Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(14)

So I did something stupid, reckless, and wild. He had challenged me with his look, his walk, and his body. And I accepted it.

I leaned forward and took his lower lip in mine and bit down. Not hard, just a tug, and then I sucked it into my mouth. Then I leaned back.

“That’s right, Benz. You’re not the only rough one.” I gave him my best stare. The one I’d used in the academy, the one I’d used when I meant business. I gave him the flinty look I’d inherited from generations before me.

“You got no idea, Guffy. Turn around.” Before I could move, he'd moved me, flipped me around. I was dizzy. My cheek was pressed against the wall and I felt his hands all over me. I braced myself and could hardly stand to wait for what I had fantasized about to be real.

This was happening. What the hell had I done?

He pushed up the skirt of my dress and pushed aside my panties. I felt his hands on my ass and I leaned back. His leather pants were hard against my bare skin. What had I unleashed?

I leaned back into him. I was frantic, desperate for him to do more, take more. I had never felt this unhinged around a man in my life.

He reached around and freed both my breasts from the top of my dress.

Anyone could have walked by at any time and I didn’t care. I felt my core clench and somehow reach for him, but I couldn’t move my hands from the wall. It was the only thing keeping me upright. Benz grabbed both of my hips in his big hands and he was there. Right there. I gasped at the size, the sensation.

I heard him make some sort of growling noise and I swear he’d gone part animal. Each thrust had me nearly screaming and nearly coming. It was a frenzy and I was caught up in it.

“Go,” he said to me, as if I’d had a choice not to. An explosive orgasm ripped through my body in tight waves, with Benz like a piston behind me. I felt him go over the edge right after me. I could no longer see anything but white spots in front of my eyes. He’d taken me somewhere so fast and hard I could barely keep up.

“What was that?” I didn’t really know, other than that it felt incredible, wild, and over way too fast. I needed more from Benz. I wanted more from him right then. He smoothed my skirt down and turned me around. As rough as we’d just been, now he was gentle. He took off his leather and put it over my now nearly shredded dress.

I leaned up and kissed him. I’d drawn blood on his lip. Oh my God.

“I’m sorry. I hurt you,” I whispered. He lifted me up and kissed me hard.

“I’ll live,” he murmured and kissed me again. “You feel incredible.”

He felt incredible too: hard, brutal, and perfect. I’d never even imagined what this type of man would be like and here I was, still reeling from what it felt like to have him take me up against this wall. I’d started it with my bite and he’d finished in a way I didn’t know was coming. But I wanted again.

“I, uh– ” I looked down at myself, hoping to recognize something of who I was. Hoping to find a semblance of something familiar. But from the moment I had walked into Port Azrael, my life was changing in ways I hadn’t predicted.

“Come on, we’re a few steps away from my place.”

Benz took my hand and we literally did walk just a few steps to his building.

He was on the third floor. It looked like he had the entire floor to himself. His apartment was huge and surprisingly gorgeous. He had a wall of windows at the back that faced out to the water. On the one side, we were nearly in Downtown Port Azrael, and on the other, a resort.

It was unexpected. In my mind, he lived on his bike or something.

I guess I hadn’t even gotten that far.

He closed the door behind us and without planning it or thinking about it, I was in his arms again.



I hadn’t meant to take her that way, but when she touched me, it was a train out of control. Her body responded to my hands like no woman’s I’d ever touched. The woman was made for me at that moment and I wasn’t going to let the moment go. Who gave a shit that we were in an alley?

When I closed the door to my apartment, it happened again. No talking. No negotiation. Just her in front of me, in my arms. I had to get her naked this time. I couldn’t wait.

We were locked at the lips and my jacket that had been covering her fell to the floor. I could have ripped her dress off, but I did at least use some restraint there. I found her zipper and that was all it took. She was standing in my apartment now, in only the barely there panties I’d already nearly shredded.

“God, I have to look at you for a second.” It was true. I wanted to see her. I’d been fantasizing about her since I’d seen her in that yellow dress, but the reality was better than what I’d imagined.

Her breasts were beautiful with deep rose-colored nipples and I bent down and took one in my mouth, then the other. Jenny sighed as I did so. She was as into this as I was. There was no stopping us again. I lifted her up. This time I didn’t want to worry that she was up against a brick wall. She hadn’t said one thing about it, but I wanted her safe, I wanted it soft around her.

She had a wicked tongue, but something about her made me want to protect her. And devour her at the same time. I easily lifted her up and carried her to my bed.

That gorgeous brown hair fanned out around her head and she reached for me.

Jayne Blue's Books