Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(18)

“I asked what the f*ck you are doing on my turf unannounced Skull. You and me, we got an agreement. You and the Devil’s Fire stay out of our way and we’ll stay out of yours. You going to start going back on that shit maybe I need to rethink letting you use my town to get from Red River to run your shit.”

“Just stopping by for a drink, surely old friends can do that ey?”

Smarmy motherf*cker! We’re not friends. He’d f*ckin’ slit my throat if he got the chance and I wasn’t too far behind that my own damn self, especially after seeing his hands on Nicole. Skull was a waste of air.

“Deal was, you stay off Savage property and we let you use our road. That was the extent of the deal. No f*ckin’ thing else exists between us *.”

I have to admit I enjoyed the flash of hate that came over Skull’s face. At least the feeling was real. I could deal with real. Not this fake shit he was trying to blow up my ass? I ain’t got time for that.

“There’s a nasty rumor going around Dragon.”

I yank a seat out and sit down. It looks like this shit was going to take awhile. Nicole would get away with her shit for now.

“Not in f*ckin’ junior high Skull. Don’t have any idea about f*cking rumors.”

“Fine, I’ll lay it out for you.”


Skulls’ jaw clamps down and I can almost hear his teeth grinding.

“Word has it that you’re letting the Kings traffic their merchandise in this area, for a cut.”

“Word would be wrong.”

“Have it on good authority, your man Twist was brokering el trato with them just last week. That does not work for me Dragon. I have been paying your fees. You going behind my back man, we have problemas.”

“Are we havin’ this discussion?” I growl, because now I’m pissed. For several reasons but the majority of them have to do with the man in front of me.

He looks straight at me and doesn’t back down, which isn’t good. That means this f*cker truly believes what he is saying.

“Don’t have a deal with the Kings, haven’t even talked to the motherf*ckers. You had my word on this before. That’s not good enough perhaps you and I have problems. Don’t appreciate the disrespect.”

Skull nods. I feel Crusher moving closer to my back.

“Got no problem with you man as long as our deal is straight up, I hear things though.”

“What things?”

“Not packing tales Dragon, like you said, it is not junior high. You just might want to reel in your boys though. That’s all I got to say.”

“I handle my men. You hear shit to the otherwise, then you be a man and speak up other wise shut the hell up and get out of my club.”

Skull slams his hand down and rakes a bottle onto the floor. I hear it break but I keep my face cold as stone. He didn’t intimidate me; I have faced f*ckers harder than him for years. Still, I couldn’t back down from this even if there was a chance that Skull was telling the truth. You can’t show any weak spots to an enemy. In this world that’s the quickest way to die.

“Your ass man, I was trying to do you a solid. It will not happen again. Don’t worry about if I am a man, hermano. I’ll make sure your new el gatito knows this up close and personal.”

He got up and slaps me goodbye on my shoulder. I want to rip his arms off for even thinking about Nicole and for touching me. I didn’t though. I remain expressionless and choke the need for violence down. No weaknesses! That was my world.

Crusher waited until Skull and his crew had left then took a seat. Didn’t take a minute and Irish was in the other seat. They knew as well as I did, Skull had to know something or he never would have come into my territory.

“Should we talk to Twist? Find out what the f*ck is going on?” Crush asked.

“Not wise.” Irish spoke up and I agreed, but remained quiet.

“Why the f*ck not,” Crush asked. He had a history with betrayal, I knew this shit would hit way too close to home for him.

“Because if this shit is true, we are just letting him know he’s been found out. No, we have to figure this shit out first.” I explained.

“He’s a brother. Shouldn’t we go to him directly? We owe him more than taking a f*ck face like Skull’s word over one of our own.”

I agree with Crush to a point, but the truth was I knew Skull well enough to know he wouldn’t put the word out unless he could back it up. I had known Twist for awhile, but I couldn’t lie. There was a lot about the man I didn’t like. There was a reason I had never promoted him into a position in the club. He joined up about the same time as Bull. They had served a term in the military together. Bull came across as a straight shooter, but Twist? Well he lived up to his name at times. Twisted shit up a hundred ways before it finally fell into place. If Skull said he had heard talk, then yeah, he had more than heard it.

“Get Bull, Hawk and Gunner together, have them meet up with us at the shed tomorrow. Keep it quiet. We’ll have a vote.”

Crush nodded. Irish was Irish. He didn’t say shit, but he was with me.

I had hoped that would be the end of it and I’d get out of here. I should have known better.


“Shut it Irish.”

“I’m just saying she seems like a firecracker. Maybe more trouble than she’s worth.”

Jordan Marie's Books