Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(34)

Nicole’s girl and some other bitches are trapped behind Skull’s men. The men seem to be protecting them. The guy that was hiding Dani could almost make Bull look small.

“Answer me! What would you do to a dirty motherf*cker who thought he could put his hands on your woman?”

Skull, cocky bastard that he is, ignores the 357 currently pointed at his head—he seems unfazed. I could almost respect the motherf*cker with his next words.

“I would cut off his hands an inch at a time.”

I rub my jaw, feeling the stubble from my five o’clock shadow. I’m pretending to think this shit over. Truth is I may want to, but I’m not going to harm Skull. He needs to stay the f*ck away from Nicole, but he is not my problem. No I was here tonight to chase down what’s causing my problems. Skull is a means to that end, because one of my mother f*cking problems is locked up in a meat locker on the outskirts of town. One of my own and that shit, even if expected burns in my craw. I turn my attention back to Skull.

“That seems like a plan. I’ll start with the f*cking hand you had on my woman’s ass.”

I heard Irish yell out and Nicole hollering back. I turn around to see my boy Irish bent over holding his balls. Nicole comes and stands by me. I blow out a breath and look up at the sky. Fuck, the woman has fire, but she needs to learn when to rein it in. Hell from the looks of Irish he may never walk straight again, let alone father children.

“Dragon you are not going to hurt Skull.”

“He had his hand on your ass Mama.”

Fuck I want to be pissed at her, but she looks so f*cking sexy standing there in those tight ass jeans and blue sweater. That sweater is molded to those f*cking breasts of hers and her hair is all messed up from wrestling with Irish. My cock instantly reacts, damn thing stays hard if she is anywhere around.

“Yes well, we were discussing that.”

“What’s to discuss Mama? He had his hand on your ass. Did you want his hand on you woman?”

“Don’t be stupid.” She growls at me and I somehow keep from smiling as she berates me in front of my men. What the f*ck has she done to me?

“You and me, what we got going on? You’re mine. That means his hands or any other f*ckers’ hands better not touch you.”

I expected her to argue, fully expected it. The fact that she didn’t, calms me, as nothing else would. Instead of arguing she comes closer and wraps her arm around me. Does she know what she just agreed to, in front of everyone? Does she have any idea she sealed her fate right here in this moment?

“He’s sorry Dragon. He was just about to apologize.”

All the men start laughing. With her acceptance of my claim the tension seems to lessen around the group.

“I’m actually not that sorry querida. It was worth it.”

“Will you shut up? Do you want him to kill you? Perhaps it has escaped your notice that there’s a man pointing a gun at your head!” Nicole snaps.

I look at my girl and grab the back of her neck and pull her close. She squeaks, but she doesn’t fight me. I lean down so our foreheads touch. Her blue eyes are so f*cking deep, I could drown.

“Shut it, Mama.”

“You can’t hurt him Dragon.”

“Why’s that?”

“I’d miss you if you went to prison.”

“You could visit me.”

“I don’t date men who wear orange. It’s a rule.”

Fucking cute.

“Kiss me Mama.”

“Dragon we’re on the street with a hundred people and guns are involved, I don’t think now is the time to kiss,” she argues.

“You can give me your lips or I can always cut off Sku….” Her lips come against mine, cutting off the rest of my words. Her tongue pushes against my lips and I open immediately, taking control. Our tongues fight and duel with one another and when I finally pull away, she sighs and lays her head on my chest.

“Are we going to have trouble?” I ask Skull. He looks down at Nicole with a look of want on his face, but I’m good at reading people. It’s not completely Nicole he wants, but what she’s giving me. I don’t like it but I understand it. Totally, but I’m not letting this slide through my fingers. Life has been shit mostly. Nicole deserves better, but they’d have to f*cking kill me to get her away from me at this point.

“We’re good. Call off your men, mi hermano. You are a lucky son of a bitch. Dragon. She’s a hot…”

Smarmy motherf*cker, I twist away from Nicole and nail him in the ribs with a hard right.

“Respect my woman and keep your f*cking distance brother,” I sneer.

Skull bends over with a groan as my punch is delivered. I had claimed Nicole. I never imagined doing that shit with anyone before, but if I’m going to do it, then it better damn well be respected.

“Tomorrow night around nine, have your men at the old butchering plant. Watch your backs.” I order Skull.

He was rubbing his ribs watching me and I could see anger there, but something more. Skull and I understood each other.

Chapter 15


I could possibly be insane. I was in a whirlwind relationship with a man, I honestly, barely knew. It seemed surreal. I was terrified. I don’t think it’s supposed to happen this fast. What if I’m making the worst decision in my life?

Jordan Marie's Books