Gaining Miles (Miles Family #5)(29)

“Thanks, Grace,” she said. “We’ll see you next week.”


I ended the call and slipped my phone in my back pocket. It was the moment of truth.

The key stuck in the lock. I had to jiggle it to get the doorknob to turn. That was fine, I’d change the locks anyway. That was the first thing Jack had said—make sure you change the locks, Grace. I liked my new stepdad. Navigating the new relationship had been a little tricky for me, but he sure did love my mom.

After jiggling the key a little more, I finally got the door open.

The interior was just as dilapidated as I remembered. But all I could see was potential. New paint, new floors, cozy furniture. I was going to take this old abandoned house and turn it into a home.

Before I’d even shut the door, a truck pulled up on the street. I’d invited my siblings to come see the house. My brother Cooper hopped out and pointed through the windshield at his wife, Amelia. It looked like he was telling her to wait. He went around to the passenger side and helped her out, keeping a firm grip on her arm, as if he was afraid she’d fall without him.

Of course, Amelia was a little off-balance. As tall as she was, I was surprised her pregnancy was showing so soon, but she had the cutest baby belly. It hadn’t been long after their wedding that they’d announced Amelia was pregnant. I wondered if they knew if the baby was a boy or a girl yet. So far, they hadn’t said.

Cooper stopped, his eyes widening as he took in the house. “Holy shit, Gracie, what the hell did you buy? This place is falling apart.”

“I told you it was a fixer-upper. Hey, Amelia.”

“Hey. The house is…” Amelia glanced around. “I bet it’s going to be nice someday, but I kind of agree with Cooper.”

I waved a hand. “I know. It’s a lot of work, but it’ll be fine. The inside is… well, it’s not much better, but do you want to see it anyway?”

“Yes,” Amelia said brightly. She looked adorable in a light blue t-shirt that said Beauty and the Bump.

Cooper had traded his cute husband t-shirts—which had replaced his extensive collection of boyfriend t-shirts—for new dad shirts. The last time I’d seen him, his shirt had said future awesome daddy. This one said Sorry Ladies, This DILF is Taken.

“Come on in.” I moved aside and held the door open.

“You’re right, the inside isn’t better,” Cooper said. He kept a firm grip on Amelia’s arm as they stepped over a pile of debris. “Careful, baby.”

“Yeah, but it’s going to be so beautiful when it’s done.” I heard another car pull up outside. “I’ll see who’s here, but you guys are free to look around.”

Cooper eyed the place warily, as if dangers to his pregnant wife lurked everywhere.

I went outside and waited on the front step while Leo and Hannah unloaded their little family. Their daughter Madeline was about twenty months, and their newest addition, a son named Zachary, had been born five months ago. Madeline had been a surprise, but they’d loved being parents so much, they hadn’t waited long to have another baby.

Leo’s hair was shorter than it used to be, but he still had a thick beard. He held Zachary up against his shoulder. Madeline slipped one hand in his, the other in her mom’s, as they walked up the path.

“I know,” I said, holding up a hand. I could see the doubt on their faces. “It needs a lot of work.”

“No, it has so much potential,” Hannah said. “I love it.”

Motherhood looked great on Hannah. Despite the splotch on her shirt that was probably baby spit-up, she looked fantastic. She and Leo had moved into the house they’d built on Salishan property shortly before Zachary had been born.

“You have such a great eye for color, I’m totally going to pick your brain,” I said.

“I’d love to help,” Hannah said.

“Uncle Cooper?” Madeline asked, looking up at her dad.

“Yeah, sweetheart, I think Uncle Cooper and Auntie Amelia are already here.”

“They’re inside,” I said. “I don’t know if there’s anything sharp on the floor, so we’ll need to be careful with her.”

“I’ve got her,” Hannah said, scooping Madeline up and perching her on her hip. “Should we go see Auntie Grace’s new house?”

“Yeah,” Madeline said, her little pigtails bobbing as she nodded.

“Go on in,” I said. “Cooper and Amelia are in there somewhere.”

“We can wait until everyone gets here for the official tour,” Leo said.

“Sure,” I said. As if on cue, two more cars pulled up. “And here they are.”

Brynn and Chase got out with their dog, Scout. Brynn held his leash to keep him from running off.

“Scout, chill,” Brynn said. “He loves car rides, but I think he loves getting out in a new place even more.”

“Scout, sit,” Chase said, his voice authoritative. Scout immediately obeyed and Chase scratched his head. “Good boy.”

“Hey, you guys,” I said. “Thanks for coming. You can bring Scout inside, but be careful. I don’t know what he’ll find in there.”

“We’ll keep an eye on him,” Brynn said.

Roland and Zoe had pulled up behind Brynn and Chase. Roland got their three-year-old son, Hudson, out of the car. Zoe was pregnant with their second child, a girl this time.

Claire Kingsley's Books