Say You Love Me(43)

“Uhm, it’s okay.” Sally looked at me awkwardly and I just wanted to take her into my arms and kiss her and tell her to forget Luke.

“Sally just tell me. After all this I really want to know.” I muttered, feeling frustrated.

“So sincere, Cody.” Mila rolled her eyes and stood up. “I’m going to get another bottle of wine. Does anyone want anything?”

“Some chips and dip.” I hollered. “And some beers. I don’t want wine.”

“How am I supposed to carry wine, beer, chips and dip?” Mila looked at me. “Do you see a third and fourth arm connected to my body?”

“I wouldn’t be shocked you are deformed looking.” I laughed at Mila’s glare. “But no, you can do what all regular humans do in these situations.”

“What’s that?” she had such a curious expression on her face that I had to stop myself from calling her a dumbass. What did she think I was going to say? How many different solutions did she see to this problem?

“What’s it worth to you?” I asked her with a grin.

“Cody! It’s not worth anything.” She glared. “Just tell me.”

“Okay, well…” I paused for dramatic effect and laughed at the anticipatory looks on Mila and Sally’s faces.

“Just say it,” Mila groaned and I put my hands in the air.

“Well the secret to carrying it all back…” I said pausing some again before continuing. “Is to take two trips.”

“Two trips.” Mila repeated after me dumfounded, as if not fully comprehending what I’d said. “You’re an * Cody.” She shook her head and I laughed and gave Sally a look. Sally was trying not to laugh and I gave her a small wink as our eyes met. She started laughing then and a small rush of warmth spread through me at her laughter. My heart expanded for a few seconds as I looked at her and I wondered momentarily if this was what love felt like. What would it be like to feel this light-hearted happiness on a daily basis? Was that even possible?

“I guess you can start telling him the story as I go and work as the scullery maid.” Mila said as she left the room.

“So…?” I looked at Sally with a soft smile, trying to ignore the bitter feelings that were starting to emerge as I waited for her to tell me about the dick she was dating.

“I don’t have to say anything.” She shook her head and I could see that she was embarrassed. “It’s really not much.”

“Look, I don’t mind.” I said too roughly, so made a big scene of clearing my throat so that she would think that the reason I sounded annoyed was more related to being sick as opposed to being extremely annoyed.

“Well, if you’re sure.” She said uncertainly.

“So go ahead, spill it.” I said, trying not to grit my teeth and ask her instead why she hadn’t returned my texts or messages.

“So Luke and I went out last night.” She said hesitantly and it took everything in me to not tell her to just get on with it. I didn’t want to hear her story. I didn’t want to know anything about Luke. I didn’t want to her story at all. I didn’t care if she never saw him again. I didn’t care if I never heard about him again. He could drop off a cliff and die for all I cared.

“Continue.” I nodded, keeping all my other thoughts inside.

“So everything seemed to be going well.” She continues softly. “We had a lot of good eye contact, which is a good thing, right?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. If he wants to get in your pants, I said inside.

“So we were joking around and I thought everything was going really well. “ She paused and I watched as she nibbled on her lower lip. I stared at her lush pink lips for a few seconds and tried just to think about how they would feel on me sucking. I felt myself growing hard at the thought. What would she do if I reached over and pulled her on top of me? Would she let me take her again? Did she want that as well? Maybe that would make her forget Luke. Maybe that was what I needed to get over the craziness in my head again. Maybe I needed to have her again. She was still in my blood and I hadn’t had my fill of her. I wanted to touch her, feel her, wanted to be inside of her.

“Yeah, continue.” I said, trying to distract myself from where my thoughts were going. I wasn’t going to be able to stop myself from getting carried away if I kept thinking about making love to her. And I knew the last thing I needed to be doing was trying to seduce her again.

“Well, it was weird.” She said. “The mood just really changed at one point and I don’t know why.”

“What do you mean the mood changed?” I asked her genuinely curious. Was it over between her and Luke already? I couldn’t help feeling smug and happy inside.

“Well the smile left his face and he started talking about how he had to go home.” She said softly.

“Oh?” I gazed at her. “What happened right before that?” Yup, it was over! I wondered if it would be too much if I asked her to come over to my place to watch a movie?

“Honestly, I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Nothing. I don’t remember anything happening. We were just talking I didn’t say anything untoward I don’t think.”

“Hmm, that doesn’t make much sense though, something had to have been said for his mood to change.” I pretended like I still cared about the conversation while I thought about sliding inside of her from behind. I wondered if she liked doggy style. Who was I kidding? What woman didn’t like doggy-style?

J. S. Cooper's Books