Say You Love Me(35)

“By the way,” I said, needing to come clean, “I lied. I met him online. We’ve exchanged a few emails, but this will be the first time we’re meeting.” I gave Cody a crooked smile. “But you’re right, Mila getting engaged to TJ has made me realize I want a serious boyfriend. I want someone to love me who I can love back. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.”

“It’s not,” he said slowly, his eyes never leaving mine as he gave me a small, weak smile. “I think you deserve the best, Sally. You really do.”

“Thank you,” I said, my heart breaking.

“I hope he’s a great guy,” he continued. “I hope you fall in love and he can be the man you need and want. I hope that you find everything you’re looking for. You’re a great girl and you deserve the best.”

“Thanks,” I said, my heart being torn out of my body at his words. All hope had left the building. It had hit me once again. Cody didn’t love me. He never would. He didn’t care. At all. He never would. My heart sank with a thousand ships and my spirit left me. It was all I could do to keep a smile on my face as we sat there, both of us looking away and fiddling with our cutlery as we waited for Mila and TJ to bring out our lunch.

Chapter 13


I wanted to punch someone or break something. All through lunch all I could think about was Sally going on her date with Luke. What sort of name was Luke? I could already tell by his name that he was a loser. Sally could do way better than him. And dinner and a movie? And discussing the movie at a coffee shop afterwards? What was that? Some sort of new code for getting her to his place so he could try and sleep with her? I hoped Sally was smarter than that. This guy was trying to Netflix and chill her by using some sort of high-class tactic. At least girls I slept with knew the deal. I wasn’t trying to pretend I was going to make them my wife. They knew that a hookup was a hookup. And nine out of ten times it was at their place, so I didn’t have to worry about them becoming a stage-five clinger and hanging out at my place the next day. There was nothing worse than a hookup trying to stay the night and then waking up to them cooking me breakfast the next day. That was always awkward for me. Sometimes I couldn’t even remember their names. I knew it was bad, but it wasn’t like I’d lied to them. They’d known the deal. Sex was sex. What guy turned down sex? Well, me—once. But that had been different. That had been with Sally. And, well, I couldn’t just do casual sex with her.

“Lunch was delicious. Thank you, Mila.” Sally beamed at my sister after finishing her cheesecake and I watched as she folded her napkin and placed it next to her plate on the table. She gazed at me for a second, gave me a quick smile and then looked away. “I think I should get going soon. I’ve a lot to do today.”

“Oh?” I said, feeling annoyed for some reason. “Need to get ready for your date?”

“Yeah, kinda.” She nodded, looking slightly embarrassed.

“Let me give you some advice. Guys prefer a more natural look, so maybe stay away from too much makeup, and no slutty clothes.”

“Cody.” Mila’s voice was sharp. “What the hell?”

“I’m just giving Sally some pointers.”

“Are you saying I normally wear too much makeup and slutty clothes?” Sally’s voice was unsure.

“No, I mean, I’m sure every woman has at some point. I’m just saying don’t wear them tonight. And don’t be a fool and go back to his place to listen to music or whatever. Because he doesn’t want you to listen to music, he wants to get you in bed. And that means one thing.”

“Okay,” Sally said simply. I could feel TJ and Mila staring at me, but I couldn’t stop talking.

“And I know you want a relationship, so honestly, having sex on the first through fifth date is not a good idea. The guy just won’t look at you the same way.”

“So that’s something you live by, then, Cody?” Mila asked me sarcastically. “That’s your dating philosophy as well?”

“I’m not looking to get married or have kids.” I shrugged. “At least not anytime soon. So if I’m hooking up, that’s all I care about.”

“Good to know,” Mila said and stood up abruptly. “Anyone want any cheese and crackers?” she said as she glared at me.

“Sure,” TJ said with a nod.

“I’ll help you,” Sally said and stood up quickly as well and they both left the room hastily. I looked over at TJ, who was grinning widely at me, and I frowned.

“What?” I asked him, wondering what he found so amusing.

“Dude, what are you doing?” He leaned forward and spoke softly.

“What do you mean what am I doing?”

“What’s with the rude advice to Sally?” He shook his head. “ ‘Don’t wear too much makeup’?”

“I was just telling her how it is from our side. You know, I’m looking out for her.”

“Are you falling for her?” His eyes narrowed as he gazed at me.

“What?” I looked at him like he was crazy. “Of course not.”

“Uh huh?”

“Dude, we almost had sex last week and I stopped it, okay?” I lowered my voice as I spoke. “If I wanted her, I could have hit it and quit it and moved on already.”

J. S. Cooper's Books