Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(26)

“Nicole…” I groan as I feel how wet the outside of her * is, she’s drenched.

“This is where you prove I’m lying Dragon.” She whispers moving her tongue over my nipple.

Fuck me, she might be perfect.

Chapter 11


“Nic girl what the hell did you do with the Twinkies?” Dani asks from behind us.

We’re standing in the kitchen. I’m making us some omelets because after round two of Dragon proving why I should probably lie to him more often, we both decided we were starved. Dragon is pushed up against my back, his bare hands stroking my stomach and his semi-erect cock is pushed against my ass. I can feel it, even through his jeans. How he’s this ready after the morning we’ve had is beyond me. The man is scary; he has given me more orgasms in our morning together than Tony the Tool gave me during our entire relationship. I’m actually kind of sore from the workout he’s given me and it’s FANTASTIC! Everything is pretty much in a dreamlike state until Dani’s question registers.

My body pulls up taunt against Dragon and I look over at the table. Damn I should have cleaned that shit up. I look up at Dragon, who towers over my five foot seven frame. I see mostly his chin at this angle, but I can see the side profile of his face as he takes in the mass destruction of Twinkies. I know he’s not going to miss the significance of what I did. He looks down at me and his dark eyes sparkle. THEY FREAKING SPARKLE. Lord. I lick my lips and decide to ignore Dani and Dragon and go back to flipping the ham and cheese omelet.

“Is this a message Mama?” Dragon asks, letting go with one slow slide of his hand across my stomach and over my side.

“Message?” Dani chimes in. Then her laughter can be heard… hell, probably back in Blade.

“I don’t find it funny and besides it wasn’t a message,” I said, grabbing some plates and putting an omelet onto one of them and pouring the ingredients for another into the pan—refusing to turn around.

“What is it then, Mama?” Dragon asked and I gave him a dirty look over my shoulder. He’s sprawled out in a kitchen chair in front on the Twinkies, a smashed gooey one in his hand, studying it like it held the secret to life.

“There was a spider.” I said defensively, studiously watching my omelet and refusing to look back at him while I told my lie.

Dani’s laughter begins again.

“Holy shit Nic, how big is a spider that causes you to go Thor on a defenseless box of sponge cakes?”

“It was a big spider,” I grumble. I take down another plate. “Are you hungry chick?” Maybe food will shut her ass up.

“For your cooking? Always. Now back to this spider.”

I flip the omelet into one of the waiting plates, cut it in half and scoop part of it in Dani’s plate.

I turn off the burner and then turn around to look at my ex best friend and the man who may be the best sex I’ve ever had in my life, but is clearly an ass. I cross my arms above my stomach. I refuse to believe this is a defensive gesture.

“I don’t want to discuss the damned spider anymore.”

Dragon is studying me quietly, but his face is almost soft. Dani is picking up the mess on the table, every once in awhile she’ll pick up a poor flattened Twinkie, shakes it and gives me a clearly fake sorrowful look.

“I need to know how big the spider is mama. I might have to have the boys come out and spray.” He says so serious, if I hadn’t been watching his eyes and seeing the laughter in them, I would have thought he was completely serious.

“Twinkies are bad for you,” I deadpan.

I hear Dani snort over to my right where she is throwing the damned things into the trash. I wish to God I had done that last night.

“Smooth, Nic.” She mumbles trying to keep from laughing again, and failing.

“Is that right?” Dragon asks staring right at me. Dani’s using a dish cloth now to wipe the table down.

“Yeah it’s high in triglycerides.”

“Oh Lord,” Dani mutters throwing the dish towel toward the sink and makes it. She then sits in the chair to Dragon’s left. To give her credit I can tell she’s biting her lip and looking down at the table, to avoid entering into this conversation completely.

“Tryglycer whats?” Dragon asks.

“Triglycerides,” I repeat, wishing with all I had in me that I could stop this conversation.

“What exactly are these triglycerides?” Dragon asks and I take Dani’s plate and Dragon’s to the table to avoid looking at his eyes as I form the lie in my head.

“They….”….shit, what the hell are they? “They’re chemicals that are very harmful.”

“Is that a fact?” He said as I put his omelet in front of him.

“Yep! Totally,” I confirm with an innocent smile on my face.

Dragon’s finger moves up to push some hair behind my ear. It wasn’t a sexual move at all, but it made me feel warm inside.

“I actually think I read something about that.” Dani chimed in helpfully. She was up grabbing the orange juice from the fridge. She brought it to the table and went about getting glasses.

“What kind of things do these chemicals do?” Dragon asked, releasing my hair and looking back at his plate and taking a drink of the juice Dani had put in front of him.

Jordan Marie's Books