Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(22)

“So, I’ll get full credit. That’s gotta look good on my record.”

“What’s going to also be on your record is that you recklessly endangered your life by ignoring procedure and coming out here on your own.” Detective Janning’s face was red and I could see from our hiding place that he was seriously pissed.

It was true. This could have been a worst case scenario for everyone involved.

“Get ‘em booked. We’ll talk later. I’m going to get a camera on the scene. And you’re going to do every single thing from this second on by the book.” Peck walked out looking chastised and confused and a little proud all at the same time.

He’d collared two suspected drug traffickers and had his ass chewed in the space of fifteen minutes.

We stayed put. Detective Janning looked around, but not too closely. If he saw us, he didn’t let on. But then, into the air, he gave us a clear message: “This was not how it was supposed to go down. I expect a call.”

That was all he said and he was right.

And Bear would be calling.

Sorting this out was going to be an ugly bit of business.

Detective Janning left the scene without taking photos or, as far as I could see, any additional evidence. He had two traffickers to book and Peck to school.

He had a good idea we were there and he had given us a window to get out.

And then there was Jen.

“Let’s go out the back,” I said to Bo and he followed me. I kept a tight grip on Jen.

“You’re going to need to stay quiet. I’m going to do everything I can for you, but don’t make it harder for me to do that,” I whispered into her ear. I had no idea how I was going to do it either.

We got around back and Kade was there.

“Bear is going to be pissed. SO pissed. Hey, isn’t this the– ” Kade had recognized Jen from the first day I met her.

“Yeah, the librarian,” I answered and put her on the back of my bike. “Hang on. We’re going for a ride.” I spit the words out. I was so pissed at her. She could have gotten herself killed. She could have gotten my brothers killed.

I dreaded the meeting we were about to have.

I’d brought this on us and I really wasn’t sure how it had all happened. I hadn’t the slightest clue that Jen was waiting to sell me out. I had missed it completely.

I was going to get nothing but shit for this. And I deserved it.

Kade, Bo, and I rode to the MC. Jen held on behind me.

The damn woman still affected me.

I wanted to protect her from what was about to happen, and at the same time, I wanted to wring her neck.



“You’re going to need to stay quiet. I’m going to do everything I can for you, but don’t make it harder for me to do that.”

Peck had busted two of them. I felt satisfied as hell about that. That was good work on both our parts. Except…

They weren’t The Dark Saints. At least I didn’t think so. The Saints were the three that had me. The Saints were in the shadows of this deal and I’d thought they were the leads.

And just like my Grandmother said, The Saints got off scot-free. And they had me by the throat.

Benz warned me to be quiet and I couldn’t see any other play. They could easily snap my neck. They all looked like they wanted to. Benz was furious.

I’d underestimated exactly what that would look like. It was terrifying and way beyond my ability to handle.

Bo. He was the one I’d tripped. I felt a knot swelling up on my head. I’d hit it on the cement when I’d grabbed for Bo’s ankles and tried to tie up his legs to prevent him from running.

He was almost as tall as Benz, but wider. If he had chosen to punch me, my face would have caved in. I had no doubt about that.

Then there was Kade. He was darker than Benz and Bo. He brought up the rear of the three-Harley parade headed to the MC.

I was dead. There really couldn’t be any other outcome.

They all had stone faces.

As we rode to the MC, my mind raced.

How would I escape? Could I escape? Why didn’t I just ask for a sidearm from Peck? I should have. Shit.

I consoled myself that he’d collared two drug deals. That was something. It was the only thing that had gone right.

But it wasn’t what I was after. I was after The Dark Saints and now they had me.

Was Benz going to help me? He’d warned me to stay quiet. He said he was going to do everything he could for me. Did that just mean making sure I died quickly?

What the fuck had I been thinking?

Going for Bo’s legs like that. I should have stayed hidden! At least then I’d have had a chance to get out of there. But no. I just had to join in. I had to try to get at least one of The Saints in handcuffs.

The ride didn’t take long. In fact, it was too short. Each mile closer to The Saints and this Bear person they had talked about also meant a minute closer to something very bad for me. Were these my last minutes alive? I thought about my Daddy. Had he seen his death coming?

In my present state, I decided not seeing it coming might be better than this dread and panic swirling in my chest.

We pulled into The Saints’ compound. At least it looked like a compound to me, from what I could see in the dark. They cut the engines to their Harleys. The quiet was terrible.

Jayne Blue's Books