Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(23)

“Uh… we could just sleep.”

It was then I knew I was in trouble—like really big trouble. Because it was then I saw a complete miracle. Dragon smiled. Holy hell! He was a walking wet dream before, but a smile? A real one, the kind that lit up those dark eyes of his and caused angels to weep. Christ.

Dragon carried me upstairs and I directed him to my room. Once there, he slowly let me slide down his body until I stood in front of him. He moves his hand around to undo my hair, letting it fall free.

“What the hell do you call this?” He asks looking at the holder I had put in my hair earlier that day.

“A scrunchie.”

“A what?”

I didn’t know how to explain further, so I just remained quiet. Dragon flung the article in question on my night stand. I wanted him, but I needed to hold myself back. I had never in my life reacted to someone the way I did to Dragon. I don’t think it’s entirely healthy. I need to take a few steps back. That was easier said than done though, because the man of my fantasies was currently undressing.

First the shirt went up and over his head and I found myself staring at his broad chest. It took all I had not to reach up and start licking him like a postage stamp. When his hands went to the snap on his jeans I reach out and stop him.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting undressed babe, it’s late and I’ve got a shit ton of things to do tomorrow.”

“You can’t sleep naked.” I croak.

“I do it every night Nicole. Best you get used to that shit now.”

Panic starts to set in, until his words register.

“Umm… why would I need to get use to it?”

“Because babe, you’re in my bed. While we’re on the subject, cute as that shit is you’ve got goin’ on there, get out of it.”

“I’m in your bed?” I asked trying to digest this.

“That’s what I said.”

“How many others are in your bed?”

Dragon looks at me and it feels like his eyes are boring into me. I did my best to not look away though. I wasn’t sure what I was doing, what he was doing. I wasn’t even sure what we were doing together! Still, I sensed that this conversation was important.

“Me burying my dick in another woman, I’m sensing is a deal breaker for you.”

“Damn straight,” I answer immediately.

“Then for however long this lasts, you’re the only one who gets my dick.”

“You’re so romantic.”

“Mama if you’re trying to mold me into this perfect f*cking boyfriend, that’s not who I am. I’m dark, I’m jaded and I like my sex dirty. I’m not going to say I’m sorry for being who I am. I like who I am baby, I ain’t changing for no f*cking body.”

I could get pissed here, but the truth was I wanted to have more of Dragon. I had made a decision to live more and I have never felt more alive then when I am around this man.

“Just to say if you want to be in my bed, then I want sole ownership of it all, not just your dick—for ever how long this lasts.”

“You’re a hard bitch.” He said, but he was half way smiling.

I shrugged.

“Whatever mama if that’s how you want it, that’s how you’ll get it. Just remember, you are solely mine too. Now strip and get your pretty ass in bed, I’m tired.”

I look away as he finishes undressing. It was weird. We’ve had sex, and I wanted to again. Right now, even. Still, I was embarrassed to see him naked with the harsh light in the room. I walk over to the door and turn out the light. When I turn back around Dragon has pulled the cover down and climbed in the bed. He turns the lamp on that is on the nightstand. He then stretches out against the pillows, his eyes locking on mine, daring me to undress.

I take a deep breath and try to channel my inner Dani. She would have already been undressed and rubbing up against him.

Yes! Yes! Let’s do that!

And here I thought Bad Nicole had given up the ghost. I close my eyes, because seriously I couldn’t do this any other way. I quickly stepped out of my clothes. I leave my underwear and tank on and climb in the bed.

“You can open your eyes now Mama.”

“Um no, I can’t, not yet anyways.”

“Why the hell not?”

“I have to work up my courage.”

Dragon laughs. I had never heard him laugh freely before. It wasn’t a full belly laugh, I had a feeling Dragon didn’t do those. Still, it was a soft laugh and it warmed me inside. I don’t think many people made Dragon do that. I really liked that I could.

He pulled me tight against him. His arm acts like my pillow. He kisses my forehead. I didn’t think that was something tough bikers did, but I liked that he did and I wanted more of it.

“Night Mama.” He says softly in the darkness.

“Night, Dragon.”

Chapter 10


I don’t sleep through the night. I can’t remember ever doing that shit. With the life I have led? That shit could get you killed, or f*cked up in a way that a man wished he was dead. Sometimes the dreams woke me, sometimes the memories. Point being they always woke me…except for last night.

I woke up to the sunshine blasting through faded yellow curtains. I never thought much about curtains, especially freaking yellow ones with white daisies all over them. I sure as hell never figured I’d be waking up staring at them. I look around the room and I am immediately bothered. Nicole is no where to be found. Damn it, after spending the night curled up against her ass, it did not make me a happy man to find she wasn’t nearby. I jump out of bed, not bothering to get dressed. I hear pans banging in the kitchen so I make a beeline for it.

Jordan Marie's Books