The True Cowboy of Sunset Ridge (Gold Valley #14)(53)

“Okay, are we done gawking? Can we eat?”

“Sure,” Sammy said. “Eating.”

And just as he’d suspected, while everyone else filtered into the kitchen, Griffin grabbed hold of Colt’s shoulder.

“So what exactly is happening with you and my sister? Because it just seems odd to me that she’s suddenly helping out with the baby.”

“Believe me when I tell you, I couldn’t get her to not help with the baby. I tried.”

“That does sound like Mallory. She’s... Persistent. And I mean that in a good way. She was the person that called me. Pretty much every day when I was out here trying to disappear into the mountains. She... She wants to help.”

“She has helped. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. But it’s my responsibility. I would think that you’d be the kind of man that understood that.”

Griffin regarded him. “Yeah. I do.”

“But, that doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing.” He sighed heavily. “Honestly. She’s been amazing. And essential.”

“She’s fragile,” Griffin said. “And I know she doesn’t act that way. I can absolutely picture her charging right in and getting up in your business, but I really worry about her. She was with that... I hate that guy.”

“Jared?” And just like that, he felt a little bit revealed. Because that was making it clear he knew more about her personal life than he might if she was just helping out with the baby. If they hadn’t had... A prior situation.

“Yeah,” Griffin said.

“Look, I like your sister,” he said, because that was true. “And she’s helping me out with the... Quite frankly an insane situation. And I appreciate it. But I respect you. And more than that, I respect her. And I’m well aware that I’m too messed up to get into any kind of situation. Particularly with someone that... Is apparently involved in multiple aspects of my life.”

“That’s weird, though,” Griffin said. “How you pretty much knew what I was going to ask. Almost as if...”

“No as if. What, do you want me to lie and say that I find your sister unattractive? Because she’s beautiful. And I’m not blind.”

“Okay,” Griffin said. “Settle down.”

“You’re the one who pushed the subject.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t mean to push it that way.”

“Okay. Well. Don’t do it again.”

“You’re an asshole,” Griffin said.

Colt turned around and smiled, still holding Lily, cradling her fuzzy head with his hand. “Yes, yes I am.” He walked in, and there was only one seat available, one right next to Mallory. So he took it.

“Do you want me to take her?”

“No,” he said. “I’m fine.”

Dinner was a fantastic feat, but it always was with the women in his family involved. There was homemade bread, steak and salad. And it took a while for him to figure out how he was going to eat it with one hand, but he managed.

He was about halfway through his steak when he realized that mostly everyone was looking at him, and not eating.


“It’s just weird,” Logan said.

“What? I’m doing what any of you would do. Hell, Ryder. It’s basically what you did. When shit goes down, and you have a responsibility, you do what needs doing.”

“Fair,” Sammy said. “But please watch your mouth in front of my baby. And... Yours quite frankly.”

“Sorry,” he said.

Astrid looked up, her eyes shining bright. “Don’t repeat him, mite,” Ryder said.

“She’s more likely to get in trouble repeating you,” Sammy said, dryly.

“I watch my language.”

“Unless you happen to hit your hand with a hammer.”

“That happened one time.”

“Yeah, but you dropped so many F-bombs they’re practically embedded in the walls.”

“I can take her now,” Mallory said, taking Lily from his arms. “You finish dinner.”

And somehow, that seemed weirder. And he felt a little bit like he’d lost his shield.

But there was pie on the table, and he determined that he would focus on that, rather than anything else.

MALLORY TOOK LILY into the living room with a bottle and sat on the couch. Colt should visit with his family. She was basically... The babysitter in tow. She didn’t need to sit at the table. Granted, her brother was here, but they could visit another time.

She heard footsteps and looked up and saw her sister-in-law standing there.


“Hi,” Mallory said.

“So how are things. I feel like I haven’t seen you in a little bit. I mean, I get why.”

“Yeah. It’s... Kind of crazy? But it’s happening. For what it’s worth, I told him that he should call the police. But he... He feels really strongly about taking care of her...”

“Something happened between you two, didn’t it? Or is happening?”

Mallory went stiff. “Is it that obvious?”

“I don’t know if it’s obvious.” Iris grimaced. “Yes. It’s obvious. Even Griffin was twitchy. Which means he probably picked up on it too. And he’s a man, and therefore not all that in tune with human nuance.”

Maisey Yates's Books