Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC #1)(40)

Now, she is watching the club Twinkies and she is clearly not happy with what is going on. I hated to tell her, but for the most part this was a quiet night for everyone. Hell there wasn’t even any open f*cking going on. That will probably change before long, since the alcohol is flowing heavily and all of my men are in f*cked up moods.

Nicole is at the bar talking with Lips and Irish. It’s kind of odd how her and Lips seem to have hit it off but they are laughing as if they are old friends. It kind of pisses me off, though I can not tell you for the life of me why.

Irish keeps looking over at me giving me a strange look and then shaking his head.

Yeah well, I know I’m f*cking up so what. I said in my head, as I raise my glass to him in a silent toast. Irish shakes his head and goes back to talking to the girls.

Nicole shoots a worried glance in my direction every now and then and I do my best to ignore the pleading look in her eyes and keep drinking. I had nearly finished the bottle when Tash comes over and sits in my lap. I didn’t want her there. I might be f*cked up right now, but even with that I knew Nicole was all I wanted. I am about to push her away when I hear Nicole’s voice. I look up to see my woman walking toward us in an angry strut, so fast her hair was flying behind her like there was a breeze and it bounces on her shoulder with ever step. Fuck, she is magnificent. I close my eyes and remember the way she had looked sucking on my cock. I instantly go hard, which considering the amount of alcohol I had been drinking, is no small feat.

“You need to move your boney ass off my man’s lap.”

My brain was mush, I should be paying attention to what the women are saying, but in truth all I could watch was the swell of Nicole’s breasts rise and fall in the sweater she was wearing. The deep vee of the dark green sweater gives a great view

“I don’t see your man complaining; maybe you just can’t keep him satisfied like I do.”

“Bitch, I’m telling you one last time to step the f*ck away,” Nicole growls.

Tash turns around and plants her lips on mine and pushes her tongue into my mouth. I bring my hands up to her shoulder to push her away but I never get the chance. I hear Tash scream. Then, she is off me and Nicole has pulled her onto the floor. I shake my head to clear it. When my vision improves I see Nicole with Tash’s hair in her hand pulling her away from me. Tash is probably a good three inches taller than Nicole, but apparently that doesn’t matter when anger is involved. Well that and the way Nicole has the woman’s hair pulled so tight her head was bent all the way back. She has Tash bowing down to try and get her hair loose.

“Mama….” I start and shit my voice even sounds slurred to my own ears.

“Don’t you f*cking start right now, me and this bitch have something to clear up. You said I was your woman, is that still true?” She asked.

“Fuck yeah,” I said, because my head wasn’t so foggy I was completely stupid.

“You hear that bitch? That means he’s mine because I don’t f*cking share. I warned your f*cking ass before you came over here, but I see the peroxide has melted what few brain cells you had. Stay away from my man,” she yells! She then slams Tash’s face down on the table so hard, I thought it might crack.

Fuck! I wince at the thought of the pain that had to have brought. At the same time my dick pulses. Hell I had been afraid that Nicole wouldn’t be hard enough to stand up for herself, I had no idea.

Tash sinks down onto the floor with a low moan, her nose is at a weird angle and there is blood coming from it. Nicole kicks her once more for good measure before she steps back. Everyone is staring at her and my woman stares every single f*cking one of them down.

“Anyone else want to try and touch what’s mine?”


She looks back at me and the hurt and anger in her eyes are almost enough to sober me up.

“I don’t know what the f*ck is going on with you Dragon, but I don’t play these games. If you want this shit take it, but don’t think I’ll be sitting back and waiting. I told you in the beginning, I don’t share. Now since you smell like some other f*cking bitch’s cheap ass perfume, I’m going back home.”

She stomps away from me and I watch her for a minute. I mean I think I am in shock and at the same time she is so f*cking hot with that plump ass in those tight jeans. Her sweater had risen up and I get a peek of the curve of her ass as she walks.


She stops as she gets to the door.

“I think she touched my back, could probably use some help washing that shit off Mama.”

I need to be tougher and make sure the men see me as strong, but right now in this moment, I don’t give a f*ck about anyone or anything other than Nicole.

The twins have pulled a dazed Tash away, but other than that there’s no movement. Everyone is waiting to see how this plays out.

Nicole turns and looks at me, her eyes appraising me and I get the feeling she sees more than anyone else ever has. Then again, I don’t think anyone has really given a shit before. They sure as hell had never claimed me as theirs, like this woman had done just moments before.

I watch her slowly walk back towards me. With each step she makes, somehow the heavy load that had been on my shoulders since doing all that shit to Twist, gets lighter.

She stops in front of me and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have never seen anything more beautiful. I was in f*cking deep with this woman.

Jordan Marie's Books