Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(39)

“Yo! Crusher you think we should allow Twist to carry our symbol on him into hell?” I ask, my knife still dancing around the tat in question over the heart.

“Abso-f*cking-lutely not Prez!”

“Yeah, I don’t think so either, but let’s be fair. All those that say this f*ckwad can keep his tat say Aye.”

I reach over and put on the latex gloves that Freak had put on the floor beside me. I waited a minute for effect and then lean even further down so my voice is in Twist’s ear.

“Listen to that silence f*cker, looks like fun time is about to begin.”

Then I let my knife slice into the skin in a deep ‘X’ through the tattoo. I pick up one of the loose pieces of skin and saw it off throwing it in the tub. I do that four more times, until the tat is completely removed and the pieces are lying along Twist’s naked legs.

Twist had screamed and is crying now, but I block that shit out. I’m sure Jess cried out too, and she was just a helpless slip of a thing. Twist deserves this and worse. I lay my knife on a rag that has been placed on the floor and then take off my bloodied gloves, throwing them in the tub.

“I swear you might be more of a * than I thought Twist. You’re crying more than poor Jess did. Did it make you feel like a big man hurting someone innocent? To rape a woman you had already beaten to the point she was unconscious?”

I picked up the pliers and twisted the f*ckers head back.

“Danny told me his stew manages to melt everything but you know me Twist, better to be safe than sorry. Hold still now, this is going to hurt like a son of a bitch. Kind of like how poor Jess felt when you broke her f*cking arm.” I said, using my pliers to rip out one of his front teeth.

“Or maybe it will hurt as much as when you broke three of her f*cking ribs you ass f*ck.” I put the tooth on the plastic by my feet and yank out two more. Twist is trying to moan but since I kept the pliers jabbed into his mouth that’s pretty much impossible.

“Shit boys, Twist smells like he’s been sucking your dicks. Damn breath is killing me.” I complain going in to pull another one. Twist passes out and I put the new tooth with the other three. Then yank off the new set of gloves I had put on, throwing them in the tub.

“I’m taking a break. Wake the f*cker up in a bit and get him ready for round two.” I growl walking to the door. “Skull, you and me now,” I said and didn’t look back.

I light a cigarette and lean up against the outer wall of the building, waiting for Skull. He didn’t take long and I offered him a smoke. I didn’t usually smoke, but some things called for a good smoke and a stiff drink. Fuck if this wasn’t one of them, I may even let myself get lost in the booze later tonight.

“It is not easy being a leader mi amigo,” Skull said, taking a smoke and looking out over the abandoned property.

The cement is cracked and weeds are growing through it. There are a couple of old junked cars and lots of trash. Place is a shit hole, but with the purpose it had, that seemed fitting.

“What aren’t you telling me Skull?” I ask straight out, it is time to cut the bullshit. Skull and I would never be the best of friends, but there is a grudging respect of sorts.

He took a drag on his cigarette and blows out the smoke. In the distance a train whistle lets out a lonely wail.

“Dragon, talk on the street is of two adders in your nest, mi amigo. The f*ck up in there being a small fry in a big ocean, and word is trouble is headed your way.”

“Trouble is headed my way every damn day.” I growl, watching the glow of the fire burn on the butt of my cigarette.


“Besides, I already knew that shit from the call Twist made at the end of the tape, asking if I was distracted.”


“So, you have names?”

“None I am willing to share at this time, but I will when I find a reliable source, doing so now may implicate an innocent man. I warn you though you shouldn’t trust anyone.”

I threw the cigarette away and gave Skull a hateful look. I might understand what the f*ck he was about, didn’t mean I had to like it.

“Let’s get this shit done.”

Chapter 17


It had been a f*cked up day. I had pulled the rest of Twists teeth and cut off his fingers, when it became apparent the f*ck wasn’t going to talk. It pissed me the hell off. I needed something more to go on and for some reason I thought for sure Twist would have caved. All he would tell me in the end was that he’d see me in hell. A man could almost respect that, if it hadn’t come out of the mouth of a woman beating, rapist.

I don’t know why he didn’t break, whoever was behind this shit, cultivated a f*ck of a lot of loyalty apparently. I had left Freak and Gunner to deal with what was left of the scum. There wasn’t much; the skin with the fingerprints and the teeth were dissolved separate, so I could be sure there was nothing left. Then the Mexican stew Danny had prepared was poured into the tub with Twist. It took several hours, but eventually he really would just be a stain in a sewage line. The f*cker deserved less than that.

Now I’m sitting here at the club getting drunk. Nicole had come over and tried to pull me out of my head several times, but I shot her down. Why? Because I’m a f*cking *, that’s why. She doesn’t deserve it, and I can tell from the blush on her face I had embarrassed her.

Jordan Marie's Books