Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(16)

“Irish, you didn’t tell me you were getting some new talent.”

My spine stiffens and I straighten up, trying to will myself into the wood of the bar to get some space between me and the voice behind me. He’s got a deep voice almost sexy, but something about it sends a warning through me and raises the hairs at the back of my neck—and not in a good way. I could tell he sat down on the stool behind me. This was bad news since every stool around me is empty. I lower my head at the bad luck I seem to be having. Apparently, I broke a mirror and somehow forgot.

“Hands off Skull.”

“Shit no, haven’t seen a piece this fine in months. What’s your name chica?” He asks my back. I didn’t want to turn around. That doesn’t seem to matter; he wraps his arms around my stomach and pulls me onto his lap.

I take a breath and put my hands on his to pry them away from my stomach.

“Let me up stud, I think you have me confused here.” I said, trying to joke my way out of this.

“No way Mamacita, you and me are going to get better acquainted.”

Okay well bright side, I now knew unequivocally that I was not a slut. Why? Because Skull or whatever, was a damn fine good looking man, but he was still creeping me out. His dark hair was shaggy, but in a way you just knew he didn’t try but still looked like a runway model for Calvin Klein. His eyes were brown not dark like Dragon’s but shiny and sparkly. He had an indention on his jaw that was sexy and a slight scar above his right eyebrow. He was a walking dream man and he was doing nothing for me, except annoying me.

When he started laughing and a few others joined in I looked around. Shit was this place full of bikers? Skull had brought three other men in with him. Was this more of Dragon’s crew? Hell I needed to get out of here, maybe even move back home at this point.

“Let her up Skull. She’s Dragon’s property,” Irish said, his voice had moved from easy going to so still and dark it sent chills. Then his words hit me.

Dragon’s property?!?!?

Irish’s words seem to make Skull’s arms wrap tighter around me, so tight that for a minute it hurts. I’m getting upset by this point, for a number of reasons. First and foremost though, I want out of this man’s arms. I want out of this bar before Dragon decides to come back and most importantly I want to be lock up nice and tight at home away from the crazies that apparently were thicker than molasses in this damned town.

“I don’t see a damned stamp on her.” Skull growls and he yanked my hair hard to look at the back of my neck.

I wince at the pain. I can feel the sting and breathe in to stop the water from gathering in my eyes. That’s it. I’ve had enough. Who did this ass think he was?

I relax my body to catch him off guard. When his arm loosens against me enough to allow it, I move to the side with a flirty smile. I can see the disapproval on Irish’s face as he catches my ass wiggling on Skull’s lap. Skull’s hard and obviously packing but the feel of him leaves me disgusted. I don’t let that show though, playing the part, I slide down his lap and turn so I can move my hand down his chest. I’m good at playing the dumb blonde. It’s come in handy over the years. Hell it worked with Dragon before I became a whore! When I catch Skull’s grin and the way he is sizing up my breasts, I almost roll my eyes. Seriously men are just too predictable.

“What’s your name little girl?”

“Nicole.” I’m trying to make my voice sound breathless. That’s not hard to do, since I’m pretty much panicking. I’ve got to get out of this damned bar before Dragon makes it back in.

“Nicole, huh? I like that sweet one. How about we get better acquainted?”

Ugh, seriously?

“What do you have in mind?” I ask slowly moving my hand down his chest. Another couple of inches and I’m going to twist his balls so tight maybe one of them will pop and the blood can go back to his brain which is obviously deprived.

“Nicole, get your f*cking hands off him.”

Oh f*ck. My hand immediately stops. Damn it all to hell. I go to get up and I can’t step away because Neanderthal man has gone back to holding me tight. I release an aggravated breath and then because at least I now have moving room, whereas I didn’t before, I bring my elbow hard back into his solar plexus. He immediately lets go and I get up.

“What the f*ck?”

“That’s for pulling my damn hair and grabbing my ass!”

“Nicole, get over here now,” Dragon ordered. He didn’t yell, but his voice was cold and deadly. A smarter woman would have obeyed. I have never been particularly smart though, especially when it comes to men.

“Will you quit ordering me around like some damned lap dog?” I huff. I turn to the bar and untie the small pocket like apron I have around my waist.

“Get your damned ass over here before I smack it.”

Did he really just say that?

I’m not sure why it surprises me at this point, but it does.

“Seems to me Dragon la amiga doesn’t want shit to do with you.”

“Fuck off Skull, what the hell you doin’ in my club uninvited anyway motherf*cker?”

“Right now enjoying the scenery,” Skull replies.

“She’s hands off,” Dragon growls, and I really need to stop liking the way he growls damn it!

Jordan Marie's Books