Say You Love Me(40)

“Sure, thanks.” I nodded and followed him to the line. I stared up at the menu and looked at my options.

“Know what you want? I recommend their vanilla lattes.” He said after a minute or so.

“Sure, I’ll try that.” I smiled at him.

“Want to share a blueberry muffin as well?” He asked with a hopeful smile and I just grinned as I nodded. He placed the order and we walked over to the table in the corner that he’d saved for us. “I hope this is okay.” He said as he waited for me to sit. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m so nervous. Actually I do,” He grinned at me. “When I saw your profile online I was shocked to find someone as cool as you and now meeting you in person has me wondering if I’m in a dream or something.”

“Really why?” I asked him in surprise as I sat down and sipped on my vanilla latte, which was indeed delicious.

“Because you’re even prettier in person, but more than that. You have a really sweet aura about you. Does that sound weird?” He made a face. “Do I sound like some crazy hippy new age person?”

“No, that sounds nice. Thank you. I think you have a cool aura yourself.” I grinned at him and he laughed.

“So Sally, tell me about you.” He leaned forward.

“What do you want to know?” I smiled at him, feeling really and truly happy for the first time in what seemed like forever.

“Cats or dogs?”

“Dogs, definitely dogs.”

“Me too.” He grinned. “Tea or coffee.”

“Coffee baby.” I laughed.

“Sweet or savory?”

“Ooh. That’s a hard one. Depends on the day, but I like both, a lot.” I laughed.

“Cupcakes or cookies?”

“Cupcakes, you?”

“Cookies.” He grinned. “I’m an enigma.”


“My favorite cookie is oatmeal raisin.” He laughed. “My sister says I’m a weirdo.”

“Oatmeal raisin cookies aren’t bad.” I grinned. “My favorite cupcakes are red velvet.”

“I love red velvet cupcakes.” He said and then he groaned. “Actually, I can’t lie. I hate them. Just give me chocolate cupcakes without the food coloring.”

“Ha-ha,” I laughed. “Not the same.”

“I beg to differ.” He grinned, his teeth white and shiny and slightly crooked, which gave him an even more endearing look.

“Sure you do.” I winked at him. “Anymore questions?”

“Favorite movie?”

“Ooh, good one. Let me think. Uhm, I think it would have to be Casablanca.”

“Oh wow.” He looked at me with an impressed expression. “I have to go with The Godfather. Favorite TV show?”

“Honestly?” I laughed. “I absolutely love King of Queens, I think Kevin James is hilarious. You?”

“Breaking Bad, all day, every day.” He grinned. “With The Walking Dead a close second.”

“Aww, I haven’t watched those shows yet.” I said. “I need to though.”

“Maybe we can do a Breaking Bad marathon.” He suggested. “I’d love to watch it all the way through again.”

“Yeah, that would be cool.” I agreed. “I’ve heard good things about it.”

“Awesome.” He broke off a piece of the muffin and continued chewing. “So there’s this art exhibit coming to town next week featuring some impressionist pieces from Monet, Manet, Degas and some others from some private collection. I was wondering if you’d be interested in going with me?”

“Are you asking me on a second date?” I asked surprised.

“I know. I know. I should play it cooler.” He laughed as he stared at me. “And I know you barely know me and this date has barely started, but I just wanted you to know that I’m definitely interested in seeing you again.”

“Thank you. I think I’d like that.” I nodded and took a piece of the muffin. “Now tell me more about this movie that we’re going to see. You’ve got me all curious.”

“I can’t tell you too much or I’ll spoil it.” He grinned. “But I can tell you that what you think is happening is not what’s really happening or what’s going to happen.”

“Hmm, really?” I was thoughtful. “How so?”

“I can’t tell you more.” He laughed. “You’ll just have to see.”

“Argh. I hate surprises.” I laughed. And then froze as I heard my phone beeping. I ignored the sound and tried to quieten the thought that perhaps it was Cody texting me. I was not going to think about him. I wanted him off of my mind.

“Is that your phone?” Luke asked me curiously. “I don’t mind if you check your messages.”

“No, it’s fine. I’m sure it’s nothing important.” I smiled at him, ignoring the slight turning in my stomach.

“If you’re sure.” He said as he took another bite of the muffin. “Maybe your friends are texting you to make sure you’re still alive. Or maybe they’re trying to give you an out. Which I suppose is a good sign for me because you’re not answering the phone and accepting it.”

J. S. Cooper's Books