Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(29)

I had scared off a woman or two in the past, they couldn’t handle me. I knew that.

Jen looked like an angel to my eyes, but she was into what I was giving her. I felt her hot and tight around me like she was built for me. Or the other way around. I was fine if that was the truth, too.

I swear the fucking door could have come off the hinges. I was out of my head as I exploded into her.

“Yes. God, Benz. YES!” she yelled. I buried my face in her shoulder as I rocked out a climax for both of us that would have got us kicked out of any number of hotels if anyone would have heard it.

It took me a few seconds to realize I probably could have bruised the hell out her.

I immediately felt shitty as hell about that. I lifted her up and away from the door, putting her down on that crappy bed. But at least it was a mattress.

I turned her over to run my hand over her shoulders, her spine, and her beautiful ass. God. I could do it again right then.

“Did I hurt you?”

“You don’t have to ask me that again. I am beyond okay. I can take what you dish out. And more,” she said and I captured her lips in mine. I pressed hard. I knew this would leave her soft, sweet skin, swollen, tender, and sensitive. I wanted that.

“You’re mine, Jen,” I said to her.

“What does that mean?” I spooned in behind her and she slid backward. She was perfectly tucked into my body. Mine sheltering hers. That’s what it meant. That’s where I was supposed to be.

“It means I love you. And it means I’ll protect you. From whoever the fuck wants to hurt you.”

“Your Club wants to hurt me.”

“Over my dead body.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of, too.”

“I have a plan. Here’s what we’re going to do.”

And I laid it out for her. The Club had a code and I’d adhered to it all my life.

Not only that, I’d kicked the ass of any member who broke the code. The only way I was going to keep my brothers and my woman was to work inside the code.

But I also couldn’t risk anyone finding us until I had done everything to ensure she was safe.

“We’re going to ride at night.”

“Ride to where?”

“Back to Port Az.”

I felt her shudder.

She was scared. She should be. But it was the only way to make sure that, if I didn’t do the job, Bear didn’t send another Saint to do it.



When Benz said I was his, I felt something deep in my chest. It was right and wrong at the same time.

How could I be his when my life had been devoted, up to then, to destroying what he loved?

My Daddy was still dead and his Daddy was the reason. I was a traitor to my family with every kiss. But I couldn’t stop him. I wanted more of him the more I had.

Was this weakness? Was this insanity? I’d never seen two people in love, really, in my life. I didn’t know what it looked like. And this felt like more than love. It felt like a fever that consumed my entire body when I was with him.

Being cradled by his body made me feel safe. But we weren’t safe.

“So, what’s your plan?”

“I’m going to go to E.Z. and convince him to call for a vote.”


“I only need two people to bring it to the table. I’ve got Kade on my side. Probably Zig too. Bo’s out of the picture – he’s got to stay away.”

“Because of me.”

“Yeah, well, it is what it is.”

“Who’s E.Z.?”

“He’s the Veep. Vice President.”

“Okay, so call him.”

“Gotta go to him, that’s why we’re headed back to Port Az. Well, just outside of it.”


“I think we need to go tonight. I don’t want any eyes on us and that’s our best bet. E.Z. will be home late. He stays at the MC and when things wind down, he heads to his place. That’s where we’re headed.”

“Is he usually on your side, E.Z.?”

“Fuck no. But he’s against Bear half the time. He’s willing to go toe to toe. If I have him and Kade to start, I can make the case on why killing you is a stupid fucking idea.”

“Bear will see reason, he has to.”

“Yep.” Benz pressed me tight to his body. I was still reeling from what he’d done to me up against the door. He was a beast, a wild animal, and I didn’t know that was exactly what I wanted in my life until I got it.

Nothing was going to be as good as being with Benz. He’d told me I was his. And that he loved me even. I loved him too.


“Yeah, babe.”

“I love you.”

He gently kissed me on the shoulder blades. They were feeling a little tender. Even still, his mouth on my skin was what I wanted.

We had a few hours before we had to hit the road. I knew in my head that these were our last few hours. I wasn’t going to let him or men I didn’t even know decide if I lived or died.

Even if that meant leaving Benz. I loved him. I was his. He was right about that. I trusted him. But I wasn’t going to let him hold my fate in his hands. Trusting him with my life was one thing. The Dark Saints? Not fucking likely.

Jayne Blue's Books