Gaining Miles (Miles Family #5)(25)

I pulled away and leaned my mouth next to her ear. “Would you like to come to my bedroom?”


That one word, spoken in that breathy voice, nearly undid me. My eyes rolled back and a low groan rumbled in my throat. I took her hand again and led her down the hall to my room.

A single lamp on the nightstand cast a soft glow. My room was furnished simply—dark wood, a comfortable bed, an upholstered chair by the window. I hadn’t known if tonight would lead here, but I was prepared just the same. Clean sheets, closed curtains, and even a few candles ready to be lit if that was what she wanted.

Shannon stepped out of her shoes. I stood behind her and slipped her dress from her shoulders, slowly letting it drop to the floor. Leaned down to kiss her shoulder again. First one, then the other.

She turned to face me, nibbling her bottom lip. The shyness in her eyes made me want to scoop her into my arms. She met my gaze, then looked away.

Sensing her hesitance, I touched her chin and slowly lifted her face. “It’s okay if you don’t want to—”

“I do,” she said quickly. She glanced down at herself. “It’s just, I don’t know how you’re going to feel about the way I look.”

I blinked at her a few times, honestly baffled. “The way you look? You’re beautiful.”

“But I’m far from perfect.”

“Shannon, as far as I’m concerned, no one could be more perfect. Do you want to know why?”

She nodded.

“Because you’re you. You’re the most incredible, kind, smart, sexy woman I know. Your body is a work of art and I’m truly humbled that you’ll share this with me.”

“Why are you so wonderful?” she asked.

I shrugged. “I’m just Ben.”

“Well, just Ben, you’re still wearing all your clothes.”

I didn’t need any more encouragement than that. I pulled my sweater over my head and let it drop to the floor.

As we finished undressing, I watched her in awe. There was nothing but truth in what I’d said. She was flawed and human and utterly perfect.

Drawing her close, I slipped my arms around her. She ran her hands up my body, fingering my chest hair as I leaned down to kiss her. I ached for her, but didn’t want to move too fast. I needed to relish every moment, every touch, every kiss.

I led her to the bed and pulled the covers down. We climbed in and I nudged her onto her back. Taking my time, I caressed her soft curves. Kissed her smooth skin.

She ran her hands over my arms and chest. My mouth found hers and I let my fingers trail to the apex of her thighs. She tipped her knees apart, and I slid my hand between her legs.

Moaning into my kiss, she tilted her hips. I caressed her, soft at first. Exploring, letting her relax into my touch. Rhythmic swipes of my thumb had her breathing hard, her cheeks flushed.

“So beautiful,” I murmured, drinking in the moment. The woman I loved, lying here undressed and vulnerable.

Kissing and caressing, I lavished her body with affection until we were both frantic. Desperate for more. I climbed on top of her and settled between her legs, groaning at the feel of her skin against mine. So much heat and silky softness. She was everything I’d been wanting. Everything I’d craved for so long.

And now she was mine.

“Are you with me?” I asked.

“I’m with you.”

I pushed inside her—slowly, carefully. She felt so good, it was hard to contain myself. She sighed, her eyes drifting closed, her hair fanned out across my pillow. I kissed her mouth, down to her neck, lost in the feel of her. In the way our bodies joined so perfectly, as if this had always been meant to be.

Then again, maybe it had.

Our movements began slowly—gentle and exploratory. But as we relaxed into each other, the heat between us rose. I thrust harder, feeling her body respond. Enjoyed the way she dug her fingers into my back.

We moved in sync, the tantalizing rhythm overtaking my senses. I could feel her, taste her, smell her. Her gasps and moans spurred me on as I drew us both closer to climax. The feel of her was breathtaking. Aching pressure built, almost to the breaking point.

“That’s it, beautiful,” I growled into her ear as I thrust in hard. “You feel so good.”

I felt the moment she let go, when she truly set herself free. She pressed her hands into my lower back, pulling me in deeper, and her hips rolled against me. Her head tilted back and her lips parted as she tightened around me.

“Benjamin, yes,” she breathed.

I surrendered, giving her everything I had. Worshiped her, making love to her with reckless abandon. The tension in her body peaked as she started to come. I was only a heartbeat behind. My back stiffened and the pressure in my groin exploded. Burying my face in her neck, I groaned as I came in her, driving in hard until we were both spent.

Lifting up slightly, I found her lips with mine. She ran her fingers through my hair as I kissed her, a deep sense of contentment filling me.

“That was amazing,” she whispered.

Smiling, I kissed her again. “Amazing doesn’t even begin to describe it.”

I rolled off and let her up so she could use the bathroom. As soon as she came back, I pulled her into bed with me and drew the covers over us. Wrapping my arms around her, I held her close. Kissed her forehead and breathed in her scent.

Claire Kingsley's Books