Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(18)

“Well, it’s a day-to-day thing. Bear knows I could bolt at any time.”

“But you don’t.”

“I don’t. Bear and I, well, I’m shit without him. That’s just all there is to it.” She relayed that as a statement of fact that she wasn’t all that happy about.

“I’m sure it’s the same for him.”

“It’s worse for him.” She winked at me.

“No doubt.”

“Maybe that’s why I stay. And you guys. I couldn’t let you raise yourselves. So tell me about this non-groupie you chased away?”

“Get this, she’s a librarian.” Mama Bear laughed at that one. I knew she would.

“Well, I wouldn’t have figured you for the librarian type, but love is totally random isn’t it?”

“Love? Not sure about that one, but there was something different about her. Looks like I won’t be getting a chance to find out. Never saw a VW take off so fast.” Mama Bear’s eyes got serious and she lowered her glasses.

“You’re a good man Benz. You came from a shitty start. That’s true. But you’re not Kenny Bass. You’re not Kenny by a mile. I knew Kenny a little. He was weak, stupid, and jealous. You’re the opposite. This librarian has half a brain, she’ll be back.”

“Thanks, Mama.” I walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I’d come to get some support from my Brothers, but it was Mama Bear who got my head on straight.

I’d heard it before. My shit of a Dad tried to get into The Saints, but he couldn’t even make it as a probie. He was impatient, greedy, and had stupid ideas all the time.

The bank robbery was the stupid idea that got him killed.

And I didn’t spend even a minute crying about it. Neither did any member of The Dark Saints.

Kenny Bass got what he deserved.

I hadn’t thought about any of this shit for any length of time in years.

One night with Jen Guffy and I’d turned into a pussy.

Fuck that. I needed to toughen back up.

I had to get ready for tonight.

I had a drug deal to babysit.

I was going to be sure no one messed with it.

It was quite literally a bear trap and, if it worked, The Saints would lure who we needed to and stop the heroin trade from gripping our town like it was everywhere else in the U.S.

I headed to the front of the club. I was feeling more settled. I needed to get a few things ready for tonight.

“Hey, brother, headed to town?” Kade emerged from one of the bedrooms. He’d hooked up last night. I could see around the door that it was probably Jackie or one of her friends. They were good for a night, but that was about it.

That used to be all I needed.

Damn that woman.

“I am. Want to ride in with me?”

“Yep, let me get my shit.”

I heard some complaining coming from Jackie. But Kade ignored it and walked out.

“Toby, make sure Jackie gets home in a few hours.” A probie’s job was never done.

“Got it, Kade,” Toby said. I suppose transporting slightly drunk women was a step up from cleaning up after Rufus. Rufus was the club mutt, and he was slightly higher on the food chain that the probies. Some days I was sure Rufus was higher on the food chain than me.

“You get the details from Bear on what we’re doing?” Kade asked as we walked to our bikes.

“Yep, should be pretty straight forward.”

“It’s going to be hard not bashing their faces in, but yeah, let them think they’re dealing in Port Az.”

“Yep, fish in a barrel.”

I was glad I’d come to the club. As usual, it got my head on straight and reminded me of who and what was important in my life.



“Look, here’s what I heard. It’s going to be tonight at nine at the warehouse next to the pier. Pier three.”

“Right. And you know this because?”

I had done some soul searching after leaving Benz’s apartment. I had come here to put The Dark Saints away, and I had a perfect opportunity.

Not because I had done any great police work, but because I was in Benz’s bed at the right time. My face still flushed hot to think about it. And I started to tell myself that sleeping with him was part of the plan. I could tell myself I was like James Bond or something. It was all about getting information.

I rationalized it. I had been caught up in the moment. But why not? Why not enjoy what Benz had to offer? Most women would? Wouldn’t they? He was a Greek God on a bike. He was a leather clad Adonis and he was very fucking good at fucking.

I was a novice on every level, and I had got swept away. But it didn’t mean anything.

I had no doubt that I was just one of the many women who he’d slept with and there was no reason to think I was special or that what we did was.

All these rationales put me in the Port Azrael Police Department with the information that I’d learned.

Sure, I could go to the warehouse by myself with no backup and hope for the best. But if I’d learned one thing in the last twenty-four hours, it was that I didn’t know anything.

Being in the academy and having my degree didn’t mean I was any good at being undercover. I’d been surprised by every aspect, and at every turn, since I’d arrived in Port Azrael. The cake topper being the fact that I’d slept with the son of Kenny Bass. That part was the worst. That part made me so angry with myself that I could barely stand it.

Jayne Blue's Books