Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(32)

“Excuse me I was going to the restroom.”

“No you weren’t querida. You were ditching me, but I am not ready to let you escape.”

“Dear Lord Nic, can’t you find any normal men?” Dani snorts, turning back to the movie.

“Apparently not,” I say with a defeated sigh.

“Skull baby I thought you and I had plans? Whiny skank pipes up.

The rest of the people with Skull all fell into the row of seats in front of us; it was annoying to watch, but entertaining. They were loud and boisterous, ribbing each other and laughing while annoying every person there. Had I not been desperately trying to think of a way to get away from Skull, I might have enjoyed the show.

Some giant of a man went so far as to pick a woman up and lift her over the top seat into the next isle and place her there. He then did the same to her friend. Skull’s crew now had the whole row to themselves. I almost snort out in laughter at the look the women gave back to the big man. I barely contain myself, when the women go running out of the theater.

Dani has no problem letting it hang out though. She cackles out loudly and throws popcorn at the man in question. He either ignored it or didn’t realize what she did. Dani being Dani of course does it again—this time with a handful and most of it meets its mark. He turns around scowling at her and really he was scarier than anything on the screen. I would have backed down and followed those other women out of the theater. That would be the sane thing to do; not Dani however.

“What’s your name big boy?” She asks as the popcorn bounces on his hair and then falls in front of him.

“Why you askin’,” he grumbles and really it was a grumble. His voice was dark, husky and hoarse. It reminded me of a ten pack a day smoker, or a person who has been sick and doesn’t use their voice because it hurts to talk.

“I want to know whose name I’m calling out tonight,” Dani says with a grin. I hold my head down. I’m used to it of course. My actions in the bar with Dragon were an everyday occurrence to Dani. She made no apologies for it and I admire that. I wish I could be a little more like her at times, of course even thinking that has heat rising in my face.

“That’s Beast,” Skull said helpfully. The big man, Beast apparently, turns back around and ignores Dani.

“You’re shitting me? Well f*ck my ass and pull my hair, I think I’m going to be his Beauty at least for a night or two. Yo! Beast! Turn back around here and let me see those baby blues.”

“They’re brown.” Some man beside Beast joins in.

“Well hell I don’t care, can’t see them anyway, I just want to look at him some more.”

“Is your friend always like this querida?”

I look over at Skull, who has a smile on his face. It’s dark but I can make out his features, barely. I can’t deny he’s a good looking man. Still, he didn’t make my heart rate ramp up like Dragon.

“Pretty much what you see is what you get with Dani.”

“I can appreciate that in people. Can the same be said for you querida?”

“Why are you calling me that, Skull was it?” I ask. He continues to ignore the woman beside him. She huffs her annoyance.

“It is a term of endearment.” He responds, reaching over to get some of my popcorn. Skank woman shoots daggers at me and pounces over into the seats with the rest of Skull’s people. Really? Like this was my fault? Ugh.

“Help your-self,” I grumble as he put his hands in my food. I hate that. I don’t know this guy and I wanted my popcorn dang it.

“I plan on it Mamacita.”

I roll my eyes.

“Give it up Skull you haven’t got any interest here. You’re just trying to one up Dragon.”

“And could I? One up Dragon I mean?”

“Afraid not, I can only handle one man on the crazy train at a time.”

“A pity, but yet you have not seen what I have to offer, perhaps I may yet entice you.”

“You get an A for effort, but don’t bother and save us both some trouble.”

“I think I might be able to surprise you querida.”

I look at him. It’s odd, he’s macho biker looking, but smooth businessman in his talk and that Spanish accent he has? It could make any woman beg and yet, he’s doing nothing for me. I look over to Dani who by this time has climbed into the seat beside Beast and is playing with his shoulder length hair. The fact that the seat she’s in is another man’s lap doesn’t seem to bother Dani. It makes me smile. Beast has no idea what he is in for.

“I don’t really know. I just know that as long as Dragon and I are talking, I’m not about to find out.” I say honestly, turning my attention back to Skull.

“Dragon is not normally a uno type of man querida.”

“I don’t share.”

“He knows this?”

“I don’t think you and I need to discuss my relationship with Dragon.”

“Fair enough querida, fair enough. But I find myself anxious to see Dragon mess up so I can get my shot.”

“I think you only want a shot, because Dragon has one.”

He smiles but doesn’t say anything, whatever. An usher comes in and I figure he’d want to tell us to quiet down or kick us out. He takes one look and backs out of the theater. He doesn’t even try to quiet Dani and the crew laughing and making obscene jokes. It would have been a wasted effort anyways.

Jordan Marie's Books