Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(22)

“What the f*ck are you doing opening the door this late at night that easy?” Dragon asked, still looking at me.

Okay…well alright not what I expected.

“I thought you were Dani.” I said trying to avoid looking at him directly. Whenever I did that it seemed my brain short circuited.

“You don’t open a door without knowing who the hell is out there Nicole.”

“How do you know my name is Nicole?” Ignoring him and changing the subject.

“You’re just now asking this? After what has gone down between us and the back and forth dance we’ve been doing?” He asks. He is looking at me like I am crazy—which maybe I am, at least when I am around him. Then, he takes a deep breath and sits down beside me, turning so we are facing each other.

I shrug.

“Your girl used your name.” He says, evidently giving up on my safety lesson.

“No she didn’t. She called me Nic. You just assumed it was Nicole.” I argued.

He took another weary breath. I didn’t think it was because he was having trouble breathing. I pretty much understood it was to show I was being an idiot. I guess I was. I didn’t really care though.

“What else would your name have been?”

“Nikita, Nikki, Nickel, Nicorette….” I ramble.

“Nicorette, like the f*cking smoking gum?” He asked incredulously.

“Technically I think it’s to stop you from smoking.”

“Are we really having this discussion right now Mama? I’m beat.”

“Umm… then why are you here?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” He counters and damn that is kind of a good question.

“We can’t have sex again.”

He shakes his head, “Oh yeah we can mama.”

“We can’t. We don’t know each other. I know what you think I am Dragon, but, seriously, I’m not. I don’t do things like we did. So, we can’t do it again.”

“What are you?” He asked quietly sounding tired.

“A woman who casually has sex, a good time girl!”

“Jesus, a good time girl?” He shakes his head, “Mama you might be the strangest woman I have ever met.”

“Probably,” I mumble.

“You’ve had sex before.” Dragon says, as his hand moves up to my face to push some of my bangs away from my eyes.

His touch feels nice. I like the way his callused fingers tickle the skin under my eye. Was it my imagination or did he seem disappointed I’ve had sex before?

“Of course, but I knew them really well. I’d even dated them for awhile. I know nothing about you. We’ve yet to go out on a first date!”

Dragon’s fingers had been caressing my neck, but by the time I had stopped talking, his fingers had stopped moving. Damn it.

“I don’t date Nicole.”

“You don’t what?” I ask dumbfounded.

“I don’t date.”

“Dragon, everyone dates.”

“I don’t.”

I don’t really know how to respond. It seems unreal, but I can tell he is completely serious.

“Like ever?”

“That’s what I said, Mama.”

“How can you tell if you like a girl if you don’t even know her?” I ask and something about this conversation hurts me.

“I f*ck her.”

Oh. My. God!

“You... I don’t even know what to say to that.”

Dragon seems to get agitated. His face went from being somewhat soft (I’m not sure it could ever go completely soft, he was too harsh.) to being tight and there is a vein popping along the side of his neck.

“Nothing to say, Mama it’s just the truth.”

“That’s unreal.”

“I’m not shiny and new Nicole. I’ve f*cking been around the block. I’ve got scratches and dents and a lot of f*cking miles. I’m a classic and not just anyone can handle me. I’m not about to make apologies for that shit. I am what I am.”

“A classic?”

“Only ride worth a damn is one that’s been around awhile and knows the curves in the road.”

“Been around awhile? I can see that. That must be why there’s so much rust. God I can’t believe you. You’re such an ass.”

“Whatever woman, I’m tired. Let’s get in bed.”

“Um, this is my house.” I said.

Dragon stands up and without even asking, yanks my afghan away.

“Hey stop that! I’m cold!” I complain reaching for it, but he threw it on the chair across from us before I could.

“That’s why we’re going to bed, so I can warm you up.”

“Dragon you can’t sleep here.”

“Nicole, I can.” He counters and bends down and picks me up like I weighed nothing. It was a strange feeling and if I hadn’t been panicking over Dragon informing me we would be sleeping together tonight. I might have enjoyed it.

“We shouldn’t. We should get to know each other better first.”

“I was planning on just sleeping tonight Mama, but I told you how I get to know women. If that’s what you want, I can change my plans. It’ll have to be quick though, because I’m beat girl.”

Jordan Marie's Books