Gaining Miles (Miles Family #5)(31)

Four men poured in, still talking to each other. Arguing, really. Typical brothers.

“Guys,” I said, raising my voice so they’d hear me.

They all stopped, looking around—whether at the house or my family, I wasn’t sure.

“So, guys, these are my brothers and sisters and their families. Roland, Zoe, and their son Hudson. Chase and Brynn, and the furry one is Scout. That’s Leo and Hannah, and their little ones are Madeline and Zachary. And that’s Cooper and Amelia.” I paused to take a breath and gestured to the newcomers. “These guys are my fiancé’s brothers. Evan, Levi, Logan, and Gavin Bailey.”

“We’ve met,” Logan said, and pointed at Brynn. “I was part of the entertainment at her bachelorette party.”

“Oh right, the firefighter,” Brynn said.

“Dude,” Cooper said, pointing at Levi and Logan. “Are you grown-up twins? We’re having twins. It’s like seeing into the future.”

“Identical,” Logan said, glancing at his brother. “Sweet, man. Are yours boys?”


Logan grinned. “Awesome.”

“Grace, can we talk about this?” Levi asked, looking around, his brow furrowed. “This place is worse on the inside.”

“Exactly,” Cooper said. “I like him.”

“I know, I know.” I put my hands up. “It’s a fixer-upper. That means it needs a lot of fixing. But I got a full inspection, so I know what I’m dealing with.”

“Can I get a copy of that?” Levi asked, wandering farther inside.

“Later,” I said.

Logan put his hands on his hips. “I don’t think it’s that bad. Don’t worry, Grace. We’ll whip this place into shape.”

My brothers glanced at each other, giving subtle nods, as if acknowledging that I’d be fine. And that was true. Asher’s brothers had always taken care of me. His whole family had.

“Who wants pizza?” I asked.

Hudson’s hand shot into the air. “Me.”

Madeline glanced at her cousin and giggled, then copied him. “Me.”

“All right, Baileys, scoot,” I said, trying to shoo Asher’s brothers out the door. “You can come with us to pizza, but I don’t think any of us wants to hang out here in all the dust anymore.”

“That’s fine, Grace,” Evan said. He was the second oldest, and also tallest, at six-foot-four. “We’re on our way to Gram’s anyway.”

“But, pizza,” Gavin said. He was the baby of the family.

“Later, Gav,” Logan said, slipping on a pair of sunglasses. “Grace, we’ll see you later. Miles fam, nice to see you.”

The Baileys said goodbye, then went out and piled into Logan’s muscle car. It ran some of the time, so he loved driving it when it did. The engine started with a loud rumble as the rest of us made our way outside.

I gave everyone the name of the pizza place and basic directions. My hometown wasn’t very big, so I didn’t think they’d have any trouble finding it. They all got in their cars while I locked up.

I had to jiggle the key again to get it to lock. With a deep breath, I touched my fingertips to the door. One step closer. The house we’d dreamed of was mine, and when Asher got home, it would be ours. I’d waited six years. Only two left.

I’d survived this long without him. I could wait a little longer.

Grace Miles is the first heroine in my new family series! The Bailey Brothers is coming soon!

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Dear Reader,

It’s with so many feelings that I write this final chapter in the Miles family series.

So. Many. Feelings.

This novella exists because of you. When I mapped out the series, I’d known Ben and Shannon were going to get their happily ever after. But I hadn’t planned feature them in their own story. In my original series outline, Ben and Shannon’s story unfolded across the four series novels, culminating with their HEA in Leo’s book.

But you, my lovely readers, picked up on Ben’s unrequited love for Shannon in the very first book. And so many of you asked for their story, I decided to write it.

I realize this is short—it is a novella, after all—and I know the end will be met with cries of, “More!” But this was the part of their story left to be told. We get to see them slowly coming together across the series. They gradually allow themselves to feel what they feel for each other. Their friendship blossoms. We see hints that they spend time together. That Ben is the quiet support Shannon so desperately needs.

The part of their story left to tell was the final push. I wanted to show Ben deciding it was time to openly pursue the woman he’d loved for so long. And allow Shannon to come to terms with the fact that her life wasn’t over. That she could still have love—real love—even after everything she’d been through.

I ran into an unexpected challenge while writing this book. Although I didn’t see Shannon as MY mom, she had been THE mom throughout the series. How was I going to write her as a heroine? And what were readers going to think of the steamy parts?

Claire Kingsley's Books