Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(28)

“That’s because I was stupid and forgot!”

“Forgot what for Christ sake?”

“That you’re a man whore!”

“Nicole damn it, don’t start this shit.”

“Start what? You’re the one pushing it. I just said I was going to the clinic today!”

“Because you think I’d be stupid enough to pass something on to you. I told your ass I keep my shit gloved!” He growled.

“You say that, but you didn’t with me!”

“I didn’t hear you saying stop and put on a rubber Dragon, none of the f*cking three times I’ve been inside you! I sure as hell didn’t hear you worrying about shit when you were draining my dick dry!”

“Oh, My God! You’re unbelievable! News Flash Dragon! Some of that shit can eat through condoms!”

I move to go around him, intent on doing nothing but getting the hell out of Dodge and away from Dragon before I kill him. He wasn’t about to let that happen though since he grabs my arm and stops me.

“Don’t do this shit Mama. What we got going on, it’s good.” He said, his voice solid, but quieter.

“I’m getting checked Dragon, and before you put your dick back inside me, you need to go get checked too.”

“I don’t need this shit. I’m swimming in *. I don’t need to put up with your tight ass.” He says his voice full of anger.

“Then don’t!” I yank on my arm to get away from him. I’m close to tears, but I’ll die before he will ever know that.

Instead of letting me go he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

“What the f*ck are you doing?” I yell, trying to hold onto whatever part of his body I can grab, because it feels like I am falling.

“Mama, I’m going to go wear your ass out so that whatever crawled up in it gets the f*ck out of the way.”

“Seriously, let me the f*ck down!”

“I will as soon as I get your ass back upstairs.”

“You know, you pick me up and carry me around a hell of a lot Dragon.”

“You complaining, Mama?”

“Hey D-Man you got company!” Dani calls out, when we were half way up the stairs.

“Probably one of your Twinkies” I grumble.

“Seriously Nicole you need to shut your damn mouth because I’m going to paddle your ass for this shit.”

“Yo Dragon, we got trouble man.” I look up and get a glimpse of the man that Dragon brought with him to the bar most often, Crusher. Really, who comes up with these names? Dragon swung me around and started going back down the stairs.

“I can walk you know.” I whine because I’m annoyed as hell.

Dragon waited until he got to the bottom of the stairs and then lets me down. Unfortunately, he keeps hold of my hand and drags me behind him to go talk to his buddy.

“Sorry man didn’t mean to interrupt. Hey Darlin’,” Crush said. His eyes went up and down my body, a little too friendly. I probably should reiterate to Dragon that I wasn’t club *. Still, I let my eyes travel up his tight and toned body. He was wearing a black muscle shirt, which normally I wasn’t a fan of, but he had this arm sleeve tattoo on his right arm that went all the way up. It was a mixture of blacks and a vibrant red line. It ran along the entire length, twisting and turning all over his arm. It disappears, following his collar bone. I couldn’t help but wish he had his shirt off so I could see where else it went and what it did. Not to mention, the way he said Darlin’ could make a woman melt. What was it about these bikers?

“Hey,” I huff. Dragon’s hand tightens up on my wrist and he yanks me so I fall into his side.

“What?” I grouse.

“Quit checking Crush out before I have to kill him,” Dragon complains.

My eyes get as big as saucers, because I am pretty sure he’s not kidding. I think I can scratch off reiterating not being club * off my to-do list.

“Hey boss? Man, we got shit going on. Need you out at *’s now.”


“It’s a strip joint. That’s where I was a couple nights ago Nic. Some hot looking women there.” Dani chimes in helpfully.

It doesn’t surprise me that Dani has been at the strip joint, but I notice the way Crusher checks her out. Men are such pigs.

“Of course it’s a strip joint! Dear Lord I bet you even picked out the name, didn’t you Dragon?”

“Shut it Mama.”

“This is my home and you can’t just tell me to shut up you overgrown…” I stop ranting at him when he reaches down and twists the f*ck out of one of my nipples and as a result, I end in a squawk…which is to say, a painful squeal and an outraged sound of disbelief all rolled into one sound.

Crush gave a half smile, but I could tell he was upset, so I remain quiet. It had nothing to do with Dragon telling me too. Though, to be honest I’m not exactly anxious to have him seek further retribution. That shit hurts.

“What’s up?”

“Uh...” Crush looked around the room.

“Speak.” Dragon orders and the man clearly has a big problem with politeness.

“Boss, it’s kind of… private.”

Jordan Marie's Books