Gaining Miles (Miles Family #5)(24)

“I think you’re right.”

“And the real question is…” He paused, meeting my eyes. “Can I be the man you need now?”

“That’s not even a question.”

The smile he gave me made my heart beat faster. Full of heat and suggestion. His eyes lingered on me like a soft caress. I didn’t wilt under his gaze. A tingle of nervousness ran through my belly, but it felt good. Exciting.

Amelia had been right. I was glad I’d shaved my legs.

He broke eye contact and took my plate. “I should get this cleaned up.”

“Can I help?”

“No. You’re mine tonight…” He cleared his throat. “My guest tonight.”

This man. He was awakening something in me—a piece of myself I’d lost. I felt her fire, smoldering inside, responding to Ben’s deep voice and soft touches. I wanted her back. And I wanted Ben to be the one to bring her out.

While he took our dishes to the kitchen, I got up and went to the window. Even in darkness, the view was beautiful. Lights in town winked and sparkled. Salishan’s land spread out below us. You could see some of the winery from here, including my house.

How many times had Ben come to my house unannounced, bringing extra produce he claimed would go bad, or a book he thought I’d like? Had he been standing here, gazing down at my house? Knowing I was alone? My heart ached with gratitude.

And something else. A feeling, long denied, was blossoming inside me. It was more than thankfulness for the way Ben had quietly supported me. More than the friendship that had grown between us these last two years.

I loved him. I loved him down to my very soul. It was terrifying to admit. Loving Ben would mean being vulnerable—risking my heart again.

But I knew he was worth the risk.

I heard him approach. Felt his presence behind me as I stood in front of the window. A tingle ran down my spine as he moved closer.

He ran his hands down my arms and spoke in a low voice. “Thank you for having dinner with me.”

“It was delicious.”

His hands continued their slow caress, up and down my bare arms. He put his face in my hair and breathed in deeply. My eyes fluttered closed, my body relaxing at his touch.

He brushed my hair to the side and leaned in close, placing a kiss on the back of my neck. I let out a sigh, trembling at the feel of his lips on my skin.

Running his hands through my hair, he tilted my head to the side. He trailed hot kisses down my bared neck, each one harder than the last. Kissed across my shoulder while one hand held my hair and the other slipped around my waist, pulling me against him.

My breath came faster as he worked his way back up my neck. His body was warm and solid behind me, an anchor for my swiftly beating heart and legs that felt like liquid. His kisses grew harder, more aggressive. I felt his tongue lapping out against my skin. Soft scrapes of his teeth behind my ear.

“Shannon,” he growled. “I have wanted you for so long.”

A hot swirl of desire built inside me. I reached back and slid my fingers through his hair. “I’ve wanted you, too.”

With his hands on my body and his mouth on my skin, all I could think was finally.



Holding Shannon against me, I kissed her neck. Took my time and savored her taste. I’d imagined this so many times. Hoped and wished for it. And now I had her. She was here, with me, melting in my arms.

I tightened my grip on her hair and pulled her head to the side. Kissed across her smooth skin. My other hand started to roam, sliding up her ribcage. She shuddered as I found her soft breast, squeezing it gently.

She looked so good tonight, in that sexy black dress. It had been all I could do not to stare at her all through dinner. Seeing her like this—dressed up for me—almost made me wish I’d taken her out. I wanted to show her off to the world. Walk with her on my arm, quietly boasting that this woman was mine.

There would be plenty of time for that. Tonight was about us—and only us. A chance for us to speak our truths and share our souls. There was more I had to say, but right now, all I could think about was the way her body felt against me. Her soft sighs as I kissed her neck and shoulder. As I touched her, feeling her curves.

She’d spoken the words aloud, and her body gave me the same answer. She wanted me, too.

I let her hair down and slid my hands around to the back of her dress. With my face in her hair so I could keep breathing in her scent, I slowly lowered the zipper. Slipped my hand beneath the fabric, caressing her waist, down the curve of her hip. Leaning in to nip at her earlobe, I tucked my fingers beneath the top of her panties and tugged them a little.

She gasped, her back arching, and I pressed myself against her. Let her feel what she did to me.

We were in front of the window, and although there was no one around to see in, I wanted her to be completely comfortable.

“Come here, beautiful.” I encircled her wrist with my hand and gently turned her, leading her deeper into the room.

The fire crackled and the lights were low. With her facing me, I slid my hands into her hair and leaned in, kissing her delicate lips. She held my arms while our mouths tangled, as if she needed me to keep her upright.

I’d kissed her more thoroughly than I’d intended earlier today. And now, there was nothing holding me back. I kissed her deeply, passionately. Kissed her for every time I’d wanted to but couldn’t. For every time I’d stared at her with longing in my heart, wishing we could be where we were now.

Claire Kingsley's Books