Gaining Miles (Miles Family #5)(32)

My solution was to sink into both of them as characters. In the beginning, Shannon is focusing on her family and Salishan. She’s not thinking of herself as a woman who might date, or love, or experience intimacy. But as Ben showers her with attention, making his intentions clear, she begins to see herself in a new way. She rediscovers a part of herself she’d thought was gone—the part that craves physical connection and intimacy. My hope was that you would discover that side of Shannon right alongside her. That by the time she and Ben sleep together, you’re as ready for it as she is.

And Ben. That sweet, swoony, patient man. I always knew it was his love of the Miles kids that first prompted him to stay at Salishan. His love for Shannon blossomed later, and it was not an easy thing for him to live with. But his dedication and loyalty to that family ran deep. He loved them as his own, and he was willing to stay because of it. They were his family.

And now it’s official.

It’s so hard to say goodbye to this crazy, wonderful family. I had no idea when I began this journey—thinking about a family that owns a winery, wondering who they were and what their stories would be—that they would lodge themselves so deeply in my heart. I’ve spent countless hours with them. I’ve dreamt of them. And I’ve done my absolute best to make their stories heartwarming and wonderful.

Thank you for loving them with me. Thank you for reading their stories and laughing and crying and swooning. I hope that this series has brought you a little bit of happiness. Maybe touched your heart just a bit.

Family series are so my jam, so this certainly won’t be the last. In fact, it won’t be the last time you see these characters. Grace Miles, their half-sister, is going to be the first heroine in my next family series, the Bailey Brothers. So I’m sure we’ll get glimpses of the Miles family again as they all live out their happily ever afters.

Thank you so much for reading.


Claire Kingsley's Books