Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(12)

“I’ve heard this song from you before, time for a new one,” I say walking towards her as if she was my prey and right now she is.

“Had I known you were going to go psycho on me, I wouldn’t have given you my number!” She cries out and I can hear the panic in her voice.

I am not about to give in on this. When you’ve lived the life I have, you learn to go after what you want. I want her. I’m going to have her. I’ve decided there’s only one way to get her out of my system, and I need to get her out of my system. It’s a scary ass feeling when your dick doesn’t cooperate with your need to get laid. So I’m going to give him what he wants, until he’s ready to move the hell on.

“Fair enough, I’ll ask you three questions and you answer honestly. If your answer is no to any of the three, then I’ll back the hell away and we won’t ever have another conversation.”

That seems to make her breathe easier. Silly girl! I let my smile go friendly, lean my arm beside her head against the wall and effectively block her in with my body.

“What‘s the question?” She asks like a spoiled little child that’s not getting her way. Fucking cute!

“Did you think about me last night while you were in bed?”

A deep blush darkened on her cheeks. Fuckin’ A she did.

“Only because you’re a psycho!”

My smile deepens. We both know she’s lying. I don’t need to point that shit out.

“Did you think about me when you woke up this morning all warm and sleepy?”

She turns away and stares off to the side, refusing to look into my eyes.

I put my hand up and used my thumb and index finger under her chin to pull her back around to me.

“Answer me Nicole.”

She licks her lips. I look down at her breasts and her nipples are so f*cking hard they look like diamond points sticking under her shirt. Nice big f*cking nipples too, at least the size of a dime. Oh hell I can feel pre cum gather on the head of my cock.

“It didn’t mean anything.”

“Okay, then one more question, did your * get wet when I carried you in here and slapped that f*cking fantastic ass of yours?”

She gasped. “No!” She looked at my face, but again her eyes avoided mine.

“I think you’re lying, Nicole.”

“I’m not,” she argues. “So that means this game you’re playing is over and I need to get back to work.” She ducks under my arm, trying to escape. That’s not going to work for me.

“Prove it.”

She freezes instantly, her body taunt. “What?” She asks and her face is white now. Oh yeah baby, you played right into my hands.

“I said, prove it. If I didn’t make you wet, then show me.”

“How on Earth would I do that?” She asks and I could almost see her heart beating out of her chest.

“Strip and show me your *. If you aren’t dripping wet for me, if I can’t see how wet your little * is for me, I’ll leave you alone.”

“I’m not going to strip for you! Are you insane, high, or both?”

I grin because really I hoped that would be her answer.

“So you’re saying you’re not going to strip for me?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying!”

“Well Nicole, I’m afraid you leave me with no other choice.”

“Oh well Dragon.”

I reach out and grab her arm and pull her into me.

“What…what are you doing now?”

“Well if you aren’t going to show me sweetheart. I have to find out through other means.”

“Other means?” Her voice comes out squeaky and it makes me smile.

“Yeah Mama,” I say softly.

“What other means?”

I bend down to whisper in her ear, letting my breath fan her skin. “I’m going to slide my hand down in your pants, move my fingers over your * and see if you’re telling me the truth.”

“Dragon I think this joke has gone on long enough, I mean really I think its best….”

“Shhh baby,” I say pushing her even flatter against the wall. I put her hands over her head and secure both her small wrists in one of my hands.

I dart my tongue along the outer shell of her ear. I can tell by the way her body tightens, she likes it. She likes having her neck and ear played with. I file this information away. The way I look at it, this is a war and I need every weapon I can find at my disposal.

With that in mind, I whisper directly into her ear this time, “It’s not like I’m going to f*ck you baby. I just need to find out if you’re lying to me. A good girl like you, you wouldn’t lie would you Mama?”

I move my free hand down her neck. Her small collar bone is evident against her skin. I follow the long sexy line of her neck and shoulder and admire the way her ear is shaped. It begs to be sucked on…this might just become a favorite place to bury my face, except for her * and maybe her breasts. Shit how in the hell could a man choose?

I lightly tease the skin, moving down along her collar bone, lightly grazing one of her f*cking perfect breasts, making sure to worry the nipple slightly with my thumb. Then I move along her rib cage and around to the front of her stomach. I leave my hand splayed across her abdomen, my index finger running gently back and forth over her belly button. My finger teases along the top of her shorts and I run my tongue along her ear again, before sucking on the lobe and nibbling it as I pull back.

Jordan Marie's Books