Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(27)

“Do?” I ask panicking, and I am pretty sure he could hear it in my voice.

“Yeah these harmful chemicals what do they do?”

“Umm…they can make your hair fall out.”

I ignore the sound of Dani choking on her orange juice.

“Well, I’ve been thinking of shaving my hair anyway.” He answers quietly, taking a bite of his omelet.

“But I like your hair.” I say without thinking.

Dragon stopped mid bite to smile at me. “Good to know Mama.”

I try to keep from sighing. I think I might have failed. I turn to get my food and then join them at the table, hoping this conversation was done. Sadly, Dani didn’t seem to want to let it die. I may have to kill her. It’s been nice having a best friend.

“I hear they cause crotch rot,” Dani chimed in.

I looked down at my own food, suddenly not that hungry. Crotch Rot?

“Fuck that’d never happen. I always have my Twinkies while I’m gloved.” Dragon said over a mouthful of food.

I thought about what he was saying, I knew up to and including this point, he had been playing and having a great time doing so. Yet, to just casually throw that out, like it was nothing? Like sex was insignificant? Then again, he probably thought of it like that. Despite our conversation about it just being me for however long this lasted, I was really nothing to Dragon. For all I know, he means to end it today. I had the image of him with some faceless bimbo and I am starting to get upset all over again. Fuck I had even had unprotected sex with him earlier. OH MY GOD!! It’s like I had a death wish. I just opened my legs and let him have his way with me again.

Actually a lot of agains! Seriously bad Nicole is starting to get on my last nerve.

“Get that out of your head Mama.” Dragon growled.

I look up to see him studying me.

“What?” I ask trying to sound innocent and failing miserably.

“Whatever it is that’s got you looking all pissed. I’ve always suited up, you feel me?”

“Not especially. Since I think you might have skipped that step about… oh I don’t know, all three times earlier!”

“Three times in a row? I’m thinking I need to find me a big hairy biker to ride.” Dani piped up and I flip her off.

Dragon leaned back in his chair and looks at me. I didn’t back down. He shook his head.

“You weren’t this bitchy with my cock in your mouth. I’m thinking we need to revisit that again.”

“Holy f*ck me sideways in church and make me scream Jesus! Three times and oral sex? Hell, is this a local thing, because damn, I should have moved here when I was fifteen!” I held my head down as Dani chimes in again.

“Bitch please! You were too busy giving it up to Denny Thomas to move.” I argue.

“Yeah well, let’s just say Denny Thomas did NOT do stamina. Like, at all.”

“Not many boys do at fifteen.” Dragon points out.

“Did you?” Dani asked.

“I haven’t had any complaints.”

“I just bet you haven’t. Nic too bad you didn’t find oh D-Man here before Tony the Tool.”

“I need to get dressed.” I mumble, giving up all pretense of eating. I stand up taking my plate to the sink.

“Why? I thought you weren’t scheduled to work or anything today?” Dani asks.

“I need to drive into town and go to the free clinic.” I mutter, wanting away from this conversation, away from Dani and most assuredly away from Dragon.

“What the f*ck for Mama?”

I turn around as Dragon’s question echoes. He is watching me with a fork full of omelet hovering half way to his mouth.

“I need to go to the clinic because I’ve suddenly remembered the side effects of Twinkies.”

“And what would that be woman?” He asks, going back to eating. The relaxed vibe coming off of him earlier was completely gone now.

“They pass around germs that can make your dick fall off.”

“Good thing you don’t have a dick.” Dragon returns, the prick.

“You know what I mean!”

“I believe I proved earlier that my dick is more than present and accounted for. I didn’t see you complaining about a f*cking thing when you were choking on it and begging for more.”

Dani stopped eating and looked back at me, quietly whispering “Oh f*ck me….” She knew me and because she knew me, she knew I was about to blow. “Wrong move D-Man, totally the wrong move.”

Dragon didn’t acknowledge her. His eyes were hard and they are focused on me. That is okay; I am pretty sure mine were once again shooting hate rays of death at him.

“Maybe I forgot things I shouldn’t have.”

“Like what?” He growls getting up from the table to come over and stand in front of me.

“Okay, so I’ll just let you two crazy kids carry on without me. I’ve got to go pull off my fingernails or stab myself with a dull knife. Anything is more fun than this.” Dani says leaving the room.

“Eyes here Nicole”

Oh f*ck he didn’t.

“I’m not a damn dog Dragon, so don’t treat me like one.”

“Woman you best be explaining yourself, because I thought we had come to an understanding with this shit.”

Jordan Marie's Books