Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(98)

“I’m out, I have plans. See you later, Quinny. Congrats guys,” I said while walking away.

“Emerson, just stay, I’m leaving. No one here wants to talk to me anyway,” that intoxicating voice said.

I turned around to face the group, while continuing my backward retreat. “Like I told them earlier, this was all my fault; they don’t have any reason to be mad at you. I hope you guys have a nice night.”

“It’s okay if we hang out in the same group. We were friends first, you know.”

“It might be easy for you, but it’s almost impossible for me.” I continued my retreat and then turned to shout one last thing to him, “It’s Em, by the way; Emerson doesn’t exist anymore.” Right before I turned around I saw his mouth gape open with surprise at my words.

I walked as fast as I possibly could, while still appearing normal. When I disappeared into the crowd and knew he couldn’t see me anymore, I took off running for my car. When I reached it and threw myself into the driver’s seat, I laid my head down onto the steering wheel. I took off my stupid boots and threw them into the backseat. All the pain from seeing him started flowing from my eyes. A few moments later, there was a gentle tapping on my window. For the second time this week, I found myself wishing that Jaxon hadn’t come to see my misery, and then opening my eyes to find Devon.

I opened my car door so he wouldn’t have to talk to me through my window. He squatted and sat down on the running board of my car, facing me.

“Still upset from the other night when we went out, Ems?” he asked.

“Nah, I’ve just had reality thrown in my face since then, that’s all.”

“Want to talk about it?” he asked kindly.

“I think I’ve done enough damage by running off with you once already, Devon. But I did want to thank you for watching over me that night, and making sure I got home safely. That was generous of you.”

“Where’s the superstar boyfriend?” he asked, looking around. When I winced in pain, his eyes widened a bit. “Wait… he didn’t break up with you for hanging out with me, did he?”

“That wasn’t the only reason, it was mostly a compilation of all my f*ck-ups. Apparently running away from your problems isn’t the right answer.” I laid my forehead back down on the steering wheel. “I’m surprised you didn’t hear about ‘The Great Em Embarrassment’ in the courtyard. At least that’s what I call it. I made a fool out myself. For a guy. Who would have guessed?”

“I heard you guys had a pretty loud fight, but I didn’t realize…” He was quiet for a few moments, “Well, he’s just a douche and the biggest idiot I’ve never even met.”

At that exact moment I spotted Jaxon and Jace walking across the parking lot toward the truck and they were both looking right at us. I laid my head down on the steering wheel and groaned. Perfect, just freaking perfect. When I looked back up they were both already inside the cab of the truck and backing out.

“Thanks, Devon.” I offered him a weak smile. “I think I’m going to head on home though.”

“Alright. Well, you have my number if you ever need to vent. I’m heading back up north tomorrow. It was good seeing you, even under these circumstances.” With my goodbyes, I closed my door and drove home to my bed.

Chapter Eighteen

The Note

I was proud of myself for not skipping out on any classes. If there was anything I wouldn’t forgive myself for, it would be failing out of my junior year of college because I broke up with my first boyfriend. I was able to get seats in the back of the class away from Jaxon in our shared classes. I didn’t meet up with Jace anymore after English, nor did I join them in the cafeteria after I noticed Jaxon sitting with them the day after the championship game. That was an awkward moment because as soon as I saw him, I back-pedaled out of the room as fast as I could and I know they all saw me do it.

Kimberly Lauren's Books