Gaining Miles (Miles Family #5)(18)

Ben: Isn’t that the truth.

Me: It’s getting late. I should probably go to bed.

Ben: Me, too.

Me: Goodnight, Benjamin. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Ben: Goodnight, beautiful. You most certainly will.



I wasn’t sure if a weekend was long enough to bring Shannon around to the idea of dating. But by Monday morning—and especially after texting with her last night—my ability to hold back was at its breaking point. I still had another little surprise up my sleeve—and it was important that I give it to her. But I’d been a very patient man for a long time. Come what may, I was going to make my move. Today.

I drove down to Salishan early, so I’d be sure to see her before the day got away from both of us. But the first time I caught sight of her, she was in one of the utility vehicles with Cooper, about to head to the vineyards. Our eyes met and she smiled. I couldn’t be sure from this distance, but she might have even blushed.

Yep. I was going for it. I just needed a chance to get her alone.

I still had work to do, so I filled my morning with tasks that needed doing. She and Cooper came back around noon, but he followed her into the Big House. A few minutes later, Leo called, asking if I could help him test the security system.

These boys really needed to get out of my way.

It was mid-afternoon before I made my way back to the Big House. I found Shannon in the main tasting room chatting with a few guests. Her hair was down today—she usually wore it back—and she was dressed in a dark blue shirt and beige pants.

Beautiful, as always.

Leaning one shoulder against the doorway, I met her eyes. Her face lit up with a smile and she held up a finger, asking me to wait.

Don’t worry, Shannon. I’ve been waiting a long time for this. A few more minutes won’t matter.

She finished talking to the guests and tucked her hair behind her ear as she walked over.

“Hi,” she said, her voice soft.

With very few exceptions, I’d always stopped myself from touching her, no matter how strong the urge. Not today. I reached out and brushed her hair back behind her shoulder.

“Hi. You look beautiful today.”

Her lips only twitched, but her smile lit up her eyes. “Thank you.”

“Do you have a minute?”

She glanced over her shoulder. Brynn smiled at us from behind the bar.

“Sure,” she said.

I loved this woman’s kids as much as I loved her, but they were really cramping my style lately. I nodded to Brynn, then gently took Shannon’s elbow.

She let me lead her into the hallway. Lindsey was at the front desk. That was no good. I heard noise coming from the kitchen. That wouldn’t work. I didn’t bother with the event room. People were always coming and going in there.

I pulled her down the hall and into the storeroom next to the kitchen.

“What are we—”

Instead of letting her finish her question—or answering it—I shut the door with my foot, pushed her up against the wall, and kissed her.

Finally. Oh my god, finally.

Bracing myself with one hand on the wall, I twined my fingers through her silky hair as her mouth softened against mine. I pressed my lips to hers, letting us both sink into the kiss. Felt her body relax.

With a soft exhale, she slid her hands around my waist, drawing me closer. I sucked on her lower lip, savoring my first taste of her. She was everything I’d imagined she’d be. Smooth and delicate. Delicious.

She parted her lips and I felt the tip of her tongue. A low growl rumbled in my throat as I delved into her mouth, letting my tongue slide against hers. She tilted her head and her hands moved up my chest. I craved her touch like a man starved. Her fingers found skin as she drew her hands around to the back of my neck.

All I could think was more. I needed more of her. More contact. More of her taste. I picked her up, pressing her back to the wall. Her legs hooked around my waist. Holding her ass in my hands, I kept kissing her. Deep and hungry. Long drags of my tongue against hers.

I’d meant to kiss her softly. Be a gentleman. But there was nothing gentlemanly about the way I was growling into her mouth. Squeezing her ass in my hands. There were decades of pent-up desire in this kiss, and I was done keeping it all inside.

I felt it in her, too. She kissed me back, just as passionately. Her arms wound tight around me, her fingers sliding through my hair.

Losing all sense of time, I kept kissing her. Reveled in this moment. I’d waited so damn long for this. Imagined it so many times. And the reality of kissing Shannon was better than anything I’d dare let myself dream.

This woman was everything.

In the back of my mind, I was aware of footsteps in the hallway outside. But I didn’t care. The threat of interruption wasn’t enough to make me stop. Not when I finally had her. When I could touch her and taste her lips. Kissing her was bliss.

Besides, I’d promised to kiss her breathless. And I was nothing if not a man of my word.

We made out in the storeroom for goodness knew how long. I wasn’t exactly a young man anymore, but I was strong—holding her up was easy. And feeling her pressed against the wall with her legs around me was unbelievable.

Finally, I pulled away, just a little. Rested my forehead against hers. She was breathing hard, her arms still holding me tight. I let her legs down, slowly lowering her to the floor.

Claire Kingsley's Books