Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(91)

“I’m sorry, I’m really confused about what you’re saying right now.”

“I can understand the confusion. I tried to get a hold of Mr. or Mrs. Moore first, but I haven’t been able to locate a working number for them.”

“Um… my parents actually passed away six years ago on my fifteenth birthday, Mr. Gordon.” I can’t believe I had to talk about this, today of all days. The very reason I ran away from the people I love, and I was now being forced to face it anyway.

“What? They were just in my office that morning setting up this account for you, how is that possible?” Well gee, I don’t know, why don’t you ask the lady who thought it was okay to drive while barely being able to keep her eyes open.

I couldn’t feel my fingers anymore, and I’m pretty sure all of the blood was rushing out of my body. “What do you mean they were with you that morning, Mr. Gordon? My parents were having an affair and they died in a car accident when they were going back home.”

“Oh, that’s not possible. There was no way Robert and Michelle were having an affair of any kind. I distinctly remember they could barely stand being in the same room together when they came in. I overheard him getting mad at her for being irresponsible with her car, which was the reason he had to pick her up that morning.”

“I think I have to go, Mr. Gordon, I…. have to… be somewhere… else.” I’m alsofreaking out, but you don’t need to know that.

“I’m really sorry if I’ve said something to upset you. Please just come by my office anytime and I’ll get you to sign the paperwork for the account. It’s quite a significant amount of money.”

The only thing I remember the rest of that day is hanging up the phone and taking shot after shot until I passed out in my bed.


I was being jostled awake and I was about to punch the person responsible for doing it. My stomach wasn’t appreciating the movement either. I remember finally waking up sick at one point last night. I’d never been this drunk, so it figures that it was time to pay the price. As I became more and more aware of my surroundings, I realized I was hugging the toilet. Yeah, now I remember spending the night on the soothing, cool tile floor.

“If that’s you, Quinn, back away, I don’t want to have to punch you. If that’s you, Jaxon, you have three seconds till I do punch you,” I moaned into the bowl.

“Yeah, if you can ever get Jaxon to talk to you again,” Quinn said.

“Shut up, Quinn, go away so I can shower.”

“Are you done being a colossal bitch? Are you finished drinking yourself stupid?” She was pissed at me. I’d have to sweeten her up later and apologize.

“Geez, Quinn, lay off. I’m sure by now you know what happened.” I moved to sit against the wall with my hands over my eyes.

“Take a shower, Emerson, you reek.” She slammed the door on her way out. She just full-named me. That means she’s extremely pissed.

I tried to take as long as I possibly could in the shower. I hated a pissed-off Quinn, but standing for too long had proven to be too difficult. The shower walls were spinning around me, so I had to get out. I brushed my teeth and walked out to the living room to sit on the couch. Cole was lounging across it when I entered.

“Oh great, have you come to view my lashing as well, or are you going to be joining in, Coley?” I noticed Quinn was in the kitchen smashing pots and pans around.

“I’m here because I’m worried about you, Emmy,” he said, looking at me sincerely.

Kimberly Lauren's Books