Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(29)

“Nicole is a part of us now. You feel me? So say what you’ve got to say or get the f*ck out and quit cock blocking me.”

I hold my head down. Damn, Dragon has zero filters. I couldn’t deny the small thrill I had though of him telling one of his boys I will be around for awhile. I’m not sure why, but that one sentence paved over some of my insecurities which caused our earlier fight. I wasn’t about to tell him that though.

“Boss it’s the new girl, Jess. She’s been beat up pretty bad. Pops found her out back in the alley.”

“Pissed off man?” Dragon asks, and I find myself thinking of this unknown Jess and hoping she would be okay.

“That’s just it Boss…she had a note taped on her chest.” Crush reached in his inside jacket pocket and handed a folded white paper to Dragon.

Dragon opens the paper and you can see it had been soaked with blood and my stomach twists. That poor girl, what happened to her? I read the note while Dragon stares at it and then wads it up in his hand.

Devil’s Fire

I don’t know what that means, but from the look on Dragon’s face it’s not good.

Dragon looks down at me and he grasps my chin. He looks me in the eye, not allowing me to look anywhere else.

“Mama, need you at the club. Pack a bag.”

“Dragon… I…”

“Mama we got things to discuss. I don’t know how long I’ll be, but when I get done? I need you there. Yeah?”

“I’ll be here. Come here when you’re done.”

Dragon sighs heavily and I can see in his eyes that I disappointed him. When he lets go of my hand, I don’t like the feeling that settles in the pit of my stomach.

I reach up and let my hand caress the side of his face.

“Hey, I’ll come--just later. It’d take me awhile to get changed and pack. You go do what you have to do and come and get me when you’re free.”

Dragon looks at me for a minute then nods. I stretch up to leave a chaste kiss on his lips.

“Be careful sweetheart,” I whisper and his face changes. I couldn’t really describe how, but it was good.

“I like that.”


“You soft and sweet and calling me sweetheart. I want more of that.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” I smile. Dragon holds my eyes for a minute, and then kisses the freaking hell out of me. I’m still trying to recover when he gives Crusher a nod and they’re gone. My stomach is still doing somersaults when the door closes behind them.

Dani is standing over in the corner. I had forgotten all about her. My knees are so weak from the kiss that I had to lean on the furniture to catch my breath.

“Damn Nic girl. You might have a problem.”

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I had to agree with her.

Chapter 12


The last f*cking thing I wanted to do was leave Nicole. She had become a drug that I was fast becoming addicted to. I had to have more of it, more of her. I had never been in this head space before, especially about a f*cking woman and I wasn’t sure what to do about it. I just know I wanted more. I guess comparing a woman to a f*cking needle in a f*cking vein wasn’t what they wanted to hear, but that’s what she was. I just left and already wanted another hit.

I have never in my life put a woman before my club or my brothers, but in that moment, I was tempted to tell Crusher to handle shit and leave me with Nicole. I couldn’t leave without kissing her. I had too.

When we got to the * Club, all thoughts of Nicole left my mind. Jess, was in bad shape. Some f*cker had worked her over bad. She had been beaten so bad, she was unrecognizable. Her face was swollen and mangled. Her nose was broken and the blood from it ran down her face and intermingled with that from all the cuts on her face. It f*cking turned your stomach. I had seen some f*cked up shit in my time, but to know a man had done this damage to a woman? My stomach churned.

Poncho, the club doctor who came when we called had just finished looking her over.

“Fuck Dragon, someone almost killed this poor slip of a girl.” Poncho said closing the door and leaving the girl resting on the sofa in the office.

Poncho was a little guy really, standing about 5’8. He was skinny and worn. I wasn’t exactly sure how old he was, I figured in his sixties but shit from the looks of him, it could easily be more. He had been on the Savage payroll since the beginning and even though most of our members had medic training, a doctor was a must at times.

“What damage we talking Doc?” Crusher asked. Shit I was having trouble forming words.

“Her nose is broke, her arm and I can’t tell for sure without ex-rays but I’d say at least three ribs are broke, with more bruised. I’ve reset the nose, taped up the arm tight which will do for tonight. Bring her to the house tomorrow and I’ll put her in a cast. I taped her ribs too, but she needs to be watched closely for awhile. It’s a bad concussion; I just want to make sure she’s okay. Ideally she should be in the hospital, but I know your thoughts on that. I’ve got Vera staying the night with her and keeping an eye on her vitals.”

I nod, wanting to break something but keeping my calm. When I find this motherf*cker heads will roll.

“Anything on the cameras?” I asked Bull, Irish, Crush, and Gunner who had gathered around.

Jordan Marie's Books