Say You Love Me(32)

“That’s not what I’m saying.” I shook my head. “I just think Sally can meet a higher quality guy than the guys who are here tonight.”

“You guys don’t have to talk about me like I’m not here,” Sally broke in and put her hands up. “I’m here and just looking to have fun.”

“Same here.” Louisa pouted and grabbed my arm. “I thought we were going to go back to your place and have some real fun, big boy?” Everyone went quiet at her words and I looked over at Sally to see how she’d reacted. Her face was downcast and she wouldn’t make eye contact with me. I tried not to sigh. This was a mess and I didn’t know how to fix it.

“We’ll let you guys be, then,” Mila said and gave me a disappointed look. “Sally and I can take care of ourselves and our drinks for the night.”

“Mila,” I said, annoyed. “I want to buy you guys your first drinks.”

“We don’t want to interrupt you on your big night, Cody,” Sally spoke up and looked at me coldly. “Louisa doesn’t want her first date with you to also include her sister and her friend.”

“You’re my friend as well,” I said softly, gazing into her eyes, wanting to pull her into me and kiss her.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said and pursed her lips.

“What does that mean?” My voice grew louder and I stepped towards her. “We’re friends, right?”

“Yeah, of course.” She gave me a big smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “We’re great friends.”

“Why does that sound insincere?”

“Cody, let her be.” Mila sounded annoyed. “We’re here to have fun. Sally needs to get laid.”

“WHAT?” I practically shouted and I felt like fire was shooting from my eyes.

“I’m joking.” Mila gave me a weird look. “Calm down.”

“I’m calm,” I said and then looked at Sally. “So maybe we can go to lunch tomorrow?”

“I’m busy.” She shook her head. “Sorry.”

“I see.” I frowned. Busy doing what was what I wanted to ask her, but I didn’t.

“Cody, are you nearly done?” Louisa tapped me on the shoulder impatiently. “I want to get out of here.”

“Yeah, just a second.” I sighed and tried not to roll my eyes. “What about this weekend?”

“Sally’s coming over for lunch,” Mila said. “You should come too. We’ll make it a nice family affair.”

“Fine,” I said with a small frown. I didn’t want to do lunch with TJ and Mila. I wanted to talk to Sally alone. I wanted to make sure everything between us was okay and I wanted to find out what the hell she was doing going to bars looking for other guys. “I’ll be there.”

“Whoopdedoo.” Mila grabbed Sally’s arm and then looked at me. “Have a good night, Cody. We’ll see you later.”

“Night,” I said reluctantly and watched as she dragged Sally across the bar and stood next to two athletic-looking guys who immediately started looking at them. I could feel my body growing hot as I watched them standing there studying Sally. I wondered if she was into them? I wondered if she would be dumb enough to fall for their lines. I wondered if she would go home with one of them. My heart stopped at the thought and I looked away quickly.

“I’m ready to leave now,” Louisa said, staring at me, and I looked down at her in surprise, already having forgotten that she was there.

“I’ll give you money for a cab,” I said quickly as I pulled out my wallet. “I forgot that I have things to do tonight.”

“Oh?” She looked put out and pissed off, but I didn’t care.

“This should cover it.” I handed her a couple of twenties. “I’ll walk with you to get a cab if you want.”

“Don’t put yourself out,” she said, but I was barely listening to her. My eyes were on Sally and the jock who had just started talking to her. I felt my skin growing cold as she threw her head back and laughed at something he’d said. What the hell was so funny?

“What is your problem, dude?” Louisa pushed past me and I realized she was leaving. I stared over at Sally flirting with the random guy and then at Louisa as she walked away. I didn’t want to leave the bar, but I knew I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I let Louisa leave without making sure she’d gotten into a taxi safely, so I quickly followed behind her. I’d have to be quick though because I was definitely going to come back to the bar, just to make sure that Mila and Sally were safe and not taken advantage of by the two guys they were talking to, who were looking shadier and shadier by the minute.

Chapter 12


“So what you up to tonight?” Cody asked me nonchalantly as we waited on Mila and TJ to bring through the lunch. His eyes bore into mine with an intense expression and I wondered what he was thinking. Everything was even more awkward between us since that night we’d nearly made love and the night we’d met up when he’d been on his date. We hadn’t spoken since that night and I wasn’t really sure exactly what he was thinking. All I knew was I had to move on. Seeing him on that date with Louisa had been the nail in the coffin for me. It was then that I’d realized I had to move on. Like, really move on. Cody felt nothing for me, and if he did, he was just playing games. It didn’t—I didn’t—mean anything to him. Not like he meant to me. I needed to just forget about all of my daydreams and hopes. I couldn’t afford to live the rest of my life pining away for him.

J. S. Cooper's Books