Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(13)

“Would you Nicole?”

Her breath hitches and her hips thrust up against me, not much but still the movement feels like I won the lottery.

I push my leg in between hers and rub it against her * with just enough pressure. At first she tries to get away, though I can tell it’s a half hearted attempt. Her eyes have taken on a glazed look. So f*cking beautiful I ache. I can’t let her get her defenses back up I need her more than I can ever remember needing anyone.

I’ve basically got her body trapped; teasing her, I thrust my tongue into her mouth. I don’t give her time to think, I force my way inside, leaving no part of her mouth undiscovered.

I let her know in that kiss I’m going to own her. I will. She needs to know there’s no point in fighting it. Her tongue tangles with mine and the sweet taste of victory combined with her flavor makes me growl. She pushes against me now, but not to get away. Fuck no. Now, she’s riding my leg like a champion.

“Nicole…” I say, my voice is hoarse but you can still hear the command in it. It’s who I am. I need her to know that now, because I’m pretty sure with just this taste of her, we’re both in trouble. It’s going to be a long f*cking time before I let her go. If I ever do!

“What….” She gasps as her eyes close.

I bend my head down and nip the hard nub pointing through her shirt with my teeth giving her just a sting of pain before I suck it in my mouth, shirt and all. She let out a sound somewhere between a gasp and a moan. I release with a pop that seems to echo in the silence, admiring the wet ring around her shirt.

“Pay attention baby, I asked if you had lied to me.”

“About what?” She asks, rocking her hips slowly against my leg and by this time, I don’t think she realizes what she is doing or saying and that makes me f*cking ecstatic.

“Are you wet?” I ask releasing the button on her shorts.

“Yes, God yes,” She moans when I move my hand down into her panties. I groan at the heat coming off of her. Her movements stop and she’s squeezing my leg so f*cking tight. Shit, if it had been my cock she would have snapped the damn thing in half.

I’m so hard by this time I could literally drive nails. I had heard that saying my whole life and until this moment, I had no idea what it truly felt like.

She whimpers when I push my leg against her *—harder this time. I’m rewarded with her small sigh of pleasure that contains my name. I pull her shirt over her head and toss it on the desk.

Nicole stands before me a f*cking goddess. Her dark hair lies in waves, framing her face that is flushed with pleasure. Every now and then the light would catch the lighter blonde streaks and shine. She’s breathing heavy and each breath she takes causes those large, perfectly shaped globes of her breasts to shake. The nipples are hard and somehow pebble even tighter when they hit the cold air of the room.

“Take the rest of your clothes off Nicole.” I say quietly. I need this from her.

“Dragon, I…” She brings her hands up to try and shield her breasts from me. Goddamn it. I should have kept her my prisoner. Still, I need her to give this to me.

“Don’t hide yourself from me Nicole. It’s too late to go back. Take off the rest of your clothes.”


“Do it now Mama.” I keep my voice gentle, but the command is there too.

She swallows and rubs her lips together. I seriously thought she would back out. It would have hurt like hell, but I would have let her all the same. Instead she surprises the hell out of me. She kicks off her shoes. Too bad, I think I might have liked her to leave those on. That thought is fleeting at best though, as Nicole reaches down and pulls her shorts off.

She’s in nothing but a hot pink thong. The thin strip of silk barely covers her mound. She’s gorgeous. No other word will fit. Her skin is a soft peach color that makes me want to taste every inch. Her breasts, f*ck I know I keep thinking how big and juicy they are, but it’s all my sex starved brain can think. I can’t wait to explore them, feel them wrapped tight around my cock. Her nipples large and tight are begging for my touch. Her hips travel out in a curve that is feminine and sexy as hell and makes me long to grab hold and take the ride of my life. I can’t see her * but the part not hid by the skimpy thong is bare. I can see the wet spot on the fabric though. It makes me hungry.

I take her hand and pull her toward Irish’s desk. Sweeping my hand across it, I knock a bunch of shit to the floor with a loud clattering sound.

Nicole gasps and jumps as I startle her. I can’t help it though. I need her and by God I’m going to take her.

“I’ve been thinking about this for over a week Mama,” I growl pulling the thin strap of her thong with my hands and ripping that damned thing off her. I pick her up and sit her on the desk, quickly.

“Dragon… maybe we should…”

I don’t let her finish. My mouth slams down on her to stop her words. I can’t hear her tell me no. Fuck that shit. I push into her mouth with a hunger I have never felt. I rape her mouth. It’s not pretty, but it’s true. My tongue forces in, conquers, devours and takes. Still, even through the loud roar of blood thrumming in my ears, I notice she seems as hungry. She’s right there with me and this time when I brake away, she’s not denying me.

“You want this.” I say staring at her.

Jordan Marie's Books