Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(17)

“Didn’t see your mark on her and she seemed to warm up to me pretty damn quick compadre. I’m thinking I’m about to get my hands all over her.”

Skull’s men start laughing and as annoying as that was Dragon manages to top it.

“She belongs to the club.”

Now I have been pretty calm all things considered. I mean if you set aside the mild freak out I had after boinking the hot ass scary biker dude, I have been calm. I was even ignoring being talked about like I wasn’t in the room. But having it announced that I was the club’s property? After I had already set his ass straight on that shit? Oh hell no.

“She can talk for herself,” I say finally. I am feeling a hundred different things, and wasn’t too sure how to deal with it all. So instead of trying to sift through it, I decide to grab hold of the one thing that f*cked with my head the most.

“Nicole.” Dragon said and even I could hear the warning in his voice. Any other time I might have listened, but not now.

I look down at Skull.

“What the f*ck is this mark thing you keep talking about?”

Skull smiles, and he might be good looking, but that smile is scary shit. This man is dark, cold and scary.

“Dragon here likes to mark his personal bitches. He puts the club symbol on their neck. You girl, don’t have that mark, so I figure you’re fair game. I’m not much for loose *, but for you? I’ll make an exception. I don’t even care if you are Club *.

“Why would you think I was club *?” I ask, oh but I knew. I knew and the knowledge was twisting sour in my gut. I was an idiot.

“Dragon just said you belonged to the club.” The emphasis was on club. Not Dragon, but the club. Skull knew my reaction and the way his grin spread made me physically ill. He knew what he was doing. He knew that would cut, he knew he was twisting the knife. It wasn’t so much to get at me. It was more to upset Dragon. I understood that, but it didn’t change things.

“Nicole get your ass over here now,” Dragon orders. I saw the guy that was with him earlier go around and stand in front of Skull. I walked the opposite way, going towards the door, while giving Dragon a wide berth.


“Fuck you, Dragon. I told you before I’m not ever going to be a club chew toy.”

I stopped in front of the door when a thought occurred to me.

“Was that what we did in there? Were you trying me out to see if I would live up to the stable you already have?” I yell out.

Had I been of my right mind, I would have been mortified. I would have noticed how horribly quiet the room went and the way we had become the center of attention. Thankfully, that didn’t hit me—at least not right then. I was more mortified that possibly the single best sexual moment I would ever encounter in my life had really been just a try out for being community *!

“Woman, stop your yammering.”

“My yammering…What the hell does that even mean? I can’t believe you! You *! I gave myself to you. I gave you the green light. I didn’t give myself to your buddies. I don’t want your buddies. I wasn’t thinking about anyone’s hands on me but you and the whole time you were planning on me just giving out to anyone in your f*cking club? If you want to give me away, then f*ck you. Go back to your Twinkies.”

“Woman we had an hour in a freaking back room, not a honeymoon. Now get your f*cking ass over here.”

If he had slapped me it couldn’t have hurt more. What was worse was he was right. He was totally right. I was acting illogical and completely irrational. It was two strangers hooking up in a back room of a seedy bar. It hurt but it was the truth, and Dragon was absolutely right. I didn’t tell him that however. I’d cry on Dani’s shoulder later. I decided instead to score a point the best I could and be done.

“I think you’re overestimating it there stud. You didn’t last fifteen minutes let alone an hour.”

I delivered my verbal barb, feeling a little bit better when Skull’s laughter rang out loud. I could even hear Dragon’s own man laughing to my left.

Dragon said nothing but I could feel the anger vibrating from him. Still, in for a penny, in for a pound and all that.

“I’m out of here Irish. I’ll see you Friday.”

“Yeah alright Friday,” Irish said, laughing enough it distorted his words. I could see a muscle jump in Dragon’s jaw.

I turned to go and stopped at the door when Dragon called out again.

“You walk out that door woman and we got problems.”

I didn’t turn around.

“It was a fifteen minute hook up in the back of a bar Dragon. We don’t have anything.”

I thought it was a good parting line. Aces really, so I pushed the door open and left this horrible night behind.

Chapter 7


I watched her leave and wanted to go spank her ass. Women didn’t talk back to me like that. Hell none had even tried. Nicole was going to be a spitfire to try and tame. I feel a certain amount of exhilaration at the thought. Still, I couldn’t show weakness in front of Skull or his men. If he thought Nicole was special he’d sail down on that shit like a f*cking vulture.

So I shrugged when she left and relaxed the tension in my body. I’d be dealing with Nicole soon enough. I didn’t exactly know how, but I would. I walk over to Skull’s table and stop.

Jordan Marie's Books