Gaining Miles (Miles Family #5)(19)

Her hands moved back to my chest and I kept my forehead to hers. Let us both catch our breath.

“You weren’t kidding when you said you’d kiss me,” she said, her voice soft.

I brushed her hair back from her face. “I always keep my promises.”

“What happens now?”

That was a very good question. There was a part of me—a very insistent part—that wanted to drag her home right now and make love to her. But I knew she wasn’t quite ready for that. Soon. But not yet.

“Will you have dinner with me?”

There was a hint of relief in her smile. “Yes, I’d love that.”

“Are you free tonight?”

“I am.”

“Can I pick you up at seven?”

She nodded. “Seven is good.”

“Then it’s a date.”

Her eyes moved to my mouth and she slid one hand up to trace her fingers through my beard. I leaned in to kiss her again—gently this time.

“I suppose I have to let you get back to work,” I said.

“Yeah, I suppose so. And I have to get ready. I have a date tonight.”

“A date? He’s a lucky man.”

Her soft laugh was music to my ears. “I’m a lucky woman.”

“It’s about time, don’t you think?”

“About time we get lucky?” she asked.

I groaned. “Dear god, Shannon, don’t start talking like that. We’re at work. You’re going to get me in trouble.”

She laughed again, then nibbled on her bottom lip while she touched my beard again. “I’ll see you at seven.”

“I’ll be there.”

She slipped out the storeroom door, glancing back at me over her shoulder before she left. I turned and leaned against the wall. Closed my eyes and let out a long breath.

God, that woman.

Tonight, I was going to give her the best date of her life.



It was mid-afternoon, but I didn’t bother going back to work. I needed a little time to collect myself, so I went straight home.

The memory of Ben’s kiss was still hot on my lips. He hadn’t just kissed me. He’d consumed me. Never in my life had I been kissed like that. It had been thrilling and arousing. New and familiar all at once. It was Benjamin. My friend. The man who’d been a presence in my life for so long.

But this was a side of Ben I’d never known. A side of him I hadn’t dared hope to experience.

And now, for the first time in a very long time, I had a date.

I decided to calm my nerves with a glass of wine and a hot bath. I soaked for a while, luxuriating in the water and the memory of Ben’s beard against my skin. His lips on mine. It had felt better than I’d imagined.

And I realized how much I’d been missing that. The feeling of someone wanting me. Kissing and touching and connecting. I’d been missing intimacy for so long—since well before my marriage had ended. And the prospect of discovering it again was both exciting and a little scary.

After my bath, I dried off and slipped on my robe. I needed to decide what to wear tonight, so I stood in front of my closet, scrutinizing my choices.

I heard a knock downstairs, followed closely by someone calling my name.

“Shannon? You home?”

What was Zoe doing here?

“Upstairs,” I called out.

I hoped she didn’t need a babysitter. I was usually more than happy to watch Hudson, but tonight was another story.

“Oh good, you’re getting ready,” she said as she peeked through my partially-open door.


Zoe came in, followed closely by Hannah and Amelia. Zoe had a garment bag hanging on her arm. Hannah had a small tote with a curling iron sticking out the top and Amelia carried an armful of makeup bags.

“What are you all doing here?” I asked.

“We’re here to help you get ready for your date,” Amelia said, her voice matter-of-fact.

“Help me… wait, how did you know I have a date?”

“Cooper saw you come out of the storeroom in the Big House and he said you looked all dreamy and weird and you walked right by him without saying anything,” Amelia said. “And then a minute later he saw Ben come out of the storeroom, so he figured you two were in there together, which must mean, you know. So he asked Ben, and Ben said he was taking you out on a date tonight.”

I shook my head. “If there’s a downside to a family business, it’s this.”

Zoe lifted her eyebrows and set the garment bag on my bed. “Wow, Shannon. Getting freaky in the Big House? I’m impressed.”

“We didn’t get freaky,” I said. “We just… kissed.”

They all gasped at once.

“He kissed you?”

“It finally happened?”

“Go, Ben.”

I held up my hands. “Okay, yes, he kissed me. And he asked me to dinner.”

“This is so romantic,” Hannah said. She swiped beneath her eyes and sniffed. “Sorry, I’m just a little emotional right now.”

“And Ben asking you to dinner leads us full circle,” Zoe said. “Let’s get you date-ready.”

Claire Kingsley's Books