Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(96)

When I finally did arrive, they were about ten minutes into the second quarter so I hadn’t missed much. To my dismay, Quinn had packed the dress and boots I had gotten while in Texas. I knew what she was doing and I didn’t appreciate it. I just wanted to be invisible, sit in some corner of the stands, and leave without anyone seeing me. Quinn knew I would try that as well, so she made me swear I would come sit by her.

As I walked up the stairs into the stands, I heard Quinn, Jace, and Jaxon’s voices. I froze and took a deep breath in and out. I could do this; I needed to get over the fact that I would see him. I continued walking up when I noticed Jaxon leaning up against the stands barrier talking to the two of them. Whatever they were talking about, it wasn’t a pleasant conversation. Jace and Quinn looked mad at Jaxon and he didn’t look happy with them either. Today the crowd was way too excited and loud for me to hear what they were saying.

When I stepped up onto the final step, Jaxon turned his head and looked right at me. I watched as he took a faltering step back and sucked in air between his teeth. At least I still affected him, even if he didn’t want me anymore. I knew that this dress and these boots looked good on me. Jaxon had liked how the dress pushed up my breasts and dipped down just a little bit to show off my cleavage. I knew what he was looking at right then. I turned my eyes away from him and headed toward Quinn.

When I approached, I noticed that the only empty seat available was on the other side of Jace. There was no way I would sit next to my ex-boyfriends identical twin. I was so deprived and needy of Jaxon right now that I wasn’t sure I would be able to control my actions around a guy who looked exactly like him. I couldn’t even look at him. It was too painful. I knew Jace was searching my face for me to acknowledge him, and I shouldn’t take this breakup out on him, but I just needed time.

I walked up to the girl sitting next to Quinn and knelt down to speak in her ear since it was so loud. “Hey, how would you like to switch seats? You can sit next to that hunk right there,” I said, pointing to Jace.

She looked over and I saw her eyes light up, “Sure!”

She got up and sashayed toward Jace and sat down with the most seduction I had ever seen a girl put into sitting in a chair. She turned her body to face him and stuck out her chest. I sat down in her chair next to Quinn, and Jace turned in his, putting his back to the new girl.

“Em, please don’t ignore me.”

“I’m not ignoring you, Jace, it just hurts too much right now to see you,” I said, looking forward.

He sighed and leaned back in his seat. I noticed Jaxon had already made it back to the bench and had his back facing us. He was leaning forward with his forearms lying on the tops of his legs watching the game. I searched for Cole and finally spotted him on the opposite side of the bench from Jax, glaring daggers at him.

“He asked about you. If you were okay,” I heard Jace say over Quinn.

“Yeah, and I told him to shove his concern up his ass. I’m not going to tell him anything about you,” Quinn said, sounding frustrated.

That made me laugh. “Quinn, your moods are so confusing. Yesterday, you were pissed at me, now today you’re pissed at Jaxon.”

“Yes, that was before Cole and I lay with you all night while you cried your eyes out all night long.” She grabbed my hand and squeezed.

“You cried all night, Ems?” Jace looked at me with those puppy-dog eyes and I couldn’t look away. “I’ve never been so mad at him, not even when he tried to steal my girlfriend in sixth grade by pretending to be me.”

I wish they would stop making me laugh. “He did not do that!” I said while Jace nodded his head.

Kimberly Lauren's Books