Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(24)

“What are you doing? Where are we going?” I asked Benz as we sped into the darkness.

“I’m saving your ass, even though you were willing to fry mine,” Benz yelled over his shoulder.

I had no idea what was coming next or where he was driving us.

He was saving me. Or at least it seemed that way.

The man I’d been so quick to turn into the cops was helping me. I honestly didn’t know why or if he’d change his mind on the dime. But I realized I’d bungled my way into a mess.

But maybe, just maybe, I’d also found the one good man in The Dark Saints. Benz was not who I thought and he was not his father’s son.

I hoped that meant I was going to figure my way out of this alive.

We rode into the night and didn’t stop. I held on. Benz was defying his club. I didn’t know what that meant. I didn’t know if a person could come back from that.

The amount of shit I didn’t know had nearly gotten me killed and I wasn’t going to make that mistake again.



This was territory I’d never been in before. But the minute Bear told me to kill Jen, something snapped. There was no way I could hurt her.

The lying bitch had fucked up my entire life.

And I still wanted her.

The idea of me or anyone else hurting her made me physically ill. I didn’t know if it was that way with love or… what the fuck? I just knew it wasn’t happening. And I knew I had to get her out of there.

Beyond me just not being able to do it, there was also the bonehead idea that killing a cop, or whatever she was, would blowback on my club in a major way.

Bear was wrong when he thought killing Jen was a solution to the current problem.

I’d brought up the idea of a vote. I knew if the other members heard me out, they’d see that killing Jen wasn’t the answer. That cop killing would bring hellfire down on the club.

But Bear wasn’t having it. He didn’t see her as anything but a complication that had fucked up his Bear Trap.

I’d questioned his orders. I did that after I’d also fucked up a deal that he’d carefully structured.

Bear wasn’t patient with dissent and Bear did not like surprises.

He was looking to end a bad night quickly. And he was testing my loyalty.

And my loyalty snapped. That test I’d aced a million times before I was now failing on an epic scale.

I felt Jen holding on behind me. I wanted to tell her she was safe. But it wasn’t wise. If I didn’t straighten this out, she wasn’t safe.

Bear could get this done without me. I had to buy us time.

Kade knew exactly why I’d hit him. He could go in and tell Bear I was off the rails and mean it.

I ran through the available options. Maybe Mama Bear could calm the situation down. But, when threatened, I’d seen her protect her man and the club with the brutal efficiency of the toughest of The Saints. Was she my enemy on this or a friend?

I didn’t know. This was new territory for me in every way.

I’d never defied Bear or the club. My only hope was that it hadn’t gone to a vote. Yes, I had made a move against Bear, but not the whole MC.

Of course, if I’d seen anyone defy Bear, I’d do what was needed to take them down. I could expect the same from my brothers. Nowhere near Port Azrael was safe for either of us right now.

Jen held on as we rode for nearly two hours. I had a destination in mind. A campground I’d bugged out to before. Only Axle knew that I’d come to this place. I prayed Axle had forgotten about it.

Bo would be on the road, too. That would be another issue that slowed everyone down in pursuing me. Maybe.

I hoped they were worried about Bo first and me second, but I had no way to know.

The campground was the kind where you plugged in an RV or could rent a one room cabin. I didn’t have an RV on hand, so cabin it was.

But I wouldn’t be renting tonight. I’d be crashing.

I knew from experience that the desk clerk was gone overnight. We’d be out of here in a day, two tops.

I drove in a circle around the lake that served as the center of the campgrounds.

There was a stretch of sites that looked vacant. There were no RVs or minivans plugged into any of the outlets. This would have to do.

We needed to disappear for a night and this was the best I could think of.

“Come on.”

Jen looked like a wild animal. She had no reason to think this was going to end anyway but with her death.

She looked like she might bolt or scream in that first moment when she climbed off the bike. I decided not to take the chance of either happening. Even if she screamed, I thought we were remote enough for it not to make a difference.

But if she ran? I didn’t want to be chasing her through the woods in the dark.

So I scooped her up and covered her mouth again. She kicked and punched and I took the blows. She was no match for me size wise. She was ferocious, no doubt, but I got her into the cabin and closed the door behind us.

She scrambled to the corner and hunched there warily.

“If you’re going to do it, do it”. She spat the words out at me.

“Do what?”

“What your club ordered. I’m not going anywhere else. I’m done. Kill me now and bury me out there. Whatever.” I realized what I must have looked like to her.

Jayne Blue's Books