Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(26)



I lurched forward into Benz’s arms. The idea that he’d defied the only family he’d ever known to save me was profound.

He’d made a sacrifice in an instant, without hesitation. And he’d done it after discovering I had lied to him.

My world shifted on its axis at that moment. I had everyone categorized as a good guy or bad guy. The Dark Saints were bad and I was good.

Except it was all wrong.

I felt stupid and na?ve. I’d seen this man basically burn his own house down around him for me.

I put his face in my hands and looked into his eyes. There was pain there. He’d seen so much more than I had. He’d done so much more. We were connected by violence in our past, but tenderness when we were together.

He was a beautiful soul and I had almost missed it.

I kissed his brow.

“Thank you.” It was a whisper.

I brushed his hair through my hand and sat on his lap. It was like I was really looking at him for the first time. Really touching him. The tough exterior. The violent life. It had shielded me from the man. And I wanted the man.

I felt starved for him. I couldn’t stop kissing him. I had to touch all of him.

“You don’t have to...”

“Shh. I have to love you,” I said and the word love came out easily.

“Thank God,” he said and he pressed his lips to mine.

It was a slow deep kiss that was a shadow of the hot as hell kisses we’d shared. I wanted the kiss to go on and on, and it did, in its way.

I pushed his leather away and he pulled my shirt over my head. I wanted nothing between us. I wanted everything he had.

Benz slid the straps of my bra down and raked his fingers over my nipples. Then his mouth trapped one and teased it with his tongue. He reached behind me and unhooked my bra. It was so good being so free. Benz used his mouth and his hands to torture my sensitive nipples.

We were on the floor and I didn’t care; we could have been on the moon for all I knew. A flurry of kisses and hands and I was bared to him.

He cradled me in his arms and let his mouth run from my neck to my belly. I wrapped my body around his. I was desperate to be closer.

I put my hands on his chest and marveled at it. His body was all hard edges and heat. My skin against his produced a chemical reaction. It sent my blood racing and put me in the moment like nothing ever had in my life. There was no MC. There was no family history to avenge. There was no worry about proving myself.

It was only Benz’s hands on my body, his lips on my lips. It was so right that it seemed more real than anything else that came before it.

“Benz, make love to me.”

“Yes, baby.” He kissed me again and it took my breath away. He leaned me back and hovered over me for a moment.

“I can’t go back after this. This is different,” he said.

“I know.” And I did know.

Something was happening between us that was more than a hookup. It was more than the wild sex we’d had before. We were opening to each other and connecting on a level that was new.

He wasn’t just fucking me, nor I him, and he gave me a second to understand it. He gave me a heartbeat or two to accept or reject it.

I’d been confused, afraid, and convinced of things in rapid succession since I’d come to Port Az. But with Benz, there was clarity. Beautiful clarity in how we made each other feel.

Slowly I felt his hard sex at mine.

I was so open and ready it was almost too much to hold onto. I pushed my bone to his bone, my heat to his heat, and I gasped.

“SO good,” he whispered in my ear. He was feeling this too.

“Yes,” I said.

His rhythm was slow and, with each stroke, I felt a tension build in me that needed release. He took me to the edge and then pulled me back, over and over.

I held on to him with my whole body. I gripped his powerful back. I reveled in the sensation. His pace quickened and the seductive attention, the control he’d lavished on me, started to unhinge.

His own body was getting from me what I was getting from him. I was slammed to the floor harder each time and I felt a powerful release ignite from my toes up through my core.

I screamed, “Benz!”

He felt me hitting the peak of pleasure, and he drove into me over and over.

Benz made a guttural sound that was part agony, part animal. His orgasm rocked me again and I felt another crest with him.

He held me so tightly, for a moment I couldn’t see or breathe. We undulated together, slowly, in a glow of something primal.

I didn’t want to break the spell. But I had to gasp for air.

“Here, here.” He flipped us like he’d done before and I was now on his chest. I took in a breath of air. I was amazed at being able to breathe. That I was here still, alive, and it was because he’d sacrificed something dear to him.

I closed my eyes.

“Wow.” That was all I could come up with.

“No one’s going to lay a hand on you. That’s my promise. No one,” he declared and I felt him shower kisses on the top of my head. He stroked my arms with his fingers.

“Benz. You went against your brothers for me. I don’t understand all of what that means. I don’t really understand your club. I thought one thing, but it was something else. I just want you to know that I do know you’re sacrificing for me. And I just…”

Jayne Blue's Books