Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(88)

And… I was sober. Thanks a lot, bitch. I was trying to find my words as I stared at the two of them. Rachel stood there smiling at me, knowing exactly what she had just said.

Quinn stepped in before Jaxon could comment, “You’ve been on the motorcycle with Jaxon? Are you sure it wasn’t Jace?” she gasped.

She turned her saccharine smile toward Quinn. “Oh, I know who I had between my thighs; it was definitely this hunky guy right here.” She patted his chest, while I heard him groan and I almost ripped her arm out of its socket, but I was completely frozen.

When had this happened? If she was just now bringing this up, was it while we had been dating? Even if we hadn’t been dating yet, I’ve been asking to go on that motorcycle since the first day of school and he always told me ‘no’. Why would he take her?

“You remember, silly, it was that night after the game.” She turned toward Jaxon. “When we were all at that party. Actually, it was at Quinn and Em’s apartment. You came up to me to ask me to leave with you. We had so much fun.” She smiled brightly, while pretending to stare off at a fond memory.

I was going to be sick. On one hand, I had no room to be mad. I had pissed him off that night and told him to back off of me. I remember him leaving with Rachel. He told me that he had just taken her home. Rachel made it sound like a lot more had happened. Why take the motorcycle though?

“Shut up, Rachel, I took you home and that was it,” Jaxon growled at her.

She shrugged her shoulders and walked out with her crew following behind. Her damage had already been done and she knew it. I started backing out of the kitchen toward the patio door.

“Don’t do this, Emerson. Don’t you dare start running from me. I get to at least explain the situation.” He looked at me, angrily coming toward me.

“What’s there to explain? I think I understand pretty clearly. I told you to back off from me that night, and anything that happened after that, I deserved.” He didn’t understand that this was my fault not his. I continued my retreat slowly. He stepped around me to block the patio door.

“When I left with her that night and got all the way down to the garage, I only had keys to the motorcycle. I was so angry with myself and with you; I needed to get out of there as soon as possible. So I got on the bike with her. I’m sorry, babe.” I couldn’t look at him, even though there was no reason for him to apologize. When I didn’t reply, he continued. “Let’s go home so we can talk, please.” I could tell he was trying his hardest to calm his voice down for me.

“Oh, I definitely can’t go home yet, I have way too much alcohol to consume before this night’s over. And seeing as how Rachel just sobered me up, I’m not too happy I have to start from square one now.”

Getting away from everyone before I ruined everything was priority one. If they could all just leave me alone until after tomorrow, I swear I’ll be back to normal. I just needed them to leave me alone until then, but I couldn’t explain that to them. I stared at all three of them, urging them to understand me without making me say it.

“I’m not mad at you, Jaxon.” He needed to know that, even though I hated that he had taken her on his bike. I really was only mad at myself.

“Of course you are, babe, why else would you be trying to run away from me right now? You’re always running, when we should be talking!” He panicked and reached for me and I took another step back toward the door to the living room.

“I’m not mad. I just… I just need to be left alone. I swear I’ll be okay after tomorrow. I just can’t deal with this for the next two days,” I pleaded. “Please. Just trust me. Do this for me.”

Kimberly Lauren's Books