Gaining Miles (Miles Family #5)(26)



I kissed her forehead again. “I love you.”

A gentle shudder ran through her body and she took a shaky breath. “Oh, Benjamin. I love you too.”

Tightening my arms around her, I squeezed my eyes shut. In the space of an evening, my dreams had all come true. After years of longing, I could finally love her.

“I want you to know that I’ll give you whatever you need,” I said. “If you need to go slow, we can take our time. But now that I have you, I don’t intend to let you go. Ever.”

“I’m not letting you go either,” she said. “I need you, Benjamin. And I need to belong to you. I can’t risk my heart for anything less.”

I nudged her onto her back and gently caressed her cheek. “Beautiful, I’m yours forever. Like I said, I’ll give you what you need, but I’d marry you first thing in the morning if I could.”

She laughed. “Is that what the gifts meant? Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?”

“That is exactly what they meant.” I kissed her again. “We’ve both waited a long time for this. I don’t want to go a second without you.”

Her smile had a hint of mischief. “Benjamin, are you proposing to me on our first date?”

“I’m simply suggesting that we can skip over dating. I don’t need more time. I know exactly what I want. To spend the rest of my life loving you.”

“I don’t need time either,” she said.

I hadn’t exactly planned for this moment to happen now, but like I’d taught the boys, it was important to always be prepared. I grinned at her and reached over to my nightstand. Pulled a small square box out of the drawer.

“Oh my god,” Shannon said. “You have a…”

“Like I said, I know what I want. I want you to be mine, always.” I opened the box, revealing a vintage-style halo diamond ring. “Shannon, my love, will you marry me?”

She met my eyes and reached up to touch my face. “Yes, Benjamin. I would love to marry you.”

I kissed her, although I couldn’t stop smiling. “If you were ever wondering what it looks like when all a man’s dreams come true, it looks like this.”

She touched my face again, running her fingers through my beard. “Thank you for waiting for me.”

“My darling Shannon, you are more than worth the wait.”



I’d been to a lot of weddings here at Salishan. Helped set up and decorate for hundreds of them. Attended quite a few. A handful of friends had wed here over the years. Then Roland and Zoe celebrated their second—and forever—nuptials. I had the honor of walking Brynn down the aisle when she married Chase. Last month, Leo had married Hannah in the back garden. And although they weren’t married just yet, I had a feeling Cooper and Amelia would do so here, when it was their time.

But today? On a beautiful summer evening in June, it was my turn.

Standing in front of a mirror in the groom’s dressing room, I adjusted my suit jacket. Ran a hand over my beard. I wasn’t the least bit nervous for the ceremony that would bind me to Shannon for the rest of my life. This was our day. The moment I’d been waiting for. I couldn’t wait for her to officially become my wife. For us to become a family.

Although really, we already were.

We’d spent the last few months since that first night together—that first date that had been so much more—enjoying our newfound freedom to be a couple. She’d asked me to move in right away, which suited me just fine. I didn’t want to spend a single night without her. I’d moved into her house, and our lives had melded together effortlessly.

Her kids had been ecstatic to learn we planned to get married. They seemed to see things the way we did. We knew what we wanted for our lives—being together forever wasn’t a question—so why waste more time?

Shannon and I loved each other. Our bond had been forged in friendship, the fire of our affection kindled long ago. Now, we both had exactly what we wanted. Each other.

We also had Salishan—thriving now, thanks to Roland’s expert care—a group of adult children and significant others we both loved and had the pleasure of seeing regularly, a grandson about to turn one, and a granddaughter on the way.

I’d lost a family once, and it had nearly destroyed me. But the family I was gaining filled my heart and soul. I loved these people. Had for years. They were my life.

And what a life it was.

“Ben.” Cooper poked his head in through the door. “Holy shit, you look awesome. You’re very James Bond, do you know that? And let’s be honest, no one would be surprised to find out you’re a secret agent.”

“Thanks, Cooper.”

He leaned his head back into the hallway. “Chase, get your ass over here. If Zoe catches you trying to sneak food again, she’ll punch us both.”

“I wasn’t sneaking food,” Chase said as he came into the room. Cooper followed. They were both dressed in dark suits and ties.

“I swear to god, Chase, I can’t take you anywhere,” Cooper said.

Chase just laughed and licked something off his fingers.

Claire Kingsley's Books