Say You Love Me(44)

“The conversation was fine, I thought.” She sighed and I could see a hurt and confused expression in her eyes. “We were just talking and then I got a text message.”

“Ooh, did you check your messages during the date?” I asked her. “That might have pissed him off.” I wondered who had texted her? Was it another guy? I frowned. Was she talking to more than one guy online?

“I didn’t check anything.” She shook her head. “I didn’t want to be rude, so I didn’t check.”

“Okay.” I frowned. So maybe she was really into this guy if she wasn’t even checking her messages on the date. For some reason, this displeased me even more and I tried to shake the feeling off. I couldn’t believe my mood was going up and down with the conversation. What was wrong with me? Was I becoming a girl?

“Yeah, I hate when guys are on their phones when on dates, so I never do it.” She said softly.

“Yeah, that’s rude. A clear sign of disinterest.” I said, as I gazed at her fingers in her lap, remembering when they’d been on me, touching me and teasing me.

“Yeah.” She nodded in agreement. “But yeah, he wasn’t on his phone and I wasn’t on mine. Though we both heard my phone beeping a couple of times.

“Hmm okay and that’s when everything changed?” I said, though I didn’t really want to continue the conversation.

“Yeah.” She nodded “And then basically at the end of the date, he told me he had to go and run some errands, but earlier he said that he wanted to take me to get ice cream.”

“Hmm, that’s weird.” I gave her a look. “So something turned him off.”

“Yeah, I mean I didn’t ask him about the ice cream again. I figured if he wanted to extend the date he would have brought it up, he already knew that I was down for it.”

“So then what happened?”

“Well then he paid, walked me to my car and left.” She made a face.

“And left?”

“Yup, no kiss, no hug, no nothing, not even eye contact really.”

“That’s weird.” Had they kissed before? Jealousy stirred in my stomach. Had her tongue been in his mouth? Had he touched her? I felt my hands curling into fists at the thought.

“Yup.” She nodded. “I just don’t understand.”

“And the date started well?”

“I thought it was going fantastically.” She made a face. “But maybe I have absolutely no clue.”

“Well, no, I’m sure you do. Maybe he got the vibe that you weren’t into him or maybe he realized that you’re a good girl and you weren’t going to sleep with him, which actually would make a lot of sense, because maybe that’s why he chose to forgo the ice cream. Maybe he was thinking the ice cream would be used for something else later that night. Maybe he had no plans to actually eat the ice cream.”

“What are you talking about?” Sally looked confused.

“I mean, maybe the ice cream was going to be used in the bedroom for a different sort of desert.”

“Oh?” Sally mouthed the word, looking at me with wide eyes. I felt a surge of happiness at her response. They obviously had not slept together if this was her response to my ice cream comment. I wasn’t sure why that made me so happy, but it did.

“Yeah, he most probably was thinking ice cream, whipped cream, maybe some chocolate sauce, but all for the bedroom and when he realized that wasn’t happening, he was like forget this. Let me not waste another $20.00 on this date.” I continued happily, my mind already thinking about licking whipped cream off of all of her private parts.

“Hmm.” Sally pursed her lips. “I’m not sure.” She made a face. “I don’t think he’s that kind of guy. He never made any comments like that on our previous dates.”

“Trust me, I know what I’m saying. I’m a guy. I know how we are.” I want to lick ice cream off of you right now, I thought to myself. And you can suck it off of me too, I thought, growing even harder.

“If you say so.” She looked away from me for a few seconds and for some reason that made me angry. Was she thinking about him?

“Did you really like him or something?” I snapped at her.

“Huh?” she looked back at me and blinked.

“You seem to care an awful lot about what this guy said or did. Forget him. There are much better guys out there.”

“I didn’t say I cared. I’m just confused.”

“No need to be confused. I just explained it all to you in a nutshell.”

“Okay. Thanks.” She nodded just as Mila walked back into the room with a bottle of wine and a bag of chips.

“Thanks for what?” Mila looked at me. “What advice did you give her?”

“I told her he just wanted sex and that is why he peaced out.”

“Cody, are you for real?” Mila sighed. “Why would you say that?”

“Because I know guys.” I shrugged. “You wanted me to give my honest opinion, right?” I looked at them both. “The dude realized he wasn’t going to get laid so he peaced out. It happens all the time.”

“I don’t think that Luke is like that.” Sally shook her head. “He doesn’t seem to be about sex.”

J. S. Cooper's Books