Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(21)

When I realized what I was thinking, my f*cking hands shook.

Chapter 9


I never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed. I had spent the last day and a half berating myself for everything I had allowed with Dragon. Different thoughts ran through my mind. I could tuck tail and run back to Blade. I could quit and find a different job. I could pretend whatever happened between me and Dragon (and yes, I was leaning towards this one) never happened.

Except it did, we got laid and f*cked and we want it again.

Bad Nicole was a mean spiteful bitch and a whore and her voice in my head was annoying. What Bad Nicole wasn’t, well she wasn’t wrong. I have never felt like that before. Dragon touched and awoke spots in me I never even knew existed. A girl could get addicted to the feelings he brought out in you.

So instead of sleeping at 11:58 p.m. on a Tuesday night, I’m sitting on the couch watching an October Scream and Scare Marathon on TV. I’m currently on Halloween ….who the hell knows what version or number? I’m curled up on the couch in my fuzzy red pajama pants with hot pink hearts all over them, a white baby doll t-shirt and big pink fuzzy socks. My hair is pulled up on top of my head in a pony-tail-bun-gone-wrong combination and I just polished off a pint of chunky monkey ice cream. I might be in a depression. Dani is out with some boy toy and the house is too damn quiet. So ice cream seemed like the only solution. I miss Dragon.

There I said it. I kind of expected him to stop me from leaving the bar. I was disappointed when he didn’t. I was okay though, totally fine. Then, time kept passing and I haven’t heard a word from him. Seems that should clue me in. I am definitely the whore I originally pegged myself as, and Dragon got what he wanted. He’s probably sunk up in some cupcake now.

I refuse to call them Twinkies. I happen to like Twinkies and knowing Dragon called his whores that would ruin Twinkies for me. Of course as I think this, I am studiously avoiding the view of my kitchen table. I might have accidentally poured out the contents of a Twinkie box and I might have accidentally flattened them with the bottom of my umm third or fourth glass of raspberry vodka and sprite. I could probably use another glass, but the cream that’s all over the glass from the exploded plastic wrapped goodies annoys me. So, I don’t. Instead I lie here watching some bubble-headed ho bag get chopped up on the TV screen. Seriously, does it always have to be the blondes and why on Earth are they always half dressed?

I pull the warm throw down off the back of the couch and snuggle up. When Dani and I first got here the weather was sunny and warm and in the high seventies. Now, it’s dreary, rainy, and cold and I think the TV said it was like forty-two degrees outside. I figure that is somehow Dragon’s fault too, I just don’t know how to blame him yet. I should go to bed and sleep, but I tend to think more of Dragon there, so I refuse to.

I must have dozed off. I’m not sure how long, but Michael Myers has been replaced by a killer dog, so lovely. I blink my eyes a few times trying to focus, when the banging on the front door begins. That must have been what woke me.

I get up stretching and yawning, thinking that if Dani is going to try and beat me for slut of the week, the least the bitch could do was remember her keys.

I cup my hand over my mouth yawning so big, tears leak from the sides of my eyes.

I unlatch the door and freeze. Dani isn’t there. No, staring at me through the screen security door is Dragon in all his glory. He looks good tonight. A woman couldn’t deny that. He’s wearing a Kelly Green t-shirt that’s stretched over his biceps and his wide chest. It pops against his dark skin and I wish I could tear the shirt off and see more of what is underneath. I stare at him, not sure what to say and immediately get sucked into his dark chocolate eyes.

“What the f*ck?” He barks.

Well hello to you too.

I think it…but I don’t open my mouth. Maybe I short-circuited. I truly don’t know what to say to him. He could be every woman’s dream until he opens his mouth.

“What the f*ck Nicole?” He barks again. If his voice wasn’t so deep and raspy it would be annoying as hell about now.

I yawn again and I’m too brain dead to remember to cover my mouth this time, so I guess Dragon can see down to my tonsils. I shake my head trying to clear the sleep from it.

“What time is it?” There, a complete sentence, I’m getting better.

Give the girl a cookie. Shut up bad Nicole.

“Do I look like a f*cking Timex? Open the door.” Dragon…well yeah he barks yet again.

“You come to my house at this time of night, so I figure you at least know the time. I’m too tired for this. I’m going back to bed, adios Dragon.”

“Unlock this damn screen door Nicole, I’m tired.”

I stop the main door from closing and study him for a minute. There are times to fight and times to let it lie. I’m thinking right now, I should go for the latter. I missed him. I had…had sex with him. He was here.

I unlatch the door and turn around, heading back into the living room and my comfy bed on the couch. I plop down on the couch pulling the afghan up around me, bringing my knees up against my chest and wait. I hear the door close and the sound of the lock turning. It should make me nervous, it doesn’t. I should question everything I do around Dragon, I don’t. This is not normal.

“We shouldn’t have had sex.” I blurt out, watching as he walks to me. He stops in front of me and crosses his arms. I bite my lip wondering what will happen next. I don’t think I can have sex with him again. I want too, God do I want too. Still, I need to jump back into reality and you didn’t just jump into bed with a man you didn’t know. That way led to madness and venereal diseases. Oh God, I needed to make an appointment at the free clinic tomorrow.

Jordan Marie's Books