Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(31)

But Benz stayed still and E.Z. narrowed his eyes. It was the closest he’d get to flinching. He lowered the barrel and I took a breath.

“You’re Bear’s boy. You always take his side at the table.”

“Yeah? Well, Bear’s wrong this time and he didn’t bring it to the table.”

“Why should I?”

“It’s going to a vote at Church. No question, Bear’s order to kill her will bring hellfire down on the club.”

“Just because you’re thinking with your cock doesn’t mean Bear’s wrong.”

“She’s a cop, she’s the daughter of a cop. Does killing her seem like a good idea for the club?”

“Only if they find the body.” E.Z. looked at me again, making sure I’d heard that.

“You support me at Church and I owe you one,” Benz stated.

“Is that worth it to you?” E.Z. looked at me again when he said “that”– I hated this guy more with every passing second.

“She is. But that’s not why I’m going to keep her alive. You know I’m right. Bear is out of control.”

“That he may be. I’ll call for a vote. Church is tomorrow. I’d get the fuck out of here and out of sight till then.”

“See you at Church,” Benz said and he turned around, keeping me in front of him. He pointed to the dirt driveway again. Neither of us said a word as we made it back to his bike.

“You owe him? What will that mean?”

“It won’t be good, but we got what we want. Bear will have to bring this to the table. We will vote on it and we’ll be off the hook on this shit,” Benz said, handing me the helmet.

“I thought he might shoot you… I saw myself killing him,” I confessed to Benz.

“Yeah, doll? I’d have been okay with that. He is right about something though, and that’s getting you out of sight.”

“You still think others want to kill me, besides you and the club?” I was so unclear on the ways I’d stepped in shit with this town and this club.

“A lot of people want to get in good with The Dark Saints. Word’s out that you’re supposed to be dead. So, they’d do it just to get in good with us.”

“This is the most fucked up town I’ve ever been in.”

“That’s the truth.” He gunned the engine and I held on again.

This time I focused on Benz and Benz only. He had stared down his Veep, defied his Prez, and he had one more argument to make.

All for me.

We drove a few miles and there it was, Port Az. We crossed the bridge into town and we were back.

Benz kept going until we got to the hotel I’d been calling home. He parked his bike around back and walked into the room first.

“I just want to be sure,” he said, as he looked the room up and down.

“If someone is hiding in here, they’re really tiny,” I said and plopped down on the bed.

It was sad, this little hotel room. I’d given it zero thought. I’d lived here for a few weeks, and it was just the place I crashed after my feverish machinations for getting in with The Saints.

I had gotten farther in than I wanted. I had learned more than I knew what to do with.

Benz seemed satisfied that the room was safe and closed the door.

“Baby, come here.” I did exactly that.

He had a couple of hours until Church. We were both exhausted and wired at the same time, but when we were alone, when he told me to come here, I felt my insides melt.

All the moments I’d spend in his arms, since the first moment when I crashed into him, were more vivid than anything else in my life.

My father’s light had faded from me when I was young, and my grandmother's stories were burnt and bitter.

This time with Benz was mine. It wasn’t the history of Port Azrael or the Texas Rangers or the things that I thought I wanted to know about. It was new and exciting and everything.

He enveloped me. I reached up on my tip toes and kissed him. He put his hands on my face and then pulled back a little to look at me.

“What?” I was still getting used to what it felt like to have someone just soak you in. It was like he wanted to memorize my face, just like I had wanted to memorize the cabin.

“Just thinking how lucky I am.” He leaned down and kissed me again. Benz lay me down on the bed and the silly camp clothes he’d got for me were quickly discarded.

I ran my hands up under his t-shirt and felt his chest. He had me naked again, underneath him. This time the wildness was replaced with tenderness. Every time I looked, I found his eyes open as he touched my skin. He traced along the side of my breast and then leaned over to put them in his mouth.

The slow torture drove me almost crazier than the frenzy I’d felt up against the cabin wall.

“I need you inside me,” I said, and it was so.

We moved together slowly. The intensity built along with the heat. Delicious tension rose between us to a point where I could no longer wait.

“Right there, baby.” Benz was still.

He was inside me, he filled me, but he stilled his hips and mine. I wanted more than anything to move. I wanted to make him move.

We stayed suspended in time like that for several seconds. It seemed like forever. But I couldn’t wait any longer.

Jayne Blue's Books