Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(33)

We all get up to leave when the movie ends. Skull takes my empty popcorn and drink (of which he had mostly ate I might add) and tosses it to one of his flunkies and then pulls me out in front of him. I looked back at Dani, enticing ‘Beast’ and I have to say he seems a little more interested. He might not be bad looking--it was hard to tell between the beard and the long hair.

Skull keeps his hand on my back and guides me through the crowd. I find it odd how I always liked for a man to do that when I went out, but had never had it. Yet, since meeting Dragon, I’d rather he was here. He wouldn’t have a hand at my back. He’d wrap his body around mine and make sure everyone got out of our way.

We make it out into the street when Skull leans down into my ear to talk so he could be heard over Dani and the crew laughing. His hand drops a little too far down so that it is more at the curve of my lower back and ass.

“How about we all go to the Rock querida?”

“The Rock?” I ask looking back at Dani. She was busy now with Beast and the guy whose lap she had sat in. I was feeling uncomfortable, I don’t know what Dragon and I are but I know he’d hate this.

“It is a club in town, we can have a drink, dance, get to know one another. Your girl seems to be interested in Tiny and Beast.”

Shit this wasn’t good. I didn’t want to ruin things for Dani, but I knew that I went to the club… hell, anywhere with Skull? Things would not go well. Dragon would flip his lid and he’d have a right too. I took a deep breath and pulled away from Skull.

“Don’t think that would be a good idea. Dragon’s coming by later and I really should be getting back home.”

“Damn straight, Mama.”

I close my eyes. Seriously did the man have radar? Dragon and four of his buddies came out of the dark. Dragon’s eyes are locked on Skull. He didn’t even spare a glance at me, but when his group gets closer Irish reaches out and puts his arm around my waist and pulls me back against him. Immediately one of the other men stands in front of me and blocks me from the group.

“Ah, Dragon mi hermano, I wondered when you would be showing up. My compadres spotted your man earlier.”

“Then you knew to stay the f*ck away from my woman,” Dragon says. The anger in his voice was so heavy you could feel it.

I hold my head down. Yeah this wasn’t going to go well.

Chapter 14


I don’t think I have ever felt jealousy in my life. It just wasn’t something that I did. Bitches weren’t worth the trouble—that was for damn sure. Seeing my woman standing there though, with another man’s hand on her ass, hearing another man ask my woman out? All I knew at that moment was I wanted to kill. Something violent came out of me at the thought of anyone other than me touching Nicole. I wanted to tear Skull apart limb by limb. Fuck, it was taking every damn thing in me to not do it.

“What the f*ck did I tell you Skull? You do not f*cking touch her.”

“Aw but Nicole…”

“Motherf*cker I don’t think you’re listening. You do not say her goddamn name.”

“Surely you do not expect to keep a luscious mujer such as Nicole to yourself?”

I grab him by the neck before he knows what in the hell is going on. I have no plan other than to show this * that I am not joking and this is no f*cking game. I’ll gut the mother f*cking son of a bitch if he says my woman’s name one more f*cking time.

“I told you f*cker, you do not say her name, you do not even think her name.” I pull my blade I keep in my back pocket and hit the button so it pops up. Skull’s men go to make a move, but my men circle around. I hear my girl and Dani yelling, but my eyes don’t move from Skull.

“I didn’t take you for being an idiota amigo,” I sneer. “Are you? Or are you just eager to sink your dick where I’ve already been?”

I can hear Nicole in the background. I’m going to pay for that later, but I do not give a damn. Her ass will be so red when I get done with her, she’ll be lucky if she can sit for a week.

“Perhaps I have misunderstood hermano. I have not known you to be so enamored before. I meant no harm. I will step back if you intend to claim her.”

I should let it go at that, but he had his hand on my girl’s ass. If it was someone else, I would cut off his fingers and his dick just for fun. If I close my eyes I can still see his hand there and f*ck, I still might.

The rest of my men have come out from the alley where they had been waiting for my signal. We now outnumber Skull’s crew easily. He only has a few of his men with him. A mistake, but one I am f*cking taking advantage of.

“Tell me Skull, what would you do to a dirty f*cker who put his hands on your property?”

Proof that my men know me well, Bull comes around and grabs Skull and holds him for me. Bull’s huge ass arms are as big and round as a telephone pole. Still, that isn’t what keeps Skull from moving. No, that would be the 357 currently cocked and pointing at the side of his head. I take a breath and step back, getting a little space between us now. I need to get a handle on my emotions and tone them the f*ck down. Nicole is going to have to learn to stop pushing my damn limits or someone will get killed. I look around and notice that each of my men have a gun trained and aimed at Skull’s entourage. They’re making sure all our bases are covered.

Jordan Marie's Books