Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(19)

Undoubtedly, the word popped to mind at the same time my dick jerked at the thought of her again.

“Hell I like a woman with spirit. If Dragon ain’t up to it, I’ll take her off his hands in a heartbeat.”

“You want to keep your hands then you keep them the f*ck away from her,” I order.

Nicole might have thought I wanted to share her. Hell I can’t even deny that I hadn’t thought about it initially. I had done that before with some of my brothers, and it never bothered me. Yet when I had seen Nicole’s hands on Skull and that son of a bitch looking at her tits. I could have easily choked the life out of the *. Yeah there would be no sharing Nicole, at least not until I worked the bitch out of my system.

“Whoa you’re sounding awful territorial there brother,” Crush said, watching me closely. Crush and I had a long history. It went deep. He knew me inside and out. He could tell this was different. I didn’t want to talk about that shit though. This wasn’t some kind of Steel Magnolia’s moment when we would start acting like a bunch of pansy assed bitches, gushing about feelings. I wanted Nicole. That’s all I needed to concentrate on right now.

“Fuck off,” I return only half joking. “I’m out boys. See you tomorrow. Crush you and me will leave early to get to the shed.”

I didn’t look back. I didn’t wait for them to reply. I had one thing on my mind and I know they knew what it was and I didn’t need to see their smart assed faces mocking me.

Chapter 8


I didn’t go to Nicole like I wanted. I thought about it. Fuck I hadn’t thought about much anything else since I had sunk inside her. Still, she needed to stew over shit for a bit. I wanted her, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to demand respect from her sexy tight little ass.

It had been over twenty four hours now since I had been inside the damned woman and I had never been a junkie, but I felt like if I didn’t get my fix soon I would start shaking with the need. Fuck. That woman has me so damned knotted up inside, I’m starting wonder if she didn’t put some kind of voodoo hex on my cock.

I need to get my head in the game quick, like yesterday. I’m currently sitting in front of a worn out as hell table made from an old slab of wood. My chair cocked back, my feet perched on the table giving the appearance that I am a man without a care in the world. Hell I couldn’t even remember what being a man like that felt like. Truthfully, I don’t think I had ever felt like that—not that it f*cking mattered. Life was what you were dealt and mine had been shitty since the beginning, but I survived and f*cking did it daily.

I had called a meeting at the shed and Bull and Gunner had just arrived. Hawk, Irish and Crush had all come with me.

This place was well off the beaten path. It was an old fishing cabin in the hills out from Laurel Lake. You had to drive up a road with so many curves and turns it felt like you would kiss your own ass before it was done. Once you got all the way back on the hill the brothers and I had hidden some ATV’s in a small garage that was out of sight, right off the main road. It was visible, but hidden enough that you would have to look for it and know it was there to even see it. It was a building we had dug out of the side of a hill. The place was in fact, part of the hill itself and we encouraged the kudzu vines and other shit to grow crazy hiding the damn thing.

Once you got on the ATV and traveled about thirty minutes you found the shed. It had 3 rooms and a completely different building about thirty feet away. Brothers and I fixed the place up when we first formed the club. We needed a place out of sight, so we could make sure we kept people in line. It wasn’t easy being the ruling club of a city. There was always someone wanting to take that position away from us. The shed and the reason we used it, weren’t my favorite parts of the life, it was just a fact. It was a dog eats dog kind of world and you had to do what you had to do.

“I still say it’s f*cking cold to test a brother. He’s been part of our damned group for years now. He should have our respect,” Crush said, drawing my attention back to the conversation at hand.

I understood his point but I was getting damn tired of being questioned. It was my f*cking club. My word was law. It had to be. Wasn’t that I was a hard ass with a god complex. Screw that shit. No, it was that my decisions kept our asses alive and I needed them to have my back—not question me. Crush was a good man, and one of my closest brothers but I was f*cking tired of this shit.

“Enough. I f*cking heard you the first fifteen damned times you spouted that shit. I’m not f*cking asking for your permission dick weed, I’m informing you of my f*cking decision. Respect that shit or get the f*ck out.”

“I’m just saying…”

“I know what the f*ck you’re saying, but this is not the first f*cking time Twist has been called out. Shit it’s not even the second. I’m sick of f*cking dealing with this. I either can trust a brother or I can’t. Skull can be an *, but he shoots straight. If he says he’s heard talk and mentions a name, that means the mother f*cker has seen that shit up close and personal.”

I look at my brothers—and they were my brothers. I knew I was a f*cked up looking S-O-B. I was big and broad. I worked hard for that, you couldn’t really be a President of a Club and look like a damn science nerd. My dark skin was marred with scars and tats and my hands were callused and rough as shit. I didn’t care. It was who I was.

Jordan Marie's Books