Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(31)

I hold my hand at Twist’s throat and it’d be so easy to snap it and end this pile of dog shit. It’s not going to happen though.

“Do you see your mistake yet motherf*cker?” I ask pushing the pistol in his mouth farther and to the right so his head snaps to that direction. On the TV now is a video of Twist just finishing his raping of an unconscious Jess.

“After you finished getting your rocks off on the innocent woman you beat into unconsciousness? You called your f*cking partner.” I bring my free hand back and punch him in the gut as hard as I can. His groan is muffled by my gun. I pull it out of his mouth and motion to the boys to let go. He sinks down to the floor.

I slam my foot down on his balls and ground my size twelve steel toes even harder just to make sure I’ve done permanent damage. It doesn’t matter, he’ll never get a chance to use that shit again. I reach down to grab him by the hair of his head and pull so his face is half way up to mine.

“Enjoy the pain motherf*cker, because believe me, it’s just f*cking beginning.”

Then I take the butt of my 45 and knock the f*cker out. Hopefully just enough to make him sleep until we get him moved. I don’t want him dead, not yet anyways.

“Get him to the old meat packing plant on the edge of Skull’s territory. Time we meet up and discuss what the f*ck is going on.” I order Bull.

“Yeah Boss man, about that…” Irish interjected, and I look up waiting.

“Frog called. Your woman and that Dani chick are at the movies in Bridgetown. Skull and his crew are there.” Irish finished and I can feel my blood literally boil.

“It appears he didn’t take your last warning seriously.” Crush says and he had brains enough not to wise crack. He probably knew what a short leash I was on.

“Son of a bitch!” I growl. “Load up!”

Chapter 13


It had been hours since Dragon had left. Dani and I had gone out and done some shopping in the next town over, just to get out of the house. We ended up at a theater. I made the mistake of letting Dani pick the movie and of course we were watching the most horribly overdone freaky ass movie ever. It was about a possessed doll, ‘Annabelle’.

“Seriously Dani, what kind of twisted freak could come up with this in their head?”

“Quit your bitching girl. Your ass made me watch four f*cking hours of Julia Freaking Roberts. Thought I was going to go into barf mode on that last one. I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy, blah, blah, blah.”

I snort. Dani has never and will never be a rom-com kind of girl. Shit her philosophy is love ‘em and leave ‘em before they can screw you over. She has reasons for that though and I understand her. Hell, I’m wondering just how bad the damage with Dragon is going to get. I know it’s coming, but I can’t keep from wishing he was with me, even now.

“Shhh…” the lady behind us said. Seriously, she had been talking on the phone for twenty minutes and she had the nerve to shush me?

“Amante’ Nicole, is that you?” A voice asks from my left, and I know that voice. Oh shit, I just did not have good luck.

The next thing I know the man Dragon called Skull, five other men each with a different woman a couple of them with more than one, come over to where Dani and I are sitting.

“Well f*ck me Nic did you start a freaking harem when we moved?”

I sighed. “No just finding I’m in the wrong place at the wrong time way too much since we moved,” I said honestly.

“Do you people mind? We’re trying to watch a movie here.” Ms. Huffy-phone-woman demands.

“Then watch it bitch.” Some skank (and honestly, that’s what she looked like with her teased out over-dyed blonde hair and fake ass boobs) that was saddled up beside Skull growled.

I push myself down in the seat a little further. “Mamacita does Dragon know you are in my town?”

Dani tilted her head to the side to watch Skull for a minute.

“Your town? Odd, you don’t look like a mayor.” Dani chimes in.

Skull looks over at Dani and in the darkness of the theater I could see the white of his teeth show as he smiles at her. I could admit he had a nice smile, if Dragon hadn’t been in the picture, that smile could have melted me. I look over my shoulder to see what it did to Dani. Oh yeah she was melting.

“Yes well, appearances can be deceiving can they not querida?” Skull asked.

“That’s it, I’m reporting you. I didn’t pay my money to miss the movie!” The woman behind us complains and while she’s most undoubtedly a bitch, she was also right in complaining. I start to apologize but everyone seems to be ignoring her, so I do too. I have enough pots on the fire, as it is.

“To answer your question, Dragon doesn’t really tell me where I can go and where I can’t. No man can or ever will,” I answer easily. I look over at Dani, “I’m going to go get a fresh coke and use the restroom. You want to go?”

“Yeah, sure.” Dani knows what I’m doing; we’re good at non-verbal communication. I don’t know Skull’s damage, but I wasn’t about to get in the middle of it either.

I start to get up when Skull sits down in the seat beside me, lays his legs out across the top of the seat in front of him and effectively blocks me in.

Jordan Marie's Books