Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(17)

“I just realized I have no idea if Benz is your first name or last name?” I put my lips to his chest. I was playing the part now more than ever.

I knew what he was going to say before it came out of his mouth.

“Ha, well Benz is the name the club gave me. It was the first car I successfully fixed for the MC on my own. My actual name is Benjamin Bass. Sometimes they call me BB, which I hate.”

“Ah, Ben and Jen.” That sounded idiotic. I didn’t trust myself to say anything else. I needed to get out of there. I needed to get away as soon as I could, before my inner hysteria spilled out.

Benjamin Bass. Kenny Bass’s son. I’d just slept with Kenny Bass’s son.

“What’s wrong, Jen?” he said, and I knew I’d begun to pull away from him, no matter how much I was trying to maintain a fa?ade. I wasn’t that good. I didn’t have ice in my veins. I needed that; maybe experienced cops had that? I had plunged into something and I needed out. Now.

“Um, nothing. But, this was crazy. I think I need to get back to my place. I have an early work day tomorrow and I didn’t expect all this.”

“Oh, I see.”

I sat up and looked around. Where the fucking hell were my clothes?

They were everywhere.

“How about I give you a t-shirt? And buy you a new dress before I take you out again.”

I laughed. It sounded strange and strangled.

“Yeah, I guess my outfit is a disaster. Thank you.”

Benz got up and I found my purse. He threw a white t-shirt in my direction. It came to my knees. Jesus, I need out of this mess. I was moving faster and faster.

“I’ll walk you your car.”

“No, no. I can handle it.”

“I insist, no woman of mine is walking back to her car after…”

“Woman of yours? Ha. Whoa. Look, I have to go.” And I literally bolted out of his apartment. I heard him call my name. I took the stairs two at a time. My capacity for lying had reached its limit. My cover, such as it was, was hanging by a thread. My only hope of making a rational decision at this point was getting away.

I found my car and started it as fast as I could.

I had no idea what Benz thought of my speedy escape. I hoped he just thought I’d gotten shy. Or even had second thoughts. I’m sure women did not run out on him.

I had no idea what it said about me that I’d slept with him.

I did have a big idea that I felt more than I was supposed to for the son of the man who had killed my father.

I drove back to my hotel in a blur.

I had what I wanted. A way to bust some Dark Saints.

But I’d never felt so confused in my entire life.



That had to be some kind of land speed record for getting dumped by a woman. I’d had the most incredible night of my life. I thought she did too and then Jen nearly broke the sound barrier getting the fuck out of my place.

I watched her get in her little Bug and drive as fast as the little tin can would take her.

I wondered what I had done wrong. Or maybe it was just the reality that I wasn’t a poster boy for the Chamber of Commerce? Tats, leather, bikes. Maybe I was a bucket list fuck.

I supposed it didn’t help when I answered her questions about my family.

My background was an unholy shit show. I was good for a night, but maybe that was about it when it came to women like Jen Guffy.

The hell of it was I knew there weren’t many women like Jen Guffy out there.

They were rare. I thought about Bear and Mama Bear. How had they figured it out?

Mama Bear tolerated a lot of shit from him, but there must have been some sort of line. He must know where it is. Mama Bear is one of the most high-quality people on the planet, and she stayed with Bear. His blood was Dark Saint through and through.

I couldn’t sleep after she left, so I showered and headed to the club.

I didn’t have to be alone. I wasn’t ready to share my recent spectacular failure at keeping a woman around, but it was good to be at the MC, no matter what was happening in my life.

Kade, Maddox, and Bo were there, in various states of sleep, sex, or sauced, so I didn’t interrupt any of them. Axle was nowhere to be found. Now that he was a married man, finding him at 3 a.m. at the clubhouse was a rarity.

I was restless. I wandered back to Bear’s office and there was Mama. She was a night owl. Sometimes she stayed in their house, but luckily for me, tonight she was here working.

“Pretty late to be so sober and alone there, Benz.” She was looking over club books. Maddox was the club treasurer, but Mama was his back up. I know we had a lot of irons in a lot of fires.

I had no doubt that Mama Bear’s organizational skills kept me paid on time and away from the IRS for my less-than-upstanding activities.

“Yeah, I wasn’t alone up to an hour or so ago, but I chased her off.”

“On purpose?”

“No, total accident. Couldn’t tell you what I did this time.”

“Give me a break. Women fall all over you.”

“Club groupies. I find I have no interest anymore.”

“What is this? Benz is getting deep.”

“How do you and Bear do it? How did he get you?” What I really mean was, how had Bear, who had been in this club as long as anyone, gotten a nurse, a vet for that matter, to come anywhere near him?

Jayne Blue's Books