Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(90)

“Whatever you want to think, Em,” he replied. “Ally’s cool though, she understands.”

Could I really have broken his heart? I hadn’t thought it was that serious. “That’s nice of you to let her know what’s going on.”

Exactly what I should be doing right now with Jaxon, but I had left my phone in the car since it wouldn’t quit ringing. He’ll understand too when I explain it all to him in a couple of days. Jaxon is the most understanding person I know and I’m crazy about him. He’ll understand when I finally have the guts to tell him what tomorrow is. But for now, I drink.

We ended up going to three more bars after that one and I was able to dance to try and forget as much as possible. Devon stayed close enough to keep me safe. A couple of times he tried to ask me if there was anything going on that he could help with, but I just shook my head and continued the destruction of my liver. Around our second bar, I looked down at my hand and gazed at the small hearts that Jaxon had drawn all over my palm this morning when were lying in bed. I remember relaxing on his chest as he drew each one of the hearts. Some were big and some were so tiny you could barely make out that they were even hearts. All together, it made a beautiful collage on my hand. This morning seemed like light years ago.

Finally, right before the sun came up, Devon dropped me off at the apartment. He had to walk me up the stairs and to my door because I could barely function on my own anymore. I inserted my key as quietly as possible into the lock and walked in. Right away, I noticed Jaxon passed out on our couch. He must have been waiting for me to get home. I had about thirty missed calls between him and Quinn on my phone. They weren’t going to go easy on me once we finally talked. I tiptoed past him and went straight for my bed. I made sure to lock my door before going to sleep. The last thing I remember is my face hitting the pillow before I crashed hard.

Chapter Sixteen

The Trust Fund

The next day, when I started coming back from the dead, I rolled over to look at the clock on my phone. It was already after three in the afternoon, so much for trying to make any of my classes today. At least this day was almost over already. The less of this day I had to endure, the better. I had a hangover from hell and the only thing I was going to do about it was drink some more to dull the pain. I noticed I only had two missed calls, one from Jace and the other from Devon. I’d have to call them back tomorrow. I didn’t have any more missed calls from Jaxon or Quinn since I had gotten home last night, so they must know I’m here by now.

I walked to my door and quietly opened it. My plan was to hole up in my room drinking until this day was over, since I still didn’t want to talk to anyone. I needed to go to the bathroom though and grab some essentials from the kitchen. Once I got out into the hallway, I realized that there wasn’t anyone here. Jaxon must have decided to go to class, and I know he still had football practice this afternoon.

When I got back to my room, my phone was ringing. I answered it when I noticed it wasn’t Jaxon, Quinn, Cole, or Jace.


“Yes, is this Emerson Moore?”

“Yes sir, can I ask who is calling?”

“This is William Gordon calling from the Law Offices of Gordon, Simon & Bates.”

“Um, okay.” I had forgotten about calling him back and now I was wishing I hadn’t answered my phone at all.

“Sorry, this call seems out of the blue. Your parents actually set up a trust fund for you when you were born. Six years ago, they came to me to control it and I am supposed to contact you on your twenty-first birthday to relinquish the funds to you. They have grown quite dramatically since your parents first set them up.”

Kimberly Lauren's Books