Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(89)

“What the hell does that mean?” he shouted. I turned and ran when he was distracted, looking at Quinn for guidance.

When I reached the living room, I heard Quinn say, “Oh my God, what is today’s date?”

Leave it to Quinn to put it together because of my big mouth. I ran faster out the front door. She’ll explain the whole thing to Jaxon and he’ll pressure me to talk about it. I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. I never wanted anyone to ask me about it. I know Quinn won’t make me, but Jaxon knows how to push every barrier I have. I just want to deal the only way I know how and then go back to normal when it’s over. Everyone always thinks we should talk about our feelings, as if that would make it better. Guess what, it doesn’t bring back my parents and it doesn’t change that my dad cheated on Ellie with my mom.

I reached the side of the house because I obviously couldn’t drive, so I just hid in the shadows of the large house. I heard footsteps following me around the side. I squeezed my eyes shut and ignored them, while trying to control my breathing so I wouldn’t have a panic attack. Please, let them just go away.

I felt whoever it was lean up against the house next to me. “Shh, just take deep breaths, in and out.” It was Devon. I didn’t know whether I should be happy or sad about that. “You want to get out of here, go somewhere else?” he asked in a calming voice.

“I won’t sleep with you, Devon. I’m with Jaxon,” I said with my eyes still closed.

“Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t ask you to sleep with me then, huh? I have a fiancé back home that I love. I’m just trying to help you out. Call me crazy, but it seems like you don’t want to be here.”

“Understatement of the year,” I sighed. “I would actually really appreciate it if you could get me out of here.” I finally looked over at him.

“Cool, I’ll run down and get my car; meet me out front in five.”

I stayed in the shadows hiding from everyone, while I watched Devon jog offtoward his car. I hope Jaxon doesn’t see me leave with him, but he’d understand later. Especially when I tell him nothing happened. I was committed to him and Devon was committed to his fiancé; I just needed a breather.

After I hopped into his car without being stopped by anyone, he started driving up the highway that ran along the coast.

“Want me to take you home?” he said after a while.

“I don’t, but if you don’t want to hang out, I’ll understand.” My head was leaning against the headrest.

“You want to go out to bar or something? Do you have a fake ID so you can get in?” he asked.

“Actually, since it is after midnight, I can now legally get in without a fake.” He turned to look at me with a smile and I knew he was about to say that dreaded‘happy birthday’ statement. “Don’t. Forget I said that, please. Don’t mention anything birthday related.” His mouth snapped shut and he shrugged his shoulders.

The first bar we walked in was pretty quiet, so we were able to grab a spot at the bar. I ordered my own drinks and he ordered his. Separate tabs made it known we weren’t together. I watched as he texted on his phone for a while.

“Texting the fiancé?” I asked.

“Yeah, I figured I should tell Ally what’s up before she hears from someone else I was out with Em Moore,” he laughed a little bit.

“She knows who I am?” I was shocked.

“The girl who broke my heart? Ya, she knows.”

“Broke your heart? Don’t joke about that kind of stuff,” I chuckled.

Kimberly Lauren's Books