruthless; it was how The Saints survived and thrived. It was how we kept shit tight in Port Az. But right now it was directed at Jen and me.

I knew I had to get a vote to the table. But that wasn’t enough. I had to get a few members on my side for when that vote went down. Bear would have to back down if the club decided it. I was after some unanimous support to save my ass and my reputation in The Dark Saints.

Right now, all the club knew was what Bear was telling them.

I had to give them more. I had to make my case before the vote, or I’d be out at The Saints, and both of us would be on Bear’s list.

I needed an officer. I needed someone bigger than Kade on my side.

I needed E.Z. If anyone was going to defy Bear with me, it was E.Z. He was the Veep.

He fought with Bear, he came up with Bear, and he was almost as feared as Bear. If I could make him see that we had to have a vote and it had to come out my way, maybe I had a chance.

The problem with that plan? E.Z. didn’t do cell phones.

E.Z. lived on a spread just outside of Port Az. We’d traveled miles and miles to get away.

But we’d need to go back.

I needed to get to E.Z. and I needed to be sure none of the club knew I was going to do it.

Jen came out of the shower with a towel around her.

If my resolve wavered at all in my plan to force a vote on this, the sight of Jen rectified that. She’d moved every other thing in my life to the periphery. In the space of a few days, she’d become the focus of my world.

I couldn’t have imagined a scenario where I’d lie to the club, defy the Prez, or lobby E.Z. on something. But I was willing to do it all for her.

When this shit happens, it’s not logical, it’s not smart, and it’s not in any plan you recognize. I supposed I’d seen that with Axle and his new old lady.

And I’d seen it with Bear and Mama Bear. I could try to get to her, but that would be harder than trying to get to E.Z.

Jen walked over to me. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her to me.

I kissed her mouth, and she was instantly ready for me, wanting what I gave her.

No woman had ever been this responsive. No woman had ever turned my guts inside out like this. But she did. So, fuck it: I was probably going to get myself killed over her.

I slid the towel a little lower. Her gorgeous fucking tits were just under the terry cloth. I knew the towel had to be a little rough. I also knew she liked it a little rough. The alley came to mind.

I slid the towel off her and looked at her. She was pure gorgeous to me. Her hair was wet and water dripped a tiny river down her shoulder. I put my tongue there and tasted her clean skin. It was sweet. Fresh.

I pulled her forward and she straddled my lap. Feeling her naked against me was the only drug I’d ever need. She sighed. Man, those noises she made did me in as much as her fucking body did. I wanted to take this slow.

But I’d been about as much of a Boy Scout as I could be with her this morning. I needed more.

I needed to brand her as mine. I didn’t want her to have a single fucking doubt about that. Soft and sweet was nice. I wasn’t nice.

I stood up and she wrapped her legs around me, tight as a vice. In one motion, I had her up against the door of the cabin. I held her there with my body and freed myself.

I was like a goddamn piston. She was open wide for me, and there wasn’t a damn thing that was going to stop either one of us.

“Benz!” she said and I felt her in ways I hadn’t on the floor, or in the alley.

I drove up and stroked her with my cock in ways I knew no Boy Scout had ever done.

Up to now, I’d waited for her. I’d slowed down to make sure she was fine and satisfied. This time I was selfish. I pulled pushed harder and her legs opened further to me.

“Oh my God. Oh my God.” She said it over and over. I knew that taking what I wanted in the way I wanted was what she needed too.

Jayne Blue's Books