Gaining Miles (Miles Family #5)(20)

“You’re not going to try to get me to wax, are you?” I asked.

Zoe waved a hand. “No, it’s too late for that. You need to give the skin a good twenty-four hours after waxing before someone gets in your lady bits.”

“I’m going to dinner, Zoe. It doesn’t have anything to do with my lady bits.”

“Sure.” Zoe’s tone left little doubt that she really meant yeah right.

I shook my head. There was no point in arguing with her.

“You did shave your legs, though, right?” Amelia asked. “Just in case, I mean. It’s always good to be prepared. Cooper’s always saying that Ben taught him that, and I think it’s a good lesson. And Ben burned his mattress already, so we all know what that means. Plus, smooth legs feel nice.”

“Hold on,” I said. “What did you say about Ben’s mattress? He burned it?”

“Yeah, not that long ago,” Amelia said. “I missed that one, which is such a bummer because the only time I got to go to a mattress burning was Leo’s. And I don’t know who else is going to do it, now. Maybe Grace will, I guess, but it seems like that might be stretching things, since she lives a little farther away. Man, if I’d known that was going to be my one and only mattress burning, I would have taken some pictures.”

Mattress burning was probably not a normal activity in most families. But this was the Miles family. My kids had burned mine first, after I’d kicked out my ex. Since then, it had become a symbol of casting off your old life, particularly when you were ready to move into a committed relationship.

But Ben had burned his mattress before we’d even been on a date? That meant two things, as far as I could tell. One, he wanted more than one date with me—perhaps more than just dating. And two, he was ready to welcome me into his bed.

A few days ago, that would have scared me. But everything was changing.

“You girls are so sweet to come over, but I’m fine,” I said. “I’m sure I have something I can wear.”

“Did you pick something already?” Hannah asked. “Can we see?”

I pulled a peach floral maxi dress out of my closet. “This is nice. And I’ve only worn it a few times.”

“Nope,” Zoe said.

“Why not?”

“Is he taking you to an Easter brunch?” she asked.

Amelia snickered and Hannah put her hand over her mouth.

“Come on, Shannon,” Zoe said. “This is a date. With Ben. This is a big night and you deserve to look like the foxy mama you are.”

“What do you suggest?” I asked, gesturing to my open closet.

“Keep an open mind.” Zoe unzipped the garment bag, revealing black fabric inside. “I bought this a month or so ago, but I’ve never worn it. And I think it would look amazing on you.”

She held up a sleeveless black dress. It had a V-neck that would dip far too low and a skirt that was far too short. It was gorgeous, but…

“I can’t wear that,” I said. “It’s beautiful, but no. I couldn’t.”

“Just try it on,” Zoe said, pushing it toward me.

“You really should,” Amelia said. “It would be so pretty on you.”

“I agree,” Hannah said. “At least give it a try.”

I took the dress from Zoe and held it out. It wasn’t something I’d have picked for myself. But it did look like a date dress. And that’s what this was. A date. So why not? I wasn’t positive it would fit, but it wouldn’t hurt to try it on.

I slipped the dress on and Zoe helped me zip it up in back. Running my hands down my hips, I smoothed it down, then turned so the girls could see.

“Holy shit, Shannon,” Zoe said. “You’re smoking hot in that thing.”

“Yeah,” Amelia said, her voice awed. “It’s perfect.”

Hannah sniffed and wiped her eyes. “I agree. Sorry, I don’t know why I keep crying over everything lately.”

“That would be pregnancy,” Zoe said. “Shannon, I’m serious. You’re stunning. Go look.”

I moved to stand in front of my full-length mirror. I almost didn’t recognize the woman looking back at me. My hair was still up in a bun from taking a bath, leaving my neck bare. The V-shaped neckline dipped down provocatively, and the fabric hugged my waist and hips. It was short, but not uncomfortably so, coming almost to my knees.

“Wow,” I whispered.

“God, I can’t wait for him to see you in this,” Zoe said.

There was another knock on the door downstairs and all four of us gasped.

“He’s not here yet, is he?” Amelia asked.

Hannah made for the bedroom door. “I’ll stall him while you guys do makeup.”

“Mom?” Brynn’s voice called out from downstairs.

“Up here, Brynn,” Zoe said.

I let out a breath as my daughter walked in.

She stopped in the doorway and set something down, her eyes widening. “Mom? Holy crap, look at you.”

“She has a date with Ben,” Amelia said.

Brynn’s eyes grew even larger and she opened her mouth like she was going to say something. But nothing came out.

For a second, my heart sank. My kids all loved Ben, there was no question about that. But what if they didn’t love the idea of me being with him?

Claire Kingsley's Books